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"Can I help you?" a female voice says behind me.

I turn around to see a young brunette sat at the reception. "Oh yes, I'm looking for Mrs- I mean Miss Degrey." I bite my tongue at my mistake. But the lady doesn't seem to notice.
"Miss Degrey's office is on the 4th floor. Office 4.04." She says and I nod a thanks before I head to the elevator.

I stand in the elevator, clutching the black folder to my chest. Out of curiosity, I open it up to have a look. I know I shouldn't but I do it anyways, it's not like my mother will find out.

All I see is cut out articles of "Wine and Dining" and other food critic articles. I frown in disappointment, flicking through for my curiosity to deflate. Until I get to the last page.
It's a cut out news article, but it's not from a magazine. It's from a dusty grey newspaper reading:


A shiver runs through my body as I stare at those capital letters that engrave the back of my mind. Why has my mother saved this article? And furthermore my mother had knowledge of this murder only months before we moved to Morgenstel.

The elevator rings and I slam the black folder shut before seeing that the elevator had stopped on the second floor.
The door opens and reveals Miss Merzion in her signature purple suit, matching with velvet purple slip ons.

"Oh! Azra, what a pleasant surprise." She says after staring at me in surprise.
"What is your business here?" She enquires as the elevator closes behind her and she hits the 7th floor button.
"I'm just dropping off something for my mum."

She doesn't say anything then as if she's ran out of conversation. There's not much for me and her to talk about anyways.
"Miss Merzion, how are you coping? With the whole fire at school and all." I say remembering the scorched part of the building.
I've caught her off guard. She looks down at her feet before nodding.
"Very well actually, considering. It's so unfortunate. If you know anything about it, then please let me know." It's like she's rehearsed this all in her head.
"I don't know anything, I arrived after it happened. And so did my friends." I say although that's not entirely true. Charlie was there before us but I highly doubt she had anything to do with the fire. Though a voice in the back of my head tests that with what happened to her in the forest.

"Ah yes, your friends. The Maccon's and Charlotte am I right?"
"Yes" I nod.
"Hmm Charlotte is a bit of a trouble maker. You make sure to keep her in line. Can I trust you with that?" She says and turns to me with a wrinkle in her forehead.
I slowly nod, my throat suddenly becoming dry.

Our eye contact gets interrupted by the elevator finally arriving on the fourth floor. I step out, giving her a forced smile, watching her dark eyes catch my blue orbs before the doors finally part us.

My breathing birches back as I feel more comfortable without being in a metre within her. What was she talking about? Charlie? A trouble maker?

I arrive at office 4.04, knocking three times before hearing no answer.
I hear no reply. I double check to see if I have the right office and not just a cleaning cupboard, but I'm sure that I'm right. Did the reception lady fool me?

I knock louder this time, and I get a reply.
But it's too late. I've already opened the door, revealing a tall man standing before my mother. With his hands around her waist and her hands ruffled in his hair.

I stand there with my mouth parted. My eyes wide with shock. This is why she's coming back so late. This is what she was grinning about that first time she came back from the office.

"Azra!" My mother says in surprise and pushes the mans hands off her waist. She seems flustered and her hair is slightly messy. She pushes down her skirt and stands like I've caught a child doing something bad. The guy in the grey suit placed his hands in his pockets and looks on the ground before finding my eyes.
"Sorry for interrupting." I push between my teeth like a hiss and drop the file on the floor in front of the two adults before walking out and shutting the door with force behind me.

I storm down the hall way and push the button in the elevator. I push harder and do it again and again impatiently. The image of my mothers red and flustered face makes me feel sick. Who was that man? Was that her coworker? I know that my parents have split. But why do I feel so betrayed?

I push the button again until a female voice chuckles behind me.
"It's not going to come any faster the more you press, you know." She says.
She's a tall, young, and an athletically built woman with long blond curly locks. She has a brightness in her blue eyes that are hidden by her mascara, and her slightly pink lips raise a smile that comforts me.
"I know." I say defensively like a three year old.
"Someone's sulky." She comments and I give her a glare that could kill. I'm not in the mood for any adult jokes that are just tiring and boring.
The elevator arrive and she steps in after me.
"Where to?" She asks.
"Ground floor." I hiss.
She clicks the button and looks at me with a spread smile.
"What's got you upset?" She asks and looks down at me, she's wearing heels but even then I know she's tall. She makes me actually feel like a toddler.
I huff out a sigh and shake my head.
"Boyfriend broke up with you? I mean if he's working here he's probably way to old for you." She teases me again and I give her a side glare.
"Yeah exactly." I reply sarcastically.
"What's your name?"
"I'm Lexi." She says and takes out her hand which I stare at before I shake it.
"Pleasure." I force our before leaving the elevator feeling the grin on her face behind me.

I push out the large glass doors and stomp down the steps.
"Woah, what took you so long?" Cole says as I see them stand up form leaning against a wall.
"Oh I'm sorry to keep you waiting." I say harshly and it comes out ruder than I thought.
The twins look at each other.
Levi raises his hands in defeat.
"Are you alright?" Cole asks.
"What happened in there?" His brother says. They both knit their eyebrows in concern.

"My mother has a paramour."

authors note:

are you guys getting bored of this? i feel like every chapter is getting more boring or idk???

btw for those who are confused "Paramour" means mistress but for males.

please vote or comment, it means so much to me you have no idea.


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