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"... understood, [Name]?"

Madara's voice was crisp and cold as he finished giving [Name] her instructions for their meeting with the Senju, earning a nod from the Kouhage. Izuna raised an eyebrow at his brother's sudden bitter demeanour towards the woman, noting that his usual friendliness and playfulness had all but vanished.

"Well, I guess I should leave you two now," said Izuna, stopping in his tracks. After nearly twenty minutes of casual walking, the trio had made good tracks towards the forestry which lined their side of the Chūo River. In another thirty or so minutes, they would eventually make their way out of the forest and find themselves near the banks of the river; however, before they could do so, Izuna needed to separate himself from the pair and find a good hiding spot within the tree tops, so as not to be detected by the enemy.

As Izuna excused himself, he saw a brief glimmer of fear on [Name]'s face, but thought little of it as Madara nodded at his suggestion.

"You know when to come," said the elder Uchiha, sending his brother off. With a final nod, Izuna leapt up from his spot on the ground towards the nearest tree, ultimately vaulting into the dense foliage and disappearing from sight. Once Izuna had left, Madara glanced at [Name], whose eyes were dead set on the path before them.

"Come, [Name]," said Madara sharply, walking with his hands behind his back as he led the way. "Let's not waste any time."

As the pair walked, [Name] felt an agonising suffering with every step she took. It didn't take a genius to figure out why Madara was mad, or at least from her perspective; and although she knew she shouldn't have, she felt guilty nonetheless. His order had only been to make sure [Name] never fell pregnant- and over the course of their marriage, both she and Sasuke had been successful in keeping to his words. Why he would be mad about the both of them having an active and healthy sex life, she had no clue. As long as she wasn't bearing children anytime soon, it's not like he had anything to be mad about. Right?

"For someone who is usually so confident about fighting and destroying their opponent, you seem to be very distressed at the mere thought of it."

[Name] blinked as she processed the Uchiha's words late, surprised at the fact that he was talking to her after making it obvious he was displeased with her.

"... huh?"

Seeing the bemused look on [Name]'s face, Madara sighed and let his arms drop to his sides.

"Tell me, my dear [Name], what is bothering you?" asked the Uchiha questioningly, glancing at [Name] as she kept her sight focused on their path.

"Sorry?" The absentminded Kouhage could only blink in confusion at Madara, causing him to scoff in disbelief.

"The mere fact that you can barely process my words speaks for itself," he said scornfully, prompting [Name] to shake her head clear of her thoughts so that she could better focus on the Uchiha and what he was trying to convey to her.

"My apologies, Madara-sama," she said quickly, feeling a flush creep up her neck as she bowed her head beside the leader. "Nothing is bothering me. I just zoned out momentarily. I'm so sorry."

"Are you back now?" asked Madara with a small smirk, raising an eyebrow at the calm [h/c] woman.

"Yes, Madara-sama."

"Very good." Closing his eyes as he sighed, Madara shook his head. "I must say, hearing your conversation with Sasuke was rather amusing, for want of a better word. Admittedly, some of the things that escaped my nephew's mouth were rather uncouth, but they did help me paint a better picture of the type of woman you are. It would appear that you are very balanced in all aspects of your life, and I admire that."

Trying not to choke on her saliva, [Name] tried her best to keep quiet and unnoticed by the Uchiha, not wanting to bring up her public humiliation again, and with Madara of all people.

"Oh, [Name]," sighed Madara, clucking his tongue at the choking Kouhage. "I'm impressed. Very impressed. Once a marvelous daughter to your parents, you've become a dedicated teacher to our children, a loyal kunoichi to our clan, a loving mother to a child who isn't even your own, and a devoted wife to a man you involuntarily married. It takes an amazing amount of strength and willpower to get on top of a situation which you had no control over, and then proceed to dominate it no matter what comes your way. I never thought this possible, but it seems you've helped Sasuke, of all people, realise the joy of marriage, especially to the extent where he's adamant about having children with you. So many marriages within our clan are devoid of love, since it is a frivolous and unnecessary thing when it comes to status and family, but the same thing can't be said about you and Sasuke. Dare I say it, ever since the two of you settled down, my dear nephew seems to walk with a new bounce in his step, and is much more lighthearted than he was prior to your arrival, even though he still appears to dislike anyone and everyone who isn't you."

"Uh... thank you for your... kind words, Madara-sama," murmured [Name], unsure of how to reply to the leader's long winded spiel.

"Why thank me for stating the obvious?" chuckled Madara, lowering his head as they continued walking through the trees. "And it's not just limited to Sasuke. Everyone around you seems to be touched with joy. How do you do it, [Name]?"

"Please, crediting me with the joy of others is far too extreme," said [Name] hastily, not wanting to be seen as the reason why other people were happy as if she were some sort of miracle worker. "They are all the own makers of their joy."

"Really? Because it seems like you're the only logical explanation for the extensive positivity that I've been seeing lately, from the likes of Sasuke, and your students."

"Everyone is in charge of their own happiness," sighed [Name], stretching her arms and folding them behind her head. "If you believe something will make you happy, then it's up to you to seize it for yourself. Well, as long as you aren't hurting anyone else. If attaining your happiness can only be done through ruining the happiness of others, well... I personally don't think that's happiness. That's just selfishness. "

It was as if a switch had flipped in Madara's head.

"You really think so?" he asked slowly, a realisation beginning to form in his mind upon hearing the Kouhage's words.

"Definitely," shrugged [Name], ignorant to the contemplative look on the Uchiha's face. "I know this isn't my place, but... is waging war against the Senju really what you want? If it makes you... happy, then by all means... but... hurting other people in the process..."

Madara shook his head, looking at [Name] curiously.

"Are you beginning to doubt our plan?"

"Not at all," said [Name] hurriedly. "I was just curious as to whether this is truly your own will, or that of the clan and council. Regardless, it is not my place to question your decisions. I promise you I will see to it that this Uzumaki does not leave this river alive."

"Very good," said Madara softly, still mulling over the Kouhage's words about happiness. "Very good."

The pair continued walking in silence, with Madara thinking deeply about [Name]'s words.

If you believe something will make you happy, then it's up to you to seize it for yourself.

"You speak such wise words for such a young woman," chuckled Madara, causing [Name] to smile brightly.

"I like to try!"

"Thank you for that," he said in a low voice, chewing on his tongue as her words registered in his mind over and over again. "I see now. I know what to do."

"Oh, that's great!" said [Name] halfheartedly, not knowing what the Uchiha was talking about, but glad nonetheless that she had helped him come to a conclusion.

"... it really is."

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