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stick around at the end for an explanation about my break and the continuation of this book, happy reading.

Once we all finish our breakfasts, I'm joined by Charlie as we clean up the dishes.
The water from the tap gradually increases in temperature, I feel the hot buzz turn from my a light tingle to a painful buzz as my hands turn pink, still grabbing into the dish.
"Hey! Earth to Azra?" Charlie exclaims and turns the faucet away from me.
"Sorry, did you say something?" I ask snapping out of my daze as she takes the plate from me and wipes it dry.
"Listen Azra, this is all going to blow over soon okay? Jason's out there guarding us, and Romeo is practically your knight in shining armour." Charlie says and rubs her hand on my shoulder to reassure me. I can see that she's worried too, perhaps more than me but her bright charisma is trying to cling on to hope, and I praise her for that.
"I know." I chuckle "but it's not that." I say and dry my pink hands on a towel. "I was thinking, what happens after." I sigh and place he towel on the chair. "How are we going to go back to our normal lives?"

Charlie looks like she's searching for something in my eyes. Her face softens and a small smirk tugs at her lips. "Our lives were never normal to begin with, so what's a little fire here and there?" She says and pats my back before disappearing into the hallway.

I watch her walk down the hall thinking that she right and that I agree.

I walk upstairs with the intentions of taking a shower. I walk into Romeo and I's shared room and gather an outfit together ready for a shower after Romeo was finished until I feel a pair of damp warm hands touch my neck, they take my dark hair and twirl it over my shoulder.
"Your hands are warm." I say quietly and turn around for my eyes to be met with the long muscled torso scattered with droplets of water that only make me want to touch him even more. My eyes avert from the towel around his hips being the only item of coverage on his body making my cheeks blush furiously.
"Do you prefer them warm?" He asks, his hands cupping my face and tucking my hair behind my ear. I look up to see his smug face, like he's enjoying how flustered and embarrassed I am.
I shake my head. "I don't care for it." I manage to say and slide my way out of his grasp, taking my clothes with me and entering the bathroom, shutting the door behind me.

It took all I have to walk away from the angelic body of the vampire, noticeably from the flustered look on my face and the unavoidable smile on my face. I try to bite the smile away but it fights back, and so I give in to accept that Romeo makes my heart pound more than ever and I'm sure he knows it.

Charlie stood gazing out the window with her chin rested in her palm.

The thick wade of trees after the clearing made it hard to make out any movement of any creature.
"He'll be back soon." I say and sit next to her.
She chuckles and shakes her head.
"I wasn't looking for him-"
I raise my eyebrows in suspicion and she sighs with defeat.
"Charlie I can see right through you." I chime and she pulls me into a hold to tickle me. I squirm and fall off the sofa.
We end in fits of laughter until Charlie's attention is drawn to the window again with her eyes wider.
"What is it?" I ask and pick myself up from the floor looking out the window.

In the distance at the end of the clearing the ferns part as a dark brown wolf walks through, Charlie lights up seeing that it's Jason and starts heading toward the door but I grab her wrist as my eyes spot two more wolves, one on either side of the bigger brown wolf.
One of them is a pure white, and the other the exact opposite, posing a dark fur.
"Oh my gosh. Is that Levi and Cole?" Charlie says.

Romeo beats us to the door, swiftly punching in the code as the wolves travel closer and closer, their snouts grumbling and their giant paws pounding on the floor.
"Levi! Cole!" I call out and run toward the wolves who brush past us in circles as Charlie and I meet our hands in their soft and thick fur.

The black wolf stops next to me, it's hot breath tingles my arm as it's yellow eyes meet my blue orbs. "Hi Cole." I whisper and pet his giant ears that were massive compared to my hands. His head nuzzled against my arm and a low grumble could he heard. "You've fully turned now huh?" I say and he blinks slowly.
The head of a white wolf meets my hand with his tongue licking my arm. "Ew Levi! That's gross." I say although I can't stop chucking, knowing that my friends are safe settled the anxiety in my chest.

I hear a low sigh from Romeo and I try to meet his eyes although they're pinned on the twins, especially the black wolf: Cole.
"They need to change back." I say and glance at him. "I'll grab some clothes." I'm about to head upstairs but Romeo stops me.
"I'll do it." He offers in a monotone voice and disappears with a blink of an eye, but before he does I catch a cold look on his face.

His gesture surprises me but my attention is drawn to Charlie and Jason who look like they're communicating without words.
The black and white beasts walk their way down the hall and into the living room with their heavy tails bouncing behind them as my hand pulls itself away.
Charlie's eyes are locked with the yellow ones of Jason's before her eyes widen more with fascination.
"Uhm...Jason, the twins are going to turn back- Romeo's brought you guys a change of clothes." I still didn't feel comfortable calling this giant wolf the name of my best friends' brother even tho they're wolves themselves. It was all still going to take some time getting used to.
The dark brown wolf's head turned to glance at me before turning back to Charlie.
"I'll see you soon." She says before the dark brown wolf makes its way down the hall.

"You're so smitten." I remark as Charlie looks down the hall like he's still there.
"Is it weird that even when he's like that I feel...."
She sighs with relief and shakes her head in denial.
"Oh Charlie, it's called 'butterflies' " I say and she places a finger on her lips.
"Shhhh! He can hear you." She whispers but I shrug.

I've gotten quite used to the fact that nothing I say or even cough within half a mile, is a secret anymore. I was about to bring up Romeo's cold glance to Charlie but seeing his tall figure walking down the stairs stops my lips from parting.

author's note:



thank you so much for all your support, wether it's a comment, a vote or even a follow i really appreciate it. i can not believe the amount of reads on this, it means so much to me that you guys like it.
i can't wait to continue writing, as exams are finally over i can actually be a human again.

thank you for being so patient and understanding and i couldn't ask more from you guys.

as i have said before, you can always message me if you feel like you need to vent or if you feel like you need someone to listen/talk to, the break that i took from writing was because of stress and all sorts so i wouldn't want you guys to feel the way i felt.

i really hope you enjoy this chapter, and the many more to come.


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