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Romeo's point of view

I noticed the sun starting to drift onto the window breaking the darkness. The birds start chirping away their morning song and I'm reminded that another day rises.

I look down at the sleeping face of Azra.

Her dark hair frames her cheeks and her eyes are lightly shut. She shifts a little as the light starts warming up to her and she unconsciously pulls the silk sheets to cover her face.

I chuckle silently and decide to shift out of the bed, getting dressed and then heading downstairs. I quietly shut the door behind me and make my way downstairs.

Her heartbeat gets quieter and quieter the further away I walk and when I'm in the kitchen it's only a little flutter.

The pulse reminds me of the taste of her blood on my lips.
The sweet but not sickening flavour that my tongue craves over any substance I had ever had. The still blood in my veins thrive even now by the intake and I feel more awake than I have ever felt in my years of existence.

I saunter into the kitchen and already find Charlie and a human formed Jason flirtatiously hovering over the stove.

"Is this breakfast we're making or something else?" I comment.
Charlie jumps out of surprise and looks embarrassed whereas Jason, dressed in Victor's clothes that suited him quite well, had a grin on his face.
"Good morning to you, too." Charlie says as she cracks another egg onto the frying pan that already had about seven sizzling.
"Jesus, you know I don't eat right? Where did you get this all from?" I ask.
"I went about this morning to the nearest store." Jason said sliding his palms off the counter to reach for a plate.
"And the eggs are mostly for him." Charlie said and took the plate off him, sliding on five of the sunny eggs.
"Getting your daily protein intake?" I ask and his laugh bellows.
"I've been sent to give you an extra hand." He says and gestures toward Charlie as she turns to fry the bacon. "With the girls and everyone that's after them. Mostly a certain someone though." He says and points a finger upwards gesturing to Azra.

At this point I must have look offended or too still because he says suddenly "Not that Gabby doesn't think you can handle them, it makes her feel more secure, ya know what my ma's like."

I nod.
"How is she? And everyone else?" I say and I can see his eyes shift from Charlie to me.
"Everyone's all goo-"
I place my hand on his shoulder and walk him out into the conservatory out of earshot from Charlie.
"Tell me the truth." I say.
He's cautious and keeps his voice down. "The twins are fine. No more than a few sore wounds, Lexi has gone off on a no-morals ravage after Anna, the Vissa's are trying to get into contact with some of the older witch folk. Something about trying to find a plot hole in the dark magic crap. Jacks with Azra's ma the last I saw him. Not sure if she was dead or alive though."
"Did he do it?" I ask and frown with curiousness.
He shrugs. "I think they're on it."
I look a little less hopeful and cross my arms.
"I promise you that they're all doing the best they can. Anna hasn't been spotted yet but we're sure that she's far away from here. After breakfast I'm going to do rounds to make sure." He says and I nod.
"Thanks, I appreciate it." I say truthfully.

All I want is that Azra is protected at all costs. Truthfully, I don't care what happens to anyone else. If Azra were to be killed I wouldn't be able to live with myself. That's the sort of hold she has on me. I won't be able to let her go even if she wanted me to or I wanted to.
This attachment I feel toward her isn't just emotional or mental, it's physically too. Her heartbeat is like a magnet that pulls me toward her constantly. I feel more settled when her hands in mine and I feel complete when her lips meet me.

When we walk back into the kitchen, Charlie is joined by Azra as they sit at the dining table with full breakfasts on their plates.
"What were you guys talking about?" Charlie asks.

I walk around and place my hands on Azra's shoulder. I kiss her on her head and she smiles up at me tiredly. "Did you get a good nights sleep?" I ask.
She nods slowly. Her blue eyes glisten as she smiles. "Yes I did. Did you?" She says cheekily and we both laugh.
"Eat up, I'm going to take a shower." I say and give her another kiss before I walk away still able to hear their talking.

Azra's point of view

"Ew you guys are so cute it's making me not want my bacon." Charlie says.
"I'll have your bacon!" Jason says and Charlie gladly gives it to the wolf.
"So what's the plan for today?" I ask, swallowing my mouthful.
Jason starts laughing, covering his mouth. "You're not going anywhere. You're both staying here for a reason." Jason says.
"What?!" I exclaim.
"We have to protect you."
"It's for the best, Azra." Charlie joins.
"How long will we be here for?" I ask with surprise. My eyebrows crease into a furrow.
"As long as needed." Jason says.

So we're stuck here like prisoners until someone breaks in or we break out.
"What about everyone else?" I ask thinking of Cole and Levi especially. "When will they be coming?"
Jason sighs like I've asked a stupid question.
"They're not coming. It's just me, sorry to disappoint." He jokes.

Why do I have a gut feeling that tells me I won't be seeing them for a long time.

authors note:

sorry for not cutting it short, I know this just have been boring for you to read and I apologise.

Would you guys allow me to have a little break? School is getting out of hand aha


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