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Romeo's point of view

Her tear welled eyes find mine, looking at me as though I was a stranger.

Charlie tentatively places an arm on her shoulder. "Azra, we're so-"

"I want to go home." Her cracked voice hurt from screaming with pain pushed from her throat.

"I'll take you." I say and she darts a glare at me.

"No. No you won't." She stands up and looks down. Her heartbeat is too still and confined.

She's hurt by the secrets I kept from her.
But she has kept secrets from me too.

"Leave it." Charlie whispers to me whilst Azra walks toward the front door.

Lexi stands in front of her. "Are you insane? Did you forget that my psycho of a mother is after you?" She says.
"We haven't actually come up with a plan of what to do now." Jack says from behind Azra.

"I can't go home." Azra whispers recalling the fear of who was waiting for her at home let alone Anna.
She still seems shaken from her memories even with her blank expression I can tell she's in pain.

Azra's point of view

My head rings around and I find it hard to focus on all their voices at the same time.

I keep seeing blue eyes staring back at me when I blink but instead of staying the same, they flicker to the dark browns of my mothers.

"Would you like something to drink?" Charlie's mother says.
I turn to her slowly and see that her usual stoic face has been met with surprise.
Even she is surprised by these memories.

My memories.

My chest feels heavy like my life has taken a huge turn. All those years I could never remember why I always felt a disconnection between my mother and I. Now I know.

I recall the tests and shouting and the screaming of my pain as my mothers hand met my face more than once. I never could remember why I had a small scar on my forehead and only assumed it was because of how clumsy I was.

"Uh...guys..." Jason says and looks out the window.
Suddenly in gush Romeo grabs me and takes me to the kitchen where he holds me tightly.
Before I could say anything the glass windows burst into shards everywhere along with the screams of Charlie.

"Where is she?" A familiar voice says. "Ah." Her eyes meet mine but are blocked by Lexi. "Well hello, Alexia. Long time no see."

It's Anna. And she's not alone.

There are giant wolves with spikes fur standing in their backs growling with red eyes.
"RUN!" Jack yells to us but it's too late because one of the wolves has its jaws on Cole's shoulder pressing him against the floor.

Levi's eyes turn a bright yellow along with a growl. His human teeth are replaced by pearly fangs drooling with ravegery. Soon he isn't the teenage boy he is, he's the white wolf we saved that day.
His jaws pry off the growling wolf on his brother whilst another hazel wolf aims for Anna, but she swiftly dodges.
Mrs Vissa casts a violet purple force between her hands and it takes Anna by surprise, sending her flying into a shelf knocking all its contents.
"RUN CHARLIE" her dad says as she watches his fist meet a beast pressing on Jack. Charlie panics and reluctantly turns away.

"Come on!" Romeo says as he takes Lexi's keys off the counter and grabs my hand.

We run into the car with Charlie in the back seat with tears threatening to escape from her eyes.

"We can't leave them!" I say regretting my decision to get into this car. I can't think of what to do.

I can't control what I do, so what help would I be? I'm a stupid, little, human girl who can only cry and watch as my friends get mauled by Anna and her dark pack of black magic.

Romeo's driving at an insane speed, giving me a nauseous feeling as we race down the green blur of the forest. The sun is starting to set making me fear what would happen once the light had left.

I turn around to face Charlie, reaching my hand out which she takes gratefully. "What's going to happen now Azra?" She asks.

He usually demeanour is falling, her vulnerability seeping through.

I can't answer her. My throat is stuck tightly. I swallow dryly and look at Romeo who meets my eyes lightly.

Even he is unsure of how this is all going to end.

"I have a plan." He says and takes out his phone having one hand on the wheel, making me feel nervous especially at the speed we're going. But I know he's got it handled.

"I need a favour." He says "I need to use the house in Channing for a few days. Can you send me the code?......that's great....thank you." He says calmly and soon enough his phone rings with a text message.

"We can hide until we figure something out." He says.
"Who was that?" I ask.
"You know my 'dad'?"
I nod remembering that at one point I believed he was human too and he has to keep that reputation.
"Well he is a vampire too, we go our separate ways but when I need him for parental purposes, he's there."
"Does he know?"
He shakes his head. "I keep him out of it."

Charlie gets a phone call that she answers let he speed of light.
"Cole?! Are you okay?! How is everyone?!" She persists.
I can hear a grumble of a reply.
"Yeah...oh my gosh. Is he okay? Are you okay?...that's good. What about my parents?....okay, okay." She glances at me "Uh yeah she's okay, do you wanna speak to her?" Charlie hands her phone to me and I see Cole's name on her screen. Without looking at Romeo's devil eyes I put the phone to my ear.
"Cole?" I say quietly.
"Hey Azra, are you okay?"
"Why're you asking me? Are you alright? Are you hurt?"
He chuckles softly down the phone.
"Why're you laughing?! I saw you get mauled by a wolf!"
"Azra, I'm fine don't worry about us, Charlie's mother did some witch crap and the wolves fell dead. Jason is taking care of Gabby but other than that we're gonna be fine."
"What happened to Gabby?"
"She's fine. Stop worrying, anyways, where are you guys heading?"
"Uhm I'm not sure, hold on.-"
"Channing." Romeo's voice cuts in before I can ask. He can obviously hear him.
"Did you get that?" I ask.
"Got it. Stay safe okay? Don't got wandering and stick with Romeo at all times."
"Mhm" I reply. "Please be careful." I add not wanting to let him go.
"We will. Call me when you guys get there okay?"

The call ends and I hand Charlie her phone back feeling the heavy silence in the car weigh in my chest followed by Romeo's clenched jaw.

This was going to be a long ride.

authors note:

thank you for reading!

have a brilliant weekend!

please vote/comment, it makes me so happy to have you guys' support.

p.s if you have any face claims for any of the characters then comment below! or message me, i need some help!!


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