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"Open wide!" Gabby chimed as the blonde little girl with pigtails sits in her high chair kicking her legs in excitement.

"What's her name?" I ask.
"Mila" Gabby replies. "Isn't rhat right?" She coos to baby Mila who just smiles with her mouth full of food.

I chuckle at the adorable sight. I don't think i was ever this cute as a baby. If anything, my cheeks were too chubby and my eyes were scarily blue. From the sounds of it I was either disconnected or annoying, but then again I don't hear many stories about my babyhood.

I dig into my plate, savouring every flavour. Gabby is a talented chef. I would even go as far to say that she beats my mother on this one.

I think it's something to do with the love that Gabby puts in. With my mother it's disheartened and rarely ever made for the both of us. Even though she does write recipes and critiques food in Cuisine Magazine, it's all just for her work, and I doubt she even enjoys it.

Just then Levi walks back in, followed by a tall, well built male that shakes similar features with the twins. He had the same structured face and the same deep set eyes, but instead his hair is lighter. I assume that Mila gets the blond from Gabby and the twins get the dark hair from their father.

"Good Morning Ma, morning there Mila." he says as he walks over, picks Mila up from her high chair and wraps his arms around his little sister. His accent is laid thick with Irish. It has me curious.
"Oh. Morning to you too!" Jason says as he realises I'm sat in the middle of is family.
I push out a "Morning" and a smile between mouthfuls of my toast.
"This is Azra, she's the new girl the twins keep talking about." Gabby says and gets a bashful glare from both Levi and Cole.
Jason gives a hearty laugh and sets Mila down.

"How's Morgen treatin' you?" His accent is heavy but I still understand what he's saying.
"Uhm it's actually growing on me. Besides the weather of course."
He laughs again with a wide smile spread across his face.
"You should see Dublin now, chuckin' it the week before I left. It's like that all the time, summer or winter." He says as he makes his way to the kitchen.
"He studies in Ireland." Cole says giving me an insight which I am grateful for.
"What are you studying?" I ask as Jason joins us with a full plate full of sausages and bacon only. Must be a big meat eater.
"Lycanthropy." He says before taking a mouthful. Gabby shoots him a look. "Mainly Animal studies though." Jason adds which seems to ease Gabby and she returns to feeding Mila.

"Uhm, I don't mean to pry, but how come you have an Irish accent...." I ask cautiously.
"...and no one else does?" Jason says.
"Marcus does, he was born and bred in Ireland, we met there. But I was born in Morgenstel." I have a puzzled look on my face at the unknown name. "My husband and their father." Gabby explains with a proud look on her soft face. "We used to live in Ireland, Jason dear was born there before we moved." I nod, understanding. "So how come you moved?" I ask and I regret it too because the table went quite. The twins are chewing their food but Jason and Gabby don't say anything. Nor does little Mila who is sat there and as confused as I am.
"Because of Dads job." Levi said once his mouthful was swallowed. He doesn't seem to notice the silence, but Cole does and eyes his older brother and his mother with suspicion.
"We should head off if you need to get that file to your mum." Cole said and stands up.
I nod and do the same, but trying to be helpful, I gather our finished plates and carry them to the sink, washing them too.

"Oh what a brilliant girl you are." Gabby says, her cheeks turn rosy and her warm brown eyes swirl with gratitude. A can't help but return her smile. "Your mother must be so glad to have you around." She says and pats my hair. I keep the smile though it becomes tense.

"Come on Azra, lets go." Cole says as they both have their jackets on and he's got my mothers file in his hand.

"Thank you for having me for breakfast." I say before Gabby wraps her free arm around me. Mila waves at me as she sits on her mothers hip.
"You're welcome anytime honey." Gabby says and her blond hair bounces with delight.
"See ya around Azra!" Jason says and gives me a wave, standing heights above his mother.
I wave back and give a smile before following the twins down the path.

"I didn't know you guys were Irish." I said "you could have had the accent too."
They shrugged. "I don't know if I'd want it." Cole said.
"I totally would." Levi butted in, disagreeing with his brother.
"I think we'd sound too much like dad or Jason." Cole grunted and kicked a pebble in our path, still holding onto the folder.
"Is that a bad thing?" I asked.
"No, not at all. It's just good to be different, ya know?"
I don't say anything then. He must have some sort of feelings about being different as he is a twin.
"I think you are all very different individuals." I say thoughtfully and Cole gives me a meaningful look like he's surprised by what I said. But I meant it.
"Here, pass me that." I say holding my hand out.
"It's okay, I got it." He says and we continue to walk.

What I said must have meant a lot to him.
Levi and Cole were very different. Even thought they look the same and dress pretty much the same, once they open their mouths it's like they aren't even related.

Levi is more outgoing, more brash and bold and not afraid to speak his mind. Though he finds himself in all kinds of common trouble because of it, but Cole is always there to help. Cole is more reserved and aware of his surroundings. He doesn't seem to trust so easily as Levi does but he means just as much.

Soon we arrive in front of the offices. It's a square building with large glass doors, I see a few people walk by us wandering what teenagers are doing here but I ignore them.

"We'll wait for you here." The twins say in unison and elbow each other for it.
I nod and my hand brushed against Cole's as he hands me the file before we meet eyes and then I turn around, and walk into the building.

authors note:

i might upload another chapter tonight because i have so many ideas i want to get down...

also i have noticed that there are a few punctuational/auto correct mistakes! it's because this book is unedited so PLEASE just ignore. i will edit this soon!

please vote/comment! you don't realise the positive impact it makes on me!

happy saturday!


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