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The day had finally come; Sakura was in labour, and her contractions had begun, meaning that the baby was well and truly on its way.

But it looked like Sasuke wanted nothing to do with it.

"Sasuke, where are you- Sasuke!"

[Name] groaned in exasperation as she watched Sasuke disappear down the road, tugging at her hair in frustration.

"Sasuke!" [Name] yelled out as she futilely chased after the Uchiha, irked and incensed by his actions. Of all the days he wanted to be an ass, why today?

The Kouhage sped through the streets of the compound, quickly locating Sasuke and hurrying her way to him. Clan members looked upon her curiously as she shot past, but she didn't care- there was no way in hell Sasuke was going to miss the birth of his own child. Not on her watch.


Catching up to Uchiha near the edge of the compound, [Name] screamed in frustration as she leapt forward and knocked her husband down from behind, sending the both of them crashing to the ground as she latched her arms around his neck. Thankfully, the outskirts of the village were basically barren, with the exception of the guards on patrol duty. If anyone were to witness Sasuke and his first wife embroiled in a physical fist fight, it would be other shinobi, not civilians.

"Where do you think you're going?!" yelled [Name] as she and Sasuke tumbled around on the ground, refusing to let go of him. "Do you not understand that your child is being born right now?!"

"[Name], get off of me!"

As Sasuke attempted to pry [Name] off of him, his attempt failed, with [Name] ultimately swinging a punch across his face and knocking him back down onto the ground.

"SASUKE, I DID NOT SPEND DAYS ON END PREPARING SAKURA FOR HER BIRTH ONLY FOR YOU NOT TO ATTEND!" screamed [Name] as she picked up Sasuke by the front of his shirt, shaking him violently. "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!"

Winded and shocked by [Name]'s sudden descent into violence, Sasuke could only grimace as she brought him up to her face, glaring at him with all the rage in the world.

"I need time to think!" retorted Sasuke, returning [Name]'s heated glare. However, even he could see to what extent she was angry- she was pissed.

"You can think at home! Get up!"

Without even allowing Sasuke the opportunity to offer up a lame excuse, [Name] rose up and swept Sasuke off of his feet, easily hauling him over her shoulder and beginning to make her way back home, all the while complaining the whole way.

"[Name]- put me down!"

"Shut up, Sasuke! I'm not having anymore of this!" snapped [Name] as she leapt from roof to roof, stunning several people as they watched below. "I'm not asking you to watch the birth, goddamnit! I'm asking you to at least be present while it's born! You have to name it too, idiot!"

"I wasn't planning on being gone that long!"

"So why could you only think to yourself outside of the compound, huh?! Where were you going?!"

Rather than argue with [Name] any further, Sasuke merely scowled, rolling his eyes as he continued to allow the Kouhage to drag him back home.


"... I'm sorry for punching you."

[Name] begrudgingly apologised to Sasuke as the two of them sat outside Sakura's room on the corridor, able to hear absolutely everything that was going on. They hadn't missed much in the space of time they had been gone, but judging from the voices inside, the baby was really close to making his or her grand entry.

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