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"Madara-sama, although we know how crucial it is for you to remain focused on the ongoing war at hand, we cannot ignore the fact that your father's health is rapidly deteriorating. We beg you, please take some time away from fighting to focus on your father. You never know when he will take his last breath."

During his next weekly visit home, Madara was surprised when he arrived and saw a clamour of the clan's medics gathered in the living room, who were being served tea by the servants as they sat with [Name] discussing Tajima's health. Although the leader had been aware of his father's frail state, such news was unexpected.

"What makes you think that?" scoffed the Uchiha in disbelief, subconsciously placing a hand on his wife's knee as he addressed the medics who had come over and analysed his father. He remained ignorant to the fact that [Name] shot him a brief glare, and raised an eyebrow at their guests. "I know my father is sick, but he can't possibly be close to death. That's preposterous."

"We understand it may come as a shock, Madara-sama, but please talk to him about it, at least," implored one of the medics lightly, head bowed in respect at the leader. "There is little we can do."

Shaking his head, Madara clucked his tongue and sighed, glancing towards the doorway.

"Is he sleeping?" he called out, immediately prompting a servant to race to the doorway and bow with their answer.

"No, Madara-sama. He is just lying down for now."

"Very well. I will take your words into consideration. Is there anything else you want to add?"

"Not at all, Madara-sama. Though, we must say a congratulations is in order for both you and [Name]-sama. Your child appears to be ready to make their appearance soon."

At the mention of his and [Name]'s unborn child, Madara chuckled and leaned closer to his wife, placing a hand on her belly.

"Four weeks and counting!" he said happily, the smile on his face eliciting similar expressions from the visiting medics. "I can't wait to meet our little one. Right, [Name]?"

[Name] forced a smile as the medics looked at her expectantly, feeling her stomach twist into knots as Madara affectionately began rubbing her belly.

"Of course. We won't intrude on you any longer, Madara-sama. Please excuse us."

As soon as the medics had left, Madara gazed tenderly at his wife.

"And how are you?" he asked lightly, smiling at her as he playfully squeezed her thigh.

"Ready to burst," sighed the Kouhage, past the point of caring about what the Uchiha did or said to her. She had reached a new acceptance of his behaviours, tolerating him simply because it was all she could do in her present, heavily pregnant state.

"I can tell," chuckled Madara, shaking his head with a smile. "What do you think I should do, [Name]?"

[Name] blinked at her husband.


Madara sighed and leaned back, closing his eyes as he looked up at the ceiling. In the warm sunlight, [Name] could just make out the appearance of dark shadows under the Uchiha's eyes; for once, he looked completely and utterly vulnerable, and worn down to the bone. It seemed that the ongoing war with the Senju was taking a toll on Madara, whether he liked to admit it or not. And as much as [Name] wanted to question the logic of him returning home every week to visit her, she thought it would be best not to. If he found it easy enough to continue this back and forth activity between home and the battlefield, she wasn't going to doubt his capabilities.

"What do you think I should do?" repeated Madara softly, opening one eye and squinting at his wife. "This war has been going on for months, and there doesn't seem to be any chance of it ending anytime soon. I can't be on the battlefield and at my father's side simultaneously. But I can't let our forces be led by anyone else. It would be unsightly."

"Sure you can," shrugged [Name] nonchalantly, readjusting her sitting position so that she was more comfortable. "You have the other council members to delegate roles to. You're not the only one in charge, you know."

"I know I could do that, but I don't want to do it for too long. A couple of weeks at the most would be fine, but until I have a clearer understanding of my father's health, it is not something I want to continue in the long run."

"... I see. Maybe you should discuss things with your father. This war means a lot to both of you, so don't go making decisions just yet."

Madara sighed and looked over at [Name], grateful for her reassuring voice.

"What would I do without you?" he asked wistfully, pouting at her with genuine gratitude in his voice. "Thank you, [Name]. Being able to return to you is like a breath of fresh air amidst all this fighting and all these stalemates. Thank you for being here. And for being strong. I know carrying our child must be difficult for you, especially with my prolonged absences and all the restrictions I've placed on you for your safety."

[Name] frowned as Madara briefly mentioned her restrictions, and held herself back from asking him why he didn't do anything about them. Sasuke was safely out of the picture, since he was with Madara on the battlefield- surely it wouldn't hurt for him to allow her out of the house?

"Actually," piped up [Name], steeling herself to make her request. "Please. I would really enjoy Sakura and Sarada's company. My parents and Mai visit me as often as they can, but they're busy with the running of our clan's southern quarter. Please let Sakura and Sarada visit me. I was there for Sakura when she was going through all this- please let her be by my side for this."

Madara raised an eyebrow at [Name]'s sudden request.

"Are you really that bored at home?" he mused, knowing that the only interactions [Name] would have had would've been with either the servants or his father.

"Deathly," whined [Name], now seeing hope in her words. She was desperate for some sort of company, and at the moment, Sakura and Sarada were the best candidates.

"Very well. I'll allow them to see you when I'm not here," stated Madara, nodding at his visibly pleased wife. "If it makes you that happy."

"It does," sighed [Name] in relief, having been fearful that Madara would reject her request.

"But for now, you'll have to make do with me," added the Uchiha, smiling at his wife. "I'm worn out from the journey here. Come and talk to me while we lay down- I know you must have just woken up, but at least keep me company until I fall asleep. Your presence in itself is soothing for me. I want to hear your voice more."

Too excited at the prospect of finally being able to meet with people other than Madara, his father, and their servants, [Name] merely nodded as he got to his feet, holding out his hands to help her up.

"Of course."

Sakura and Sarada! I wonder how they've been...

... I wonder how Sasuke's been.

Does he still think of me?

Author's Note: hi guys here's a really shitty filler chapter for u all bc i've been working full time for the past few weeks and i'm honestly too tired to do anything else. i'm busy getting my shit together before i head off to japan for 6 months and even tho i rlly rlly rlly love this story with all my heart i have 0 passion or motivation to update anything atm </3 i'm so sorry for being inactive but like,,,, all i do these days is work and (try to) sleep. i'm eternally tired

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