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I lean against the brick wall of the cafe that sits opposite the big road, adjacent to the offices. I slide my hands in my pockets, keeping an eye out for a tall platform wearing girl.
At last I see her, making her way down the street with her head down, showing off her long beaded hair. She stands in front of the office doors and I mentally slap myself.

I hurriedly cross the road and grab her arm to the side, she squeals.
"So much for 'don't be seen' " I say.
"Sorry, I forgot. Why are we here again?" She says. "My mum is seriously going to kill me."
I sigh at her hopelessness. "Listen so my mum didn't come home last night and I-"
"Wait, your mum didn't come home?"
"Yeah, weird right? So-"
"Azra, that's pretty serious." Her face falls and she looks at me intensely.
"I mean I think she's fine but-"
"She could have gone missing!" She exclaims and then keeps her voice down as a passerby gives us an odd look.
"She isn't missing, she's done this before." I say but she takes my arm.
"What do you mean this has happened before?"
I look at her with furrowed brows. "She used to do this when I was little. It's been a while." I say trying to make it better but she doesn't look that way. Charlie's grasp on my arm softens.
"She just left you?" She says softly.
"I guess...? I had my dad most times." I mumble quietly.

Having my dad there didn't make the uneasiness I felt go away. In fact, it made it worse.
"And the other times?"
I bite the inside of my cheek as my words come out. "I was on my own."

I realise what she's getting at and why I feel an uncomfortable shift in my throat of tightening.

"Azra that's-"
"It doesn't matter, come on look! There she is!" I say and point to my mother who I just catch from the corner of my eye, dressed smartly in the same office wear coming out of the elevator after sharing a word with the receptionist.
"Sh!t she's coming!" Charlie says and we run to the side of the building with our head poking out.

"Is that her?" She asks and I nod.
My mother walks into the car park, toward her car.
"Maybe she's going back home." I suggest.
But my thought deflates as she walks past her car. She walks toward a black car with blackout windows.

"Who's that?" Charlie asks and I shrug.

Who could my mother be meeting? My question is answered when a familiar male steps out to open the door for her. It's Jack.

"Hey, he's that guy that was at my house yesterday." Charlie says and I perk up.
"What?" I whisper shout.
She looks alarmed. "Uh yeah, he had some business with my mum. You know, magic stuff. Why? Do you know him?"
I nod slowly. "He's my mums boyfriend."

My mother stands on her tip toes against her heels as she plants a kiss on Jack's cheek making my stomach churn.

"What was he doing there?" I ask.
"I don't know, all of my mums client stuff is pretty confidential."
"Can't you find out?" I ask and frown with plead.
"Maybe this was a bad idea. We should have just gone to school."
"No, Charlie you know why he was there. You just won't tell me." I say stubbornly and she folds her arms.
"Listen I really don't know but it isn't the first time he's been around. I think he comes from the north or something and he's doing something for my mum. That's all I know."
"For your mum?" I ask my suspicions of Jack reach an all time high.
"Yeah, he comes back whenever he's got news or something. That's what I'm guessing."

I bite my lip. What is this has something to do with my mum? Or maybe me? I knew there was something off about him the first time we met. Perhaps he was picking up some sort of love potion? That explains how my mums been here for not even a week and already she's got a boyfriend.

"Hello? Azra?" Charlie says and waves her ringed fingers in my face, snapping me out of my daydream.
"Sorry." I mumble.
She rubs my shoulder. "It's okay, you don't have to be. I'll tell you what, let's go pick up some groceries and then sit by Stellar River. Have a picnic." She says brightly and smiles flashing her perfect white teeth.
I nod, liking her idea. It would brighten up my spirits and make me forget them for a while.

"Cherries or Blueberries?" Charlie asks and holds up punnets of both.
"Why not both?" I ask and she agrees putting them in the basket that I'm holding in my arm.

"Hey there, Azra right?" A familiar female voice says and pokes my shoulder. My attention is drawn to her and I turn around. It's Lexi.

She's wearing a loose blouse and blue jeans that compliments her light skin tone. Her hair is as ever big and curly blonde.
"Uh yeah, hey." I say feeling awkward as the last time we met I was in a foul mood. I feel embarrassed about it and try not to go beet red.
"What's up kiddo? Aren't you guys supposed to be at school?" She asks and glanced at Charlie who's confused as ever. It seemed that with her casual attire comes casual conversation.
"Uhm well we-" I try coming up with an excuse but I can't. It's like the universe wants to get me into trouble.
She laughs and shakes her head. "I won't tell anyone, I used to bunk off all the time."
I hear Charlie's sigh of relief.
"Anyways I'm in a hurry so happy shopping." She says and gives me a friendly smile on her wide lips as she pushes her trolley. A trolley that's filled with packages of sausage, liver, chunks of beef and ribs.

I try not to judge her for her odd meat based diet and we carry on wit our picnic delight.

"How do you know her?" Charlie asks as we sit down with our picnic on a giant rock looking ahead to Stellar River.
"I bumped into her in the offices one time." I say and pick out a cherry seed, throwing it onto the grass hoping that some animal will find good use for it.
"Well look at you little miss popular of Morgen." She says and I laugh as we bite into pastries.

"Show me a trick." I say and hand her a cherry.
"A trick? I'm not a dog Azra." She says sarcastically and takes the cherry, twiddling the stalk between her fingers.
"You know what I mean." I say and she laughs.
"I learnt this one last night." She says and cups the cherry in her hand.
She closed her eyes and I kneel in front of her, excited for when she reveals her palms with no Cherry there.
"Woah! That's insane." I say and stare dumbfoundedly at her empty hands. "Where did it go?" I ask.
She laughs. "What's so funny?" I ask.
"It's in your locker." She says and bursts out in a fit of laughter.
"How did you do that?"
"It's called transportation. I can only transport small object now but my mum can transport herself anywhere she can think of." She says proudly. "I have to think of where I want it to be and I don't know why but your locker just appeared in my mind."
I laughs and the grimace. "But it's going to go mouldy!" I say and we both laugh our heads off.

"What else has your mum been teaching you?" I ask.
"Not much, just that and morphing things into different shapes. She's been telling me stories though of our ancestors and the supernatural history of Morgenstel."

A thought pops into my head.

"Hey, have you heard of the beacon of power? Or energy?" I ask cautiously.
She looks at me and cocks a brow. "Yeah I heave actually. How do you know about it?" She asks and I shrug. I can't tell her about the Maccon's can I?

"Uhm I just came across it. Romeo told me." I lie. She eyes me suspiciously but let's go of it.

"Well it's not just a story, it's a real thing. My mum reckons it's actually happening now. Right here in Morgen."
Just like what Jason said.

"But it's not going to do much. My mum and the others of Morgen have this town protected. Don't you worry bud." She says and pokes my cheek.

Even as she tries to reassure me I can't help but feel a light pressure on my chest telling me that something is about to happen.

authors note:
thank you guys so much for being patient, and thank you for all the lovely birthday messages.
you guys are honestly the best.

please vote/comment if you enjoyed this chapter!


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