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"Hey, [Name]! Nii-chan's sent a letter for you!"

[Name] glanced over her shoulder as she wriggled her way out of Minato's grip as they trained in the clan training grounds, the Namikaze having wanted to test out her kenjutsu skills. A few months had passed since [Name] had arrived, and the days where she felt good were few and far in between; thankfully, today was one of those days, and as much as she tried to forget the past she had left behind, there were days where she couldn't help but lament over everything that had transpired. Her mood varied from day to day, but at least today she had had the energy to spar with Minato and get her adrenaline pumping.

"Eh? So he can find the time to write to [Name], but not his own parents?" scoffed Minato as he resheathed his blade, shaking his head at his son's behaviour. "I swear, that boy!"

[Name] and Menma exchanged smug looks as the younger Namikaze approached the pair, waving around a sealed envelope in his hand.

"Well come on! Let's see what it says!" announced Minato loudly as he crossed his arms, waiting by [Name]'s side for Menma to deliver the letter.

"Yeah, yeah," snorted [Name], taking the red envelope from Menma and tearing it open.

Dear [Name],

I'm glad that you've settled in well with my family. I hope Menma especially is taking care of you- if he's not, let me know so I can pummel him into the ground! I know your life must already be hard as it is, and even though you have a track record of not replying to my messages, I thought it wouldn't hurt to keep you updated on how I am. Boruto and Himawari are growing well, and Hinata is pregnant again. Sasuke managed to send me a letter through Tobirama regarding how things are in Konoha, and long story short, you don't have to worry about any of them. Madara is under control, Sayuri is in good hands. He says he and Sakura currently have custody of her, and that Shisui has began courting a woman named Kagura- I don't know if that news is of any benefit for you, but Sasuke insisted that I pass that message on. Your family are doing fine; Sawako is currently expecting a child as well. Your uncle is planning on retiring soon, and stepping down to allow his eldest son to take control of the clan. I don't know if I've missed out anything, but if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask me. You already know that for your safety, you cannot directly send any mail to Konoha, but if you would like me to get in contact with them on your behalf, just let me know. You have good people on your side, [Name]. Never forget that.

PS. Please don't let my parents know I'm writing to you, otherwise I'll never hear the end of it.


"... that little bastard," chuckled Minato, straightening up after he had read his son's letter. "Another grandchild! Goodness!"

A while ago, [Name]'s heart would have broken at the news of Naruto expecting another child with Hinata. But now, all she could do was smile.

"Of course," she chuckled, shaking her head. She had long ago accepted that such things were inevitable, and all she could do was be happy for him. Naruto had Hinata and his own family to take care of; Sasuke and Sakura had Sarada, and now, Sayuri. Although [Name] was bitter about the irony of Sasuke raising her daughter by Madara, she was at least glad that Sayuri was in good hands. She trusted Sakura and Sasuke. And if anyone could take care of her daughter, it was those two.

"If I can have a child with another woman, then you can have a child with another man. But don't expect me to treat it any differently than I do Sarada."

"I'd hope that you'd treat Sarada better than any hypothetical children of mine and Madara."

"If I could, I would loathe that bastard's spawn. But I can't, because they'll be your spawn too. They'll be Sarada's... step sibling?"

"Did you just refer to my future children as spawn?!"

"[Name]? Are you okay?"

[Name] sniffled as Minato and Menma both placed their hands on each of her shoulders, faces marred with looks of concern as the Kouhage began weeping.

"Yes," she said softly, smiling at her thoughts. As much as it hurt her, she was relieved that her loved ones were alive and well. At the end of the day, that was all that mattered to her. "I'm great."

"I'm not sure whether that was sarcasm or not..."

[Name] laughed as she wiped her eyes, winking at Menma.

"I'm fine. But, my question is... when are you getting married, Menma? I'd quite like to have some children running around here," she said cheekily, wiggling her eyebrows at the Namikaze as he went red in the face. Minato roared with laughter as he slapped his son on the back, amused by [Name]'s forwardness.

"Why, are you volunteering to wed our son?" howled Minato, prompting Menma to go even redder in the face. [Name] laughed and shook her head, playfully punching the flustered blond in the arm.

"Definitely not," she said softly. "If anything, I miss being the cool aunty around here. Find a girl and get married so you can give us some babies, alright?"

"[Name]!" exclaimed Menma in embarrassment, hiding his face from his father and the Kouhage as they remained laughing.

"But you know, no pressure," winked Minato, playfully shoving his son forward. "Your mother asks the same thing all the time as well, you know. She just loves you too much to ask you directly."

"It's not funny!"

"Come on, Menma," joked [Name], elbowing the furious Namikaze in the side. "At your age I'd already been married twice!"

"Very funny," said Menma dryly as [Name] laughed even more with his father, finally able to make fun of her past.

"Come on, you two," chortled Minato as he placed his hands on both [Name] and Menma's heads. "Let's start heading home now. Dinner must be ready."

As the trio began walking home, Minato kept a careful eye on [Name] as she eagerly conversed with Menma. He had discovered that [Name] tended to be in a better mood after exerting herself physically, honing her skills and sometimes pushing herself to the edge of exhaustion. He wasn't sure how effective of a method this would be in the long run, but for now, [Name] seemed to be coping well.


"This was her favourite kimono."

"That's... lovely."

As Madara rummaged through [Name]'s belongings, Tobirama watched with a wary expression on his face as he stood by the bedroom door with his arms crossed.

"You know, was handing over your daughter... really the best idea?" asked the Senju skeptically, having since found his job as Madara's parole officer become tedious as the days turned into months.

"I don't have time to look after a child. I have bigger plans in mind."

Tobirama narrowed his eyes in suspicion of the Uchiha's words, watching as he tenderly ran his fingers over the soft fabric of [Name]'s clothing.

"Whatever it is you have in mind, I strongly advise against it," said the white haired man warningly. "For your own sake."

Madara grinned as he looked up at Tobirama, who internally shivered.

"I think I'll decide for myself."

Tobirama rolled his eyes as he turned around.

"If you say so. Don't spend too long crying over [Name]'s things today, yeah?"

As the Senju closed the door behind himself, he scowled at how pathetic Madara had become.

I can't believe onii-san wants you to be instated as the village leader, he thought bitterly. As if anyone wants someone like you in charge.

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