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"My, my, my... Sasuke Uchiha, is it?"

The Uchiha scowled as a voice spoke to him, soft and calm. Completely surrounded by darkness, Sasuke had no idea of his whereabouts, or how he had ended up here. All he knew was that he was chained down to his seat, and was at the mercy of whoever was speaking to him.

"You seem to have done some pretty deranged things in this life," continued the voice, followed by the sound of what Sasuke thought to be shuffling papers. "The logical thing would be to throw you into hell."

"Go ahead then," spat the Uchiha, incensed at this person's words. "It won't change anything that's happened."

The disembodied voice let out a sigh, and Sasuke heard the sound of a chair moving across the floor.

"I don't know what to do with you," hummed the voice. Sasuke listened as the person started pacing back and forth, sounding like they were flicking through a book. "In your first life you saved a whole country. Your second life wasn't too shabby, but not necessarily stunning either. You did good things, but not as great as saving a whole country. Your third life was good, you saved a couple of people there, which I think is pretty good. Your fourth and fifth lives were average, but they would've been good enough for you to go up. But then your sixth life. Oh my goodness, Sasuke, where did it all go wrong? You were so close to earning your way out... what happened?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Another sigh from the bodiless voice.

"Look, what you just did was pretty shitty of you, but I can't just turn a blind eye to all the progress you made in your previous lives," said the voice with the faintest hint of disappointment. "I can only hope that it won't happen again."

"I don't know what you're talking about, and honestly, I don't care."

"What happened to you in this lifetime, Sasuke?" mourned the voice, making Sasuke scowl.

"Why don't you tell me?"

The voice huffed and snapped their book shut, before returning to their seat before the imprisoned Uchiha. Sasuke listened as the being smacked their book down onto the desk, and felt them lean across the table towards him.

"Look. I don't know what happened this time around, but I know you're capable of making up for it," explained the voice. "Even though murder, abduction, and rape aren't really...well, look, my point is, five out of six times you did the right thing. If I give you one more chance to prove that you are capable of being a good person, then we can move forward from there. If not, then... well, we'll see."

"Why are you telling me these things?"

"I'm telling you now because you won't remember anything once I send you back down," said the voice gently. "Humans would call me crazy for doing this, but they only ever see one person's life, and what that person does in that life only. Me, on the other hand? I see them all."


"Ahh, you're so difficult! Look, I'll tell you what, I'll pull some strings and have you moved to another department, is that cool? You'll be able to keep your name and everything, but it'll just be in a different galaxy. You won't remember anything from any of your past lives, as per standard procedure, but I'm hoping that by sending you into one of my colleagues' realms, you'll, uh... get a different experience."

"What difference does it make? If I screw up this time too, I'll still end up in hell, won't I? And at your colleague's hand?"

"Ehh... it depends on how badly you screw up. My colleague will redirect you to me anyway. And... If you need a little incentive, [Name] came through not too long ago. I gave her her options as well, and she's gone to discuss them with Naruto before they make their final decision. You won't believe how long that boy waited in purgatory for her to come through. I think their original plan was to spend some time there together before moving on, but they've probably changed their minds."

"[Name]? What do you mean?"

"You think you're the only one who gets to see me?" snorted the voice. "I take every case individually, and as for [Name] and Naruto, I think they really want to have a shot at being born again and trying to pick up where they left off. Of course, I warned them that they wouldn't have any recollection of each other, or anything to be honest, but they insist that they'll find a way. Commendable, but reckless. They could go forward now if they wanted to, but if they somehow royally screw up this life then they have to go back and make up for it. I guess they'd rather go back down to what they're familiar with rather than step up into the great unknown. Am I right, or am I right?"

Ignoring the voice's attempts of being friendly, Sasuke narrowed his eyes.

"So, if [Name] did choose to be reborn... is there a chance she could end up in my world as well?"

A glint crossed the Uchiha's eye, and even though it was dark to him, the figureless voice saw it clear as day.

"Now, now," said the voice carefully. "When I send you back down, you won't have a clue of who either [Name] or Naruto are, okay? I'm going to go ahead with the transfer. It's basically an alternate universe of the one you were in before, so not much will change. Are you okay with that?"

"I don't really have a choice, do I?"

"You guessed right! Please don't do anything dumb this time around, Sasuke. As far as your track record is concerned, I've seen worse. You wouldn't believe the amount of people I've dealt with who are a thousand times more vile than you. So, you ready?"

"I guess so."

Author's Note: HIIIIII GUYS! So here is the sequel to "Mine." It's nowhere near as dark as its predecessor, but I hope some of you will like it! It might not be everyone's cup of tea, but hey 🤷 I don't know what else to say here, so I guess I'll see you in the next chapter!

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