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The bell rang signifying lunch and so the students gathered their things as quick as possible to head out. I was finishing my last sentence when I realised I was the last one.
I looked around to see no twins or Charlie. Then I saw them all at the doorway.

I gathered my things fast and caught up with them. "Were you guys waiting for me?" I asked and Levi wrapped an arm around my shoulder playfully. "Yeah, come on its lunch time." He said though Cole gave him evils.

The cafeteria was full of hungry students, waiting to be fed. There were noisy conversations about gossip or holidays that I could hear separately. The main difference between my old school and this new school is the size. My old school was huge with double the amount of students here. I also noticed that there seemed to be more of a variety at Morgen High than any other school I've been to.

I was the last to get my food and so when I scanned the cafeteria looking like a helpless puppy, I was struck where to sit. Until I heard my name being called by Charlie. "Azra! Here!" She called and I smiled with relief as I sat opposite her and next to the twins.
Before digging into my pizza I looked around the canteen, noticing awkward eyes on me as they quickly turned away when I caught them. "They'll stop by the end of the week." Cole said and I laughed nervously as it must have been obvious. "So did you guys know each other before?" I asked them all. I seemed to have brought them together. "Well I knew of them, of course." Charlie said chewing on an apple. "We started at the start of the term." Levi said. "We had been homeschooled since we were young." Cole finished. "Home schooled? Why?" Charlie asked for me. "Because we were 'trouble children' apparently" Cole said and Levi nodded.
"We just kind of stick to ourselves." chimed the twins at the same time. "Me too" Charlie said "Me and the voices in my head."
Everyone stopped eating then and looked at her with shock. "Guys I'm kidding. I'm mentally healthy. Though I swear I do hear shit sometimes." She said and we all sighed with relief and went back to our meals.

After we were finished and exited the canteen, I looked behind me as we went through the blue double doors but saw no Romeo at all. Just more watchful eyes on me like I was a new monkey at the zoo. I wonder where he would have disappeared to. "I've got to see Mr Shaw about geography. Are any of you on that email list?" Charlie asked as we walked outside. "Ugh yes I am." Levi said glumly. "We'll see you guys later then." Charlie said and they parted ways down the hall. "I definitely did do the essay it's just I lost it! How can he expect me to spend my lunchtime....." Levi's whining complaints were her all over the yard.

Cole walked next to me slowly as we stepped outside, he munched into his apple quietly whilst I looked around. I could see the woodlands from here, covered in a sheet of mist and fog. It was like we were secluded into the depth of Morgenstel with its guard of trees. What if Romeo went for a stroll in the woods and then got lost? What if a bear had caught him? Though somehow he doesn't seem like the guy to strike me as a damsel in distress.
"He's never around at lunch." Cole said breaking the silence I realised I was holding. "What? Who?" I asked playing dumb. He gave me a look and then smirked shaking his head. "Romeo" he replied quietly. All I could get past my lips was "Oh". He bit into his Apple again and I feel the warmth coming to my cheeks in embarrassment. Was it obvious I was looking for him?
"Why?" I asked quietly, since I've already been caught I might as well go along with it. He swallowed a bite of his apple and sighed. "Dunno. I mean his car is still there." He said and pointed to a black Jaguar parked between other cars. "It's not like he needs the education anyways. His dad is the CEO of some stem cell research crap." He added.
"Doesn't mean he can't play his part in school." I said and Cole nodded. "How cocky." I said and Cole smiled a little.

The next two periods went by like a slow boat. Romeo wasn't in either of the classes to which I don't know why I was surprised. "I'll see you guys tomorrow. I've got netball practice." Charlie said "I hope your first day was less scary than the nightmares!" She walked off before a wave. She seemed oblivious to what she just said. I never mentioned my nightmares. I was sure.
"Wanna walk with us?" Cole and Levi said in unison before giving each other annoyed glares as they broke my daze. "Yes definitely. Otherwise I may get eaten by a bear. Do you even have bears here?" I asked as we walked out of the school building. "Probably. But over here, bears are the last of your problems." Cole said and Levi playfully grasped my shoulders in attempts to frighten me. "You never know what could be lurking in those deep dark woods" he said deliberately in a low 'spooky' voice to which we all laughed at.

Before we walked out of the school gates, I turned around subtly and saw that the black Jaguar had disappeared. Did he leave whilst we were in class? How did we not notice? Surely we would have heard his car drive away. Do the teachers not mind?

So first day of school was actually better than I thought. I had made some friends and had that encounter with Romeo in maths...
But the thought of going home to my mother made me feel like a weight dropped in me. I couldn't tell if she was in a bad mood or not. I recall what she was like when I left this morning and it made me swallow hard.

"Azra?" The twins said and I looked up at their concerned faces and wide brown eyes.
"Yeah?" I asked. They looked at each other and then laughed a little at my dazyness. "Uh we're here." Levi said and Cole pointed to the house behind me. Of course, I'm already at home. I chuckled a little "I'm sorry, I'm really tired. Thank you for walking me." I said and took a step toward my house. "Wait!" I said "let's exchange numbers".
This way if anything happened to me, I wouldn't feel alone. I could text them. "Of course" the boys said.

After exchanging numbers I smiled at them again before they waved goodbye, I watched as they walked down the street and disappeared with the mist.

I went to open the door but it wouldn't budge. "Huh?" I said and tried again but the door handle just rattled with my impatience. Then I walked around to see that my mothers car was there. So why was the door locked? I knocked on the door lightly and waited to hear no noise. I knocked again. "Hello? It's me" I said and I heard shuffling, getting my hopes up and took a step away from the door. But the door didn't open. My mother had to have been inside.
Why wasn't she letting me in? I walked toward the living room window to see no one inside. "Hello?" I asked and tapped the window helplessly.

Why was she locking me out?

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updated: 9th/feb/2018


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