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After the nightmarish dream that I had my breakfast seemed unappetising. The salty flavour of he bacon swivelled in my mouth that I kept over chewing. The eggs seemed to get colder as I stared down at my plate, thinking about those pained faces warped in the bark of the trees like they've been screaming in pain for all of their eternity. I push down my food with a glass of water and then quickly removed myself from the dining table, sliding the remains of my food down into the bin and then putting the plate in the dishwasher. I was about to head up the stairs until I was stopped abruptly by my mother.

"Why are you in such a rush all the time? Hm?" She asked and leaned against the doorway of the study with a bunch of papers in her hand. "I just wanted to get ready for school" I lied and as soon as I said that her face lit up. "Of course, you have school" she said and I could see a frowning wrinkle appear on her forehead as I said nothing. I looked away not wanting to see her scary frown. "Well? Get a move on then?" She said irritably. She didn't need to say it twice, I immediately walked briskly up the stairs where I could feel her beady set eyes watching my every move.

I shut my bedroom door in hopes to cut off the dawning stare I could still feel on my back although she had gone as I could hear the study door shut. I sighed and decided to distract myself with what I was going to wear. I changed into a black high neck top with high waisted jeans and black boots. Slid into my suede jacket and brushed my hair, letting it sit naturally.

After getting ready I walked downstairs, my chunky heeled boots making the floorboards creek again which was sure to give away what I was doing. I wander how I was going to get to school. I was supposed to find out yesterday, would my mother drive me?

She stepped out of the study, locking the door behind herself and then looked at me like she wasn't expecting me there. Was she locking it to keep me out?
"What?" She said rudely and raised a brow. "Nothing." I mumbled. "How do I get to school?" I asked quietly and she pointed to the door. "It's in walking distance, turn right at the end and you'll see it." She said and walked off down the hall with her heels clicking on the floor. I nodded and left without saying goodbye. I wonder what had gotten her in this odd irritable state this morning. Last night she seemed almost happy, but now everything I did would annoy her. "Bitxh" I mumbled quietly as I exited the house.

I walked down the street, hearing behind me a hushed conversation. I glanced behind me to see two boys, twins by the looks of it walking a few meters behind me. They must live near me, they had backpacks with them and looked like they were heading to school. As soon as I glanced at them they turned away and shut their mouths like I had caught them. I carried on walking until they started whispering again. I heard words like "new girl" and "number 14". Then I heard "Morgen high". I smiled a little and stopped walking.

"Uh hey?" I said and turned around. They instantly froze in their place and looked at each other with surprise. "Uhm are you guys headed to Morgenstel High?" I asked with a trying hard smile on my face.
The boys looked at each other before the one not the left nudged the other. "Uh yeah...are you new?" He said. He had longer hair than the other, apart from their different colour tops, they were identical. From their dark hair to their warm eyes. They had chiselled features and small lips that had some sort of settled grin. "Well duh she is" the shorter haired one said and rolled his eyes. "Well it's rude to just point it out! What else did you want me to say?" The other replied. "Uh guys?" I said still standing there awkwardly. They both took their attention to me. "Sorry, I'm Levi" the longer haired on said and took out his hand for me to shake. Surprised by this old fashioned gesture I giggled a bit and took my hand from my bag strap to his. "Dude you're so embarrassing" the other one said as he rolled his eyes. "Who even shakes people's hands anymore? Anyways I'm Cole." The shorter haired one spoke and nodded at me which I replied with a smile.

We then started walking, with me jammed between them as they guided the way to school. "So where are you from?" Levi said. "Actually I was born here. But moved when I was younger. Now I'm back." I replied and shrugged. No one seemed to believe that I was actually born here. "What? What made you move away?" Cole asked. I wasn't sure what to say. Shouldn't he be asking why I moved back? "Well we moved away because of my dads job." I replied.
"I know what you're thinking. Shouldn't we be asking you why you're back? In this werido town right?" Levi said. I nodded; it was easy enough to guess. "Listen, you may think this town is creepy, and for sure it is. I'm sure wherever you lived before is known to be great and whatever. But I promise you, Morgenstel is a haven for obscurities." He said.
I frowned a little in confusion. At that, Cole interrupted. "Loads of weird things happen that wouldn't happen anywhere else. And they all seem to just be swept under a carpet like they didn't happen at all."
I frowned more now to which Levi and Cole laughed. "Don't worry. You'll learnt to love it." They said in unison which creeped me out. But made them laugh.

It wasn't until then that I realised we stood infront of a giant gate with a "Morgenstel High" on top in black. I looked ahead to see a large building with podium stairs and a large lawn where it had many teenagers sitting or standing. There were forests of trees surrounded the back and I could tell that the woodlands was something of Morgenstel's significance. Walking up the steps living the normal. "Well this is it." Said Levi to my left.

"Welcome to Morgenstel High".


authors note:

how do you like the two new characters? i had the Dolan twins in mind...


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