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Jason makes a funny comment and Charlie bursts into a fit of giggles as Cole and I remove ourselves and sit on the couch with teas in our hand.
"What's with those two?" He asks and I gulp down the hot tea, relieving my cold throat.
A smirk grows on my lips. "I don't know, ask your brother." I wiggle my eyebrows and give him a look.

A few seconds of eye contact between us and his eyes widen.
"We are not thinking the same thing." He says at last and a can't help but laugh at this adorable delay of realisation.
"I mean, listen to them." I say and we both pan our ears to their conversation.
Cole leans back and peers into the kitchen, spotting Jason leaning next to Charlie on the counter.
"Hell no." He says and shakes his head.
"Why not? I think it's cute." I say and take a sip innocently.
He shakes his head even more. "Do you know how gross it is to see your brother and best friend get it on?"
I nearly choke on my tea.
"They aren't 'getting it on', they're just you know...flirting." I say.
He raises a brow. "Pretty soon it's not gonna be shared giggles, it's gonna be shared intimacies and even more." He says.
I swat him on his shoulder and realise that when my palm hit him, he barely moved and the muscles underneath my hand were stiff like they were made of concrete.

Will me and Romeo be like that soon? I mean we have shared very intimate moments. Well, for Vampires anyways. But what's intimate to humans isn't the same.
Would him and I ever travel that far into our relationship?

The thought of his lips and touch elsewhere have of course tickled my mind, surely it must have hit him too. He's watched me sleep for goodness sake!
Were his intentions as innocent as I thought they were?

His long leanly muscled torso crosses my mind as when I saw it last. Just the glint of flesh remains in my head, I crave for the sight of it again.
"You're blushing." Cole says and I shake my head out of my thought spiral.
"What?" I mumble and take a sip from my tea hoping that the cup would cover my embarrassing show of bashfulness, destined to reveal my private thoughts.
"What's got you so hot and bothered?" He asks and I find him gradually moving closer toward me like he's studying my face.
I swallow my tea in a giant gulp and shrug.
"I don't know what you're talking about." I say and he moves back.

"Where's Gabby and Mila?" I ask and look around the living room, taking note of the warm red theme that accents the red brick fireplace and the chopped wooden ornaments gathered by the mantelpiece.
"She's gone to run some errands. She should be back any moment now-"
As soon as he said that the front door opens and I hear Gabby's voice talking to another female with the rustle of plastic bags.

We walk toward them and I see Lexi carrying bags of her groceries and Gabby with Mila clasped in her hand.
She takes the shoulder bag off her shoulder and puts a hand on her chest.
"Oh hello there Azra! You scared me there darling. How are you? Come to visit Levi? How is he doing? Still sleeping I assume." She says and Mila lets go of her grasp and runs toward Cole, grabbing onto his leg begging for her older brother's attention.
"He's still resting." Cole says and I can't fake my eyes off of Lexi. She steps the bags down and we make eye contact.
"Fancy seeing you here." She says and gives me a glistening glossy smile before making her way to the kitchen, setting down the plastic bags pushing Charlie and Jason apart who's attention had caught onto the outside world apart from their own.
"Do you two know eachother?" Gabby says after she greets Charlie and kisses Jason ok the cheek to which his pale face grows pink.
"Uh yeah, we met at the offices a few days ago." I say. "And today at the store-"
Lexi suddenly rustles the bags making a loud crinkling noise of the plastic and gives me an eyeing look.

Of course, we were supposed to be at school today.

"Well, it's nice to see you again Azra." Lexi says and I give her a humble smile of thanks.
"What's all this for?" Charlie asks looking over into the bags that are filled with the exact packages of meat I saw in Lexi's trolley today.
"Levi." Cole says with Mila in his arms who's poking his face like he's play dough.
"He's going to be pretty hungry soon" Jason says and takes the bags in his hands. "Help put these in the freezer?" He asks and Charlie immediately follows happy to be of service.

"So you are..."
"A non-human, a wolf to be exact. And I didn't realise you were too, I had a lot of human whiffs off of you." Lexi says and I put my hands in front of me.
"Oh no no, I'm just a human." I say pathetically and Gabby wraps an arm around me.
"She's a great help." She says and rubs my shoulder giving me that extra warmth that I so crave.
"This all must be crazy to you then." Lexi says and starts making some tea.
"A little bit but I've got used to it." I say.
"It's not the worst thing I mean she's dating a vampire." Cole interrupts and Mila sticks her tongue out at the word 'vampire'.
Lexi's eyes widen. "Wow. Let me guess, Montgomery?"
I nod curiously as to how she knew, but my questions answered as I realise that everyone knows who Romeo is.
"So how's that then?" She asks and folds her arms.
I bashfully look away and shrug. "It's different than anything I had expected but it's good. Really good."
There's a pause.
"Just be careful. Keep an eye on her squirt." She says as she turns to Cole and points to me.
There's a pause where Gabby assumes I feel pressured and her grip around me softens. "Now come on, leave her alone. She's a smart girl and Romeo is really a gentleman. He even helped last night with Levi." She says and I dart my eyes toward her.
"Last night?" I ask and furrow my brows.
Gabby nods and is taken aback.
"Yes, after he took you back. Didn't you know?" She says and I slowly shake my head.
"He didn't tell me..." I mumble and try to think why.

I'm being sensitive, I know but I can't help but think why he didn't mention it to me at all.

"Well, there's the first one. Lies." Lexi says and slides a mug of tea toward Gabby and refills my semi empty cup.

authors note:

sorry this is posted a little later than usual!

what are your thoughts on me posting every other day? recently i have so much on my plate that it's getting harder and harder to write and find time to cram something in.
let me know what you think, and thank you for reading.

please vote/comment!


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