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The buzz of the air con was starting to dissatisfy me.

It was small yet determined to disrupt any aim of silence I had to drift me off into my much needed, nights sleep.

I close my eyes tighter in frustration but all I can see is the wounds of everyone in Morgen.

Poor Jason had ran all the way, looking distraught and tired even in his big intimidating wolf form. He's been sent to watch over us as a back up, I can tell that Romeo must feel a little offended perhaps but that's nothing more than a bruised ego.

I roll over, ruffling the soft feather duvet whilst doing so and place my forehead on Romeo's chest.
"Can't sleep?" He muses into the dark.
I sigh in defeat and open my eyes seeing nothing but the dark outline of his perfected profile against the distant moonlight pushing its way through the shadowed pines.
I shake my head and he quietly chuckles, his chest rising up and down.
"Lucky you." I say sarcastically.
His cool breath tickles my cheeks. "I couldn't sleep even if I tried." He says almost sadly.
"That's not so bad. You don't need it." I say, recalling the fact that he has endless amounts of energy.
"That's true." He whispers. I hear the vibrations slowly hum with the bob of his adam's apple convincing me not to sleep and miss any moment of his presence.

I sit up straight which takes him by surprise. He sits up next to me and I turn to face him, taking his hands into mine.
He chuckles, even in the dark I can sense his smirk plastered onto his face. "What is it?" He asks.
My heart beats faster I'm sure with the question I'm about to ask.
He chuckles more which makes me grip his hands tighter. "Why are you laughing?" I whisper bashfully.
"Azra, you're acting weird." He says between chuckles. "What is it? Are you nervous?"

He does make me nervous.

"No." I lie confidently which we both start enticing in laughter with.
"Come on, just tell me whatever it is." He says and holds my hands.
"Aren't you...thirsty?" I ask quietly.

I feel the regret of asking him as the silence stands as my punishment.

But my worries are soon broken by the gently stroking of his thumb on my palm.
"Your blood is different." He says "I don't feel the need to feed so much as I used to."
"Has fhat got anything to do with me being-"
"Definitely." He says all too quickly.
"Well do you want-"
"No. I can't make you do that."
I sigh. "Romeo, you aren't making me do anything. I want to help you in any way I can. I'm sure you feel some sort of need for it, I'm around you constantly."
"I have a lot of self control. As you may know." He says slyly.

Was he talking about something else?

The thought of it makes me blush and feel flustered and embarrassed. I sometimes forget that he's a boy and is only human. Well, maybe that phrase doesn't exactly fit him enough. I'm naive enough to think he hasn't thought of it since we share beds from time to time. I mentally slap myself for it.

He starts chuckling again.
"What is it? Why're you laughing like that?" I say and push him gently at his chest.
He takes my palm and holds it in place, leaning backwards so he lays on his back and I'm looking down at him, my hair trailing behind me.
The moonlight hits his eyes perfectly. They glow a fluorescent green more than they have ever before.
"You're so cute when you blush." He whispers and immediately my face heats up. "I feel as though it would be rude of me not to ask. But I would really like it if..."
"If I could call you my girlfriend."

I sit back and look away because I can't face him. My cheeks are definitely red and my heart beat races like mad. The butterflies that were caged in me flutter like roaring lions claiming dominance.

"Say something?" He says and takes my hand, taking it to his cheek where he kisses my palm.
"Doesn't my heartbeat answer for me?" I can hear my own smile in my voice. "Yes, of course."

His arms pull me down into his muscles torso, wrapping around me, pulling me close. I lift my head and find his lips that I softly kiss. Those lips that belong to me now.
He claims me as his by his tongue finding mine, they dance their serenade until I feel a small sting on my lip.

I pull away and take my fingertip to it, finding a small dot of dark liquid oozing from the sting. I look down at Romeo's emerged eyes trailing from my lips to my fingertip to my eyes.

He's about to say something, I assume an apology but I don't let him. I meet my lips with his finding my hands running through his hair. Our kiss deepens as my hot blood leeks gently onto his lips, finding him giving into the urges.

He pulls apart at last, my lips feel a little sore but his eyes look more green than ever. He wraps his arms around my neck and brings me close to him like a kid with a stuffed toy, and kisses me on my forehead.

"Thank you." He whispers and soon my eyes drift me into a sleep.

authors note:

thank you for reading!

sorry this was a little short, i've been so busy.

please vote/comment if you enjoyed!


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