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[Name] woke up the next morning with a foreboding heartache, knowing that in less than a few hours, she and Sasuke would be husband and wife, and their two clans would celebrate the union through feasting and festivities throughout the night.

Beside her, Mai's futon was empty, and she looked around the room in curiosity. The sun had only just began rising, and [Name] rubbed her eyes in an attempt to shake off the sleepiness.

"Mai?" she called out, wondering where her friend had gotten off to. Since it was [Name]'s last day with her family, she had asked Mai if she could sleep in her room that night. They talked and talked until the early hours of the morning, which added to [Name]'s surprise at just how early Mai had gotten up. 

A few minutes later, her bedroom door silently slid open, and her friend returned looking excited.

"[Name], you're awake!" she said in a quiet voice, holding something behind her back.

"Yeah. Why are you up so early?" asked the Kouhage, squinting to see what Mai was concealing behind her back.

"You're not going to believe this, but you've got a letter from Naruto," breathed Mai excitedly, pulling out rolled up scroll of paper.

"What?" [Name] sat up, curious as to what the Uzumaki could have possibly written for her.

"Look, his messenger hawk is still outside, so if you want to send a reply, I can quickly go and attach it for you and send it off before anyone notices," said Mai, tossing the little scroll to [Name], who gingerly caught it with a frown. Considering she was going to be wed to another man soon, she was skeptical about reading Naruto's letter.

My dear [Name],

My grand-uncle just told me about the news! This can't be happening, but who are we to stop it? No one can say no to the Uchiha, and it frustrates me. Please always remember that I love you, and you only. Know that I will always be waiting for you, [Name]. I'm so sorry for not being able to follow through with my word, but know this! Whether it's in this life, or the next, I will find you. I love you, I love you, I love you. We will be able to be together again, one day. I love you, my sunshine. Never forget that. Wait for me.

A lump formed in [Name]'s throat as she read the Uzumaki's words, grief stricken by the reminder of the romance they once shared.

"Here, ink and paper," urged Mai upon seeing that [Name] had finished reading the letter. She placed the necessary materials beside the Kouhage's side, who wasted no time in penning a reply to the Uzumaki.


I'm sorry too. I wish you and Hinata a happy life together. I leave with the Uchiha tomorrow, so please don't send anymore mail for me. Let's just focus on our own spouses now. If you promise to be a good husband to Hinata, then I will be the best wife I can for Sasuke. I love and miss you. Know that I will always love you. I wish you happiness for the rest of your life. Thank you for all the good memories. I'll cherish them for the rest of my life. Goodbye.

Fighting the tears forming in her eyes as she attempted to keep Naruto's letter tear free, [Name] finished writing and pushed the finished product towards Mai, who merely looked down at it dejectedly.

"So that's it, huh?" she said, deflating as she spoke. She had been hoping for some way for the two lovers to figure it out, but upon reading [Name]'s response, Mai knew there was nothing else she could do.

"Please, just send it," cried [Name] in a croaky voice, unable to deal with such emotion so early in the morning, and on the morning of her wedding, of all days. "Get it over and done with."

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