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"So the heads office is over there. Her name is Miss Merzion, pretty softcore-" "So you have nothing to worry about" Cole started and Levi finished. I nodded trying to ignore all the looks I was getting. We stood in the school hallways as teenagers made their way around us glancing at me and then at the twins who gave toothy grins back. Some turned to their friends and whispered whilst others plainly stared like they were about to drool. I guess it was weird to be a new person starting half way through the term. Even the new people at the beginning started to fit in and blend. Now I stuck out like a sore thumb on my own.

The nervous look must have appeared on my face as the twins started chuckling as they walked toward the office. "Why are they staring at me?" I whispered and looked down to avoid all the eyes on me. "It's because you're gorg-" "new!" It was Cole interrupting Levi now who was wincing as Cole elbowed him in the rib. "Anyways, here we are. We'll see you in class." Levi said and they both disappeared down the hall.

I knocked twice lightly on the door and a smooth voice answered "Come in".
I walked in with a polite smile on my face as I entered the office. The office was the usual heads office with a cabinet of aged trophies that the school Lacrosse team had won. Along with posters of fundraisers and random ornaments that looked like polite regifts from parents. The whole room screamed 'dead' as it was basically empty. There were a few boxes here and there filled with written papers but the desk and table were mainly empty.

"Ah! Welcome Miss Degrey!" A tall woman in her mid forties said as she stood up, gesturing to the seat in front of her. She had black hair that was tied into a sleek ponytail with not one single hair out of place. She wore a tight dark purple suit and had glasses hanging from the end of her pointed nose. "I hope the twins have you a warm Morgen welcome. It was them outside wasn't it?" She asked as I sat. I nodded. "Yes it was. They're very friendly." I said deciding to put in a good word for them. "So let's begin with your timetable shall we?" She said but still looked at me like she was analysing me. I wondered if I was breaking a school dress code, but looked down to see that I was wearing nothing inappropriate. And by 'inappropriate' I mean my shoulders were not exposed at all. How could I expose them? Apparently female shoulders are so distracting.

She slid over a yellow piece of paper. "Here is your timetable. Classes here, teacher name with room number there, and locker number with passcode" she said pointing with her long purple painted nails. I was beginning to wonder if purple was her favourite colour. I nodded and thanked her before taking the sheet. I swung my bag over my shoulder and was ready to leave. Until she stopped me. "Azra; I want you to know. That if there is anything, anything at all that you have a problem with or are worried about, that I'm a friendly face you can turn to. Never be afraid to pop in." She said slowly, pronouncing every syllable like she was worried she would say something else. All while saying this her dark eyes stared right at mine like she was waiting to catch me doing something. "Thank you Miss Merzion." I said and smiled to relieve the tension. I turned around and left the room with on more smile to be polite and then shutting the door, sighing with relief.

I headed down the hall nothing that there were no students in the halls at all. Classes must have started and I was late. I had an excuse but I was going to draw more attention to myself when I walk into the class.

I look down to see that I have Maths in room 2.0. I check every classroom to see if I find the right room and I still am yet to find it. Until I get this feeling that I'm being watched. I turn around to see the long empty hall with lockers down the side. All empty. No one there. I swallowed and turned back around to get a shock when someone tall is standing in front of me. I gasp and look up to see a familiar face. Romeo.

Somehow I feel more settled now even though I hadn't even heard him coming. I look up at him and at his smirk that he looked like he was trying to suppress. "Good morning Azra" he said in his smooth low voice which made my heart beat faster. "Good morning to you too Romeo" I replied. I don't know why but I feel so grateful that he had spoken to me. I expected him to ignore me at school. "How have you been since that day?" He asked and I thought back to the day we met in the forest. Then I started to think of the nightmare I had. "Good. Fine, as usual." I lied and smiled though he didn't seem convinced. "Do you possibly know where class 2.0 is? I have math now and I'm actually late." I said and he nodded. "I was heading there myself." He said and walked down the hall with me tagging along.

We walked down the hall in silence. Though for me it was barely still, my heart was racing as I felt some sort of pulling energy every time I was near him. I felt silly and almost felt flushed but stood my ground and tried to think of something to say. But I was too late, we were already here.

I followed Romeo into the class as he said "I apologise for being late Sir, I was escorting Miss Degrey here from the principles office." I swallowed as now all the students eyes were on me. Not only am I late but I'm also a newbie. "No worries Romeo, have a seat you two. Everyone welcome.......Azra" he said as he tried to find my name on his register, it had been added on at the bottom in pencil.

The heat was rushing to my cheeks as I smiled at the class generally and made my way to the back to seats, sitting next to Romeo who looked so casual and relaxed. The girl sitting next to me poked me with her pen. She had long black hair in many braids and even had beads in her hair. She had a friendly smile as I could almost feel the warmth ness coming from her. "Hey!" She whispered. "You look like you would rather die than be here." She said and I chuckled. "I can't say that I disagree." I replied in a hushed whisker as the teacher was rambling on. "I'm Charlie. Short for Charlotte but no one calls me that apart from my mum when she's mad." She said and a giggled at her honesty. "I'm Azra," I replied before the teacher saw us talking. "Charlie could you tell me what would happen if I placed 'x' in front of the bracket?" He said and Charlie looked a little embarrassed as she stood up and walked to the whiteboard.

As Charlie stood at the front of the class, I couldn't help but pay attention to the person sitting next to me. Romeo. I could see him in my peripheral vision. He was leaning his chin in his hand over the desk. His lean body fitting his black tshirt well, I could even see the definition of his back muscles through his shirt. I quit staring and immediately  looked out the window to avoid getting caught. Though I couldn't stop blushing I kept the smile on my face. So far, school wasn't so bad.


authors note:

okay so there's something dodgy with the wattpad app, when i write something it will go through a phase of deleting the last few lines???? i don't know what it is but it's making it hard to write as i am constantly having to copy everything just in case i lose it...

don't forget to vote or comment if you enjoyed it!

updated: 7th/feb/2018


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