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"May I go to the bathroom?" I ask as I've had enough of my friends teasing me about the night with Romeo.
They all laugh and I roll my eyes before excusing myself.

I walk down the empty hallway, being disturbed by the flashing light at the end. The yellow light flickered on and off with a buzzing sound that hummed in my ears. I walk closer, passing the bathroom doors until I'm standing under the light.
The humming suddenly stops and that light turns off. Leaving me standing in a dimmer area.

"I've tried that and she wasn't there, and now she's surrounded by a gang of them all and not to mention the Vissa's have an eye on her. Yes. Okay. Then what? What if I miss again? Yeah well soon that excuse is going to grow tired, I've already had an email from a parent about fire protection."
The voice was hushed but annoyed. I recognise it from somewhere.
I turn my head and see the half open blinds to Miss Merzion's office.
I peek through and notice that she's hunched over her desk, with her phone pressed to her ear. She can't see me through the tiny gaps and so I put my ear to the window to hear better.

The cold glass hits my ear, but it's worth it because I can hear her much more clearly now.

"People are going to get suspicious and I can't kill them all- I'm sorry I'm sorry. I'll do my best. I don't know, the job would have been done by now. I suspect someone's protecting her. They probably killed that Vedovela, she would never have the capability. She's stuck in a stupid human girl, doesn't remember a thing at all."

I frown. My heart races.
It's not a coincidence that she's mentioned Charlie's family name. And the killing of the Vedovela right? But what does she mean that she 'tried'.

Something in my gut twists with revulsion. Miss Merzion started the fire.

I don't hear her speak for a long time, but I hear a shuffling. I pull my ear from the window and make my way back to the class.

I eagerly shut the door behind me and creep my way back to my seat.
"Are you okay?" Cole asks and I nod impatiently.
"I have something you guys should know." I say quietly. They all look at each other with confused faces until we get to lunch and they soon get irritated.

"What is it Azra? You look like you've seen a ghost." Levi says and as we sit I look around and see that no one is listening.
"I think Miss Merzion was the one that started the fire." I whisper.

They frown and shake thief heads.
"What do you mean?"
"What proof do you have?"
The twins chime and I tell them everything, missing out the Vedovela part.

Charlie doesn't say anything even when I mention that I heard her surname too.
"Are you sure you didn't mishear? What were you doing anyways?"
"Does that really matter? And yes I'm sure I didn't mishear." I reply to Cole who's skeptical.
"So you're saying that she's like a hitman?" He says and I sigh angrily.
"Can you stop mocking me for a moment? I'm serious. I heard what I heard."
"I believe you. I overheard my mother say something the other day about it. It's not only her that's suspicious either..." she glanced at the twins who shut up.

Thank god I have a Charlie.

Levi bites his lips and turns quiet.
"Yeah I don't know Azzy. I believe you but this just seems a bit...much? Think about it, you're saying that the headteacher burned her own school. And for what? Her hitman boss?" I shrug feeling stupid.
"Shut up Levi." Cole says and gives him a stare.
"I'm just saying, I know what I heard." I add and continue with my lunch.

After lunch we walk with the twins to check the boards. But Charlie pulls me to the side.
"I totally believe you by the way, did she say anything else?" She whispers.
"She mentioned the Vedovela. I'm not sure if it is the one that, you know, but I don't know."
"Oddly specific."
"She also said something about someone being stuck in a human body?"
I can't help but think that that 'stupid human girl' is me.
Charlie looks at me and narrows her eyes.
"I'll let my mum know. See what she can get out of it."
I nod and we stop once we reach the boards.

The twins clammer over each other and run their fingers down the list of names until Levi bursts out with a "HELL YEAH!".
"YES!" Cole shouted and they both hit each other on their backs.
Levi grabs Charlie and shakes her. "We made it!"
Charlie winces but laughs.
Cole and I raise our brows and laugh. Though there's a tension between us making me feel like we should hug or something because his brother and Charlie are.
"Well done, you must be so proud of yourselves." I say and Cole tries to hide a grin.
I place a hand on his arm and give him a delicate squeeze.
"Thanks, maybe you really are a lucky charm."

We head toward class and I'm surprised to see Romeo say at the back, leaning back in his chair with a piece of hair in his face. I smile and walk briskly toward him. I brush past his desk and his fingers run my thigh, sending tingles down my legs.

I give him a side eye and sit down next to him, whilst the twins sit in front of us and Charlie sits next to me on the other side.

"I have something to tell you." I whisper, looking straight ahead at the whiteboard so the teacher doesn't suspect anything.
He nods and taps his pen on his desk.

"I have something to tell you, too." He whispers back and it sparks my interest. My eyes glance at him and he glances back at me. We both have snug smiles on our faces until Levi stands up, scraping his chair behind him, getting attention from the whole class.
"Excuse me Mr Maccon? Would you like to be excused?"
Levi doesn't say anything but clenches his fists.
"Lev?" Cole whispers. "What the f!ck are you doing?"
Levi suddenly storms out of class, not sharing either of us a look.

The teacher looks offended and tries to walk after him but stumbles because Cole runs after him leaving two empty seats in front of us.
The class turn to look at Charlie and I as they know we are their friends, feeling some responsibility against us.
But we look at each other, as confused as ever.

authors note:

i loved writing this chapter! i was waiting for ages to finally put some pieces together and not leave you guys thinking that there are giant plot holes enough to fill Russia.

please vote/comment !!

have a lovely weekend!


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