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Before [Name] knew it, the time had come for her and Sasuke to welcome the newest addition to their family. In the short space of time, the Kouhage had tried her best to make their house as welcoming as possible, not just for Sasuke's second wife, but for herself as well. Not a day passed when she missed home, but she could do little about it- all she could do was live each day as it came.

[Name] waited anxiously in the room where she would receive Sasuke and his new wife, her hands clammy at the thought of having to go through meeting someone else who she was, presumably, going to be living with for the rest of her life. She had their cushions and a tray with a teapot and cups ready as she sat patiently, staring blankly at the tokonoma before her. It was while she was dressing for this meeting that it sunk in just how final her life was now- no more beautiful, bright furisode kimono for her. No more help from Tomoko, Fumiko, or Mai. No more freedom to do as she pleased.

While mulling through her thoughts, her hand subconsciously gripped the site of her wound from her battle with Madara. It had been a couple of weeks since then, and it was showing good progress in terms of healing.

"Ah. They're here."

Whispering to herself as she sensed Sasuke and his new wife's arrival at the property, [Name] straightened up, unsure of why her heart was racing so much. She had already been through this scenario with Sasuke, so why was she so afraid?

"[Name]. We're here."

[Name]'s attention turned to the entrance of the room, hearing Sasuke call to her from the front door. Unsure of what to do, [Name] broke into a panic as she thought of whether she should go and greet the new couple at the door, or sit patiently and wait for them to come to her. As frazzled as she was, she didn't need to do much- as she rose on her knees, the Uchiha walked into the room, nodding at her.

"Oh, Sasuke- how is she?" asked [Name], already feeling herself growing pale.

"She's fine. Sakura, in here."

Stepping aside, Sasuke allowed space for the woman behind him to walk in. She had long, light pink hair, which cascaded down the front and sides of her sky blue furisode kimono. Her eyes were a light shade of green, jade almost, and as she met [Name]'s gaze, she nodded curtly.

[Name] sweatdropped at the austere greeting, smiling a bit too widely for her own comfort.

"Nice to meet you," greeted the Kouhage nervously, her voice cracking as she regarded the pinkette. Sakura merely nodded in reply, and waited for Sasuke to sit before [Name] before joining his side.

"What's gotten into you?" asked Sasuke boredly, waving at [Name] to pour the tea. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

"N-Nothing." Mentally cursing herself for suddenly becoming nervous, [Name]'s hands shook as she lifted the teapot from the tray and poured the three cups of tea, careful not to spill any on their tatami. Sasuke raised an eyebrow at [Name]'s strange behaviour, but decided he would address the issue with her later on in the evening.

"This is Haruno Sakura. She's the only daughter of Haruno Kizashi and Haruno Mebuki, shinobi who are allies of our clan," informed Sasuke. "As of now, Sakura has been released from her duties as a kunoichi, and will now be confined to whatever boundaries we set for her. I'm going to make this very clear, right now."

Sasuke turned towards the Haruno with a cold look in his eye, catching me by surprise.

"All I expect out of this union is children," he said icily, not looking like he had any sort of interest in the Haruno. "No more, no less. If you prove to be fruitless, Madara will have no qualms about having you replaced. I, however, would prefer not having to go through this conversation with another woman, so I hope that nature is on your side in this case.

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