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"... did you hear that?"

A few weeks after their second confrontation at the bathhouse, [Name] was woken up one morning to the sound of retching from the corridor outside their room. She rolled over on her side and looked at Sasuke in curiosity, whose eyes were still closed as he ignored whatever was going on.

"I know you're awake," she scoffed, tapping the Uchiha and pushing her covers off. "Sakura?"

As the retching intensified, [Name] clasped a hand over her mouth as she recognised the noise, and immediately bent down to shake her sleepy husband.

"Sasuke!" she exclaimed hurriedly, violently pushing him back and forth in an attempt to get him up. "Sasuke, go get some water from the well! Hurry!"

Groaning in complaint as [Name] finally dropped him back onto the futon, Sasuke watched her with a scowl as she rushed to their outside door, slamming it open and running out towards the location of the sound.

"Sakura!" [Name]'s voice was a squeal as she apprehended the pinkette clutching the edge of the balcony, groaning as she spewed out onto the yard below her. "Are you alright?"

"No," replied the Haruno weakly, before lunging back towards the edge and upheaving once more. As soon as she did, [Name] rushed forward and grabbed her hair, so as to make it easier for her to throw up without dirtying herself.

"There, there," said [Name] softly, bending down by Sakura's side and rubbing her gently on the back. "Get it all out."

"What's going on?"

Sasuke boredly entered the scene from Sakura's room, holding a cup of water as he stared distastefully at the bent over Haruno.

"Here, pass it here!" exclaimed [Name], beckoning for the Uchiha to pass her the water. He duly did so, albeit with a frown as he saw the mess Sakura had left all over the grass.

"Is it all out?" asked [Name] comfortingly, putting the cup down at her side so that she could tie Sakura's hair up. The Haruno fervently shook her head, unable to respond to [Name] without another gush of spew coming out of her mouth.

"What's wrong with her?" asked Sasuke cautiously, taken aback by Sakura's sudden display of sickness. "She was perfectly fine last night."

"Sasuke," sighed [Name], not knowing how the Uchiha could be so oblivious to the cause of Sakura's illness. "Well, we'll take her to Yui-sama, just to be safe. We need a confirmation before we can get our hopes up."

"A confirmation of what?" asked Sasuke worriedly, watching as [Name] coaxed Sakura to sit up and take a sip of water. "Hopes for what?"

[Name] sighed again.

"Sasuke, she must be pregnant."

Startled at the news, Sasuke's eyes widened as [Name] refocused her attention on tending to the hurling Haruno, saying encouraging words and rubbing her back in an effort to ease her suffering.


"It means you did a good job!" said [Name] cheerfully, looking over at him and smiling brightly. "I guess you did get it in the right hole!"

"[Name], shut up!" snapped Sasuke in embarrassment, his face going pink as he looked away from the two women. Since his first encounter with Sakura in the bedroom, he hadn't gone to her anymore; needless to say, he was skeptical that that one time could have led her to conceiving already.

"Have you soiled your clothes?" [Name] asked softly, breaking Sasuke out of his thoughts.

The Uchiha watched intently as [Name] offered Sakura reassuring words, asking her if she needed anything, and making it known that she was there to help. In other words, he watched [Name] display a sympathetic side to Sakura, different from the usual standoffishness.

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