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As soon as we walked back to class, I sent a text to Romeo. "We'll meet after the lacrosse tryouts." Charlie said and I agreed. We couldn't let the twins down after promising we would be there.

Me: Meet outside at 5:30, we need to see Charlie's mum. Asap. x

I hesitated, wether or not to add the 'x' and just said to myself "F!ck it".
I hit send and by then I couldn't change my mind.

As I sat through maths, having not a clue what topic we were even covering, Charlie tapped my shoulder. I must have looked dazed and like I was in another dimension.
"It's gonna be okay. My mum will listen to reason." She whispered and gave me a sorry look. I know that it's not her fault but I can't help but feel angry that she even picked up that stupid necklace.

After class was finished and lunchtime came around, we sat all together outside as it wasn't raining or too dreary for once.
In between taking bites from my cold sandwich I look around seeing many students go about their business, wondering if they ever knew anything about the other world. The non human side of Morgenstel. I was also wondering where Romeo was. I hadn't received a text back and his seat in class was empty, though this wasn't new to anyone else, I half felt disappointed.

"Woah that's a lot of ham." Charlie said, gesturing at Cole's plate. He had two sandwiches filled with just ham.
"And?" He said starting to get offended. "I'm trying to bulk up."
"What, for girls?" Levi snidely commented.
"For lacrosse." Cole gave a menacing glare to his brother and kicked him under the table. Cole's embarrassment made me laugh and he gave me a look.
"As if." Charlie said "You're both already pretty buff, what's the sudden urgency?"
"He's trying to impress someone." Levi whispers loudly and Cole kicks him again.
"Shut your mouth Levi that's not true!"

I felt bad that they were both teasing Cole. He's clearly insecure and I would want to support him. I know Charlie and Levi do, but I feel a need to stick up for him.
"Guys don't be so mean. Cole, they should like you just the way you are. I mean, how could they not?" I chime and ruffle his dark hair between my fingers.
"Thanks." He quietly mumbles bashfully and looks away whilst the others laugh.

After lunch was over, we make our way back cutting through the car park in front of the school. I trail behind the three, taking in the freshness of the air through my lungs. Something I could never get back in Oakton.
But something catches my eye.
I see Romeo's black jaguar parked in the corner. He's sitting there facing someone.

I walk a little further and I see that it's a girl sitting in the passenger seat. She's a blonde girl I recognise in the year above.
She looks at Romeo with eyes of wonder. Like he's saying the most beautiful poem strewn by his lips. I can't see the way he's looking at her, but suggestively I already know what's there.
My heart beats. It cries with hurt, like it's been punched. My stomach swirls with anguish as it feels defeated.

Did I really mean nothing to him?

I'm stupid to see the kiss as something special. Something meaningful to both of us. But I'm disappointed and let down by the realities of my stupid fantasies.

"Azra?" Levi calls and my eyes break contact with the scene before my eyes.
He walks towards me and looks ahead. He sees what I see and his face drops.
His lips part, unsure of what to say and he looks down at me only to be met with my blank expression.
"It's fine." I mumble and keep walking, my footsteps feeling heavy. I can feel Levi's stare behind me and he follows, catching up with Cole and Charlie who are talking about nonsense, unknown to the hurt I feel.

During class all I can think about is the blonde girl in his car. I can imagine his lips against her skin, his lips that belong to me. Lips that have kissed me.
"Miss Degrey?" Mrs Hales calls and I snap out of my painful daydream.
"Sorry, what was the question?"  I apologise and she gives me a pitiful stare, going on about paying attention in class and whatnot.

When school has finished, Charlie and I head to the fields where we sit in the front of the bleachers holding a bottle of water between my fingers as we wait for tryouts to start.

Then, the school colour of navy blue floods the field. Boys in our class and the years above stand in a line with their shoulder pads and white numbers on their backs.
"Look! There they are!" Charlie says and points to the twins among the boys. They put their helmets on but I can recognise the numbers on their backs. 10 and 14.
Levi waves to us and Cole nods his head cooly.

We wave back and the coach blows his whistle loudly.

As my eyes follow the boys darting from Cole at 10 and Levi at 14, Charlie turns and says "Levi told me about what happened. Don't kill him."
I look down at the rich green blades grass. I don't want her to see my face.
"Its not a big deal. It's not like me and Romeo are a thing anyways." I reply hatefully.
"But didn't you guys kiss?"
I give her a questioning look as to how she new.
"When I held your hand this morning, a vision passed through me."

So that's how her witchy intel worked.

I nod and pull and awkward smile into a tight line.
"Great." I say sarcastically and then lean my palms back into the bench.
"I'm really sorry Azra. I don't know what to tell you." She says and looks at me though I keep my eyes on the boys.
"You did warn me. It's fine, really." I try to be convincing so I laugh it off. "It's whatever." I shrug.
She doesn't seem convinced but she lets go of it.

Just as the whistle blows again for the hundredth time in the past half an hour signalling for a break, my phone buzzes.

Romeo: Of course, is everything alright? x

He isn't aware of what I saw at lunchtime. And it infuriates me.
I don't have it in me to reply so I turn my phone off out of anger and slide it into my pocket.

"You guys were great!" I say, not wanting to be a Debbie-downer. I hand over a bottle of water to them both and they both take their helmets off revealing their sweaty dark hair that's pushed back.
"Are you sure?" Levi asked and wipes his forehead with a towel.
"The coach would be an idiot not to have you both on the team." Charlie said and I nod, agreeing.

A group of girls sitting on the top of the bleachers start giggling and whispering. I look up and see that they're both staring at the twins.
I can't deny it and say that they both aren't attractive, because they definitely are. Especially being equipped in their sweaty Lacrosse gear.
"Looks like you guys have a fan club." Charlie says and raises a brow. The twins look up and Levi waves at them, earning squeals in return. Cole doesn't say anything and instead gives them not even a second of a glance before the coach blows his whistle again, calling their break over.

When tryouts are done with, we part ways with the boys who are appreciative to our attendance there.
"See you guys tomorrow." I say and they wave before disappearing.

We walk toward the car park where we see a tall Romeo leaning against the post. Charlie links her arm in mine and gives me a reassuring squeeze.

I can't bare to look at him.

authors note:

do you guys think that i should change this book to be in Supernatural or stick with Vampire?

thank you for reading! please remember to vote/comment !


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