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"Sometimes people are lucky enough to find their mate early, maybe sometimes too early." Gabby explains "But that's not always the case. I remember my great aunt meeting her mate when she was in her late thirties." She feeds Mila a spoonful as she opens her mouth wide indicating that she wants food. "Anyways, a wolf will always find their mate, and their mate will always find them. No matter what."

After everyone has finished lunch, Jason offers to clean up as Gabby puts Mila to sleep for her nap time.
"I'll help too." I say and collect all the dishes, Romeo helping and secretly not wanting to let me alone. Cole and Levi had been sent by Gabby to do some chores, even with Levi's few days off the house had to run.
Charlie offers to help and takes the dishes off me but she's alarmed when her phone vibrates in her pocket.
"Ugh, my mum wants me back." Charlie says and sighs before sliding her phone back in. "Sorry guys, I'll see you two tomorrow?" She says go Romeo and I. We both nod and she turns to Jason, giving him a twinkle in her eye.
Jason quietly follows her to walk her out, leaving Romeo and I to exchange glances.
"What are you up to?" He whispers to me curiously and I shrug, playing innocent.

Jason walks back in and starts the dish washing whilst I dry the dishes and Romeo puts them away. We agreed that he would do this since he could actually reach the cupboards and I struggled.
"So, Jason. Charlie huh." I say, easing my way into it.
Jason freezes and then continues scrubbing with a smile on his lips. "What about it?"
"Well, is she your mate?" I ask bluntly.
He swallows and I know I've hit a nerve. I didn't realise this would be a negative response. Surely this would be a good thing once you have found your mate? Why does he look so tense?
"No." He says quietly and the water from the tap becomes louder as the silence in the room thickens.
Romeo darts me a glance and then looks back at Jason. "How do you know that?" Romeo asks.
Jason scoffs and continues rinsing the plate clean. "You wouldn't understand it but, if I say figuratively that the world would stop once you see her, maybe you can get a glimpse. You just know when you have. All your senses revolve around her. Time stops and you would do anything and everything for her. Wether she needed a friend, a brother or more." He hands me a wet dish and I dry it slowly, unsure of what to say, before handing the hot plate to Romeo.
"Don't get me wrong, she's a beautiful girl and I do like her. I know that she's not my mate, and that's fine for now. But say that my mate comes along in a month, then what? It would upset her and myself. Heck, what if I meet my mate tomorrow or even tonight?" He says and I can see the guilt he feels laying on his face.
"It's a blessing and a curse." Romeo says and takes the last dish off me.

I can't help but feel his pain. And Charlie's too.

Cole and Levi walk through the door with groceries of mainly meat, unsurprising really. I can hear them arguing already, with rough rustles of plastic bags.
"You're just jealous that I'm stronger." Levi says.
Cole stands closer to him. "Not for long. I'll be turning much sooner than you think."
"Even when you do turn nothing will change-"
I stand in between the two who are giving glares at each other like daggers.
"Guys! There is way too much of a testosterone induced arguing going on. Cut it out, you're brothers." I say and Levi storms upstairs whilst Cole looks down at me with a small smirk.
"Really? Testosterone? Get you with your science brain." He says with a light chuckle and tousled my hair unbeknownst to the glaring eyes that Romeo gives him.
I had forgotten that I covered up the hickeys with concealer. Hiding the reminder that Romeo and I belonged to one another.

But looking at Cole's bright face and dimples, with dark brows, I couldn't imagine him looking at me in any other way apart from seeing me as a friend.

After we left the Maccon's, Romeo and I took a walk through the woods.

He chuckles as he looks to the side.
"What is it?" I ask.
His lips pull back into a rare smile that I don't see anywhere else. "We met here."
I look around and it's the same clearance with the unnoticeably same trees where I first saw him. Standing in between, giving me the scare of my life.
"Yeah, I guess it is. It's weird to think where we are now." I say honestly.

If you had told me when I first moved here that I would be dating a hot vampire who I met creepily in the woods and had dreams about, I would have called you insane.
I'm sure he feels the same.

"Not really." He says which makes me stop my steps.
He nods, stopping next to me.
I shake my head. "Yeah right."
"I'm being serious. It's odd to say but I feel like we have been through worse, but I had this feeling that I was going to find you. That's why I was there in the first place. Like I had been for the past year, I knew that you were coming. I just didn't know that it was going to be, well, you."
The wind blows past my ear whispering whilst it blows my hair to the side. I'm stuck with what else to say.
"Every day I searched the forest for you. Until that day. I could actually smell you and hear your hearbeat." He chuckles "it was beating like crazy. I always thought that maybe I had gone mad, but I hadn't. I followed it until it got me here." He takes my hand in his. Enclosing it in his fingers as we walk on. Like a couple.
"A year huh?" I say. "That's a long time. I'm sorry I didn't realise otherwise I would have saved you the time."
He laughs, a melody that echoes through the tunes of trees.
"A year is nothing to me. I have plenty of time." He says.

As we walk through the forest, hand in hand, I can't help but think that what he said had some familiar feeling to it.
It's because Charlie said something similar and it's gnawing away at my mind since.

authors note:

hey guys !

i'm just wondering what you guys make of the plot so far? and maybe if there is anything I can improve on?

also i need a face claim for Charlie so if you have any suggestions that would be great.

thank you so much for reading!
please vote/comment


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