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"Please, [Name]-sama, we cannot accept your money..."

[Name] groaned as the owner of the restaurant she had taken her children to refused to take her payment, slamming the money down on the countertop nonetheless.

"I've left out the payment for Sasuke's meal, if it makes you feel any better," shrugged the Kouhage, glancing over her shoulder to see her husband sitting very uncomfortably between two of her students, who both looked equally mortified that they had ended up sitting beside the unfriendly Uchiha. "Thank you for the meal, and your service. We had a lovely time."

"Ah, but [Name]-sama-"

"CHILDREN!" called [Name], turning her back on the restaurant owner and clapping her hands. "Tomoe-san's wagashi shop! Let's go!"

With a collective cheer, all thirteen of her students rose to their feet, excitedly hurrying out of the restaurant to wait outside on the street for their teacher. Sasuke was left sitting alone at the table, grimacing as he waited for [Name] to rejoin him.

"Shall we go?"

The pair walked outside, and upon regrouping with the children [Name] then focused her attention on them.

"Thank you for lunch, [Name]-sama!"

"You're a cool teacher, [Name]-sama!"

"I wish all our teachers could be like you!"

[Name] chuckled as Sasuke scowled at one of the younger boys' comments; noticing the dark look on the Uchiha's face, the boy gulped and made to run away, but was stopped in his tracks by Sasuke's words.

"Hey, I can be a cool teacher too."

Several of the students gasped at Sasuke's words, many of them shocked because for the entirety of their meal, he hadn't spoken a word to them.

"Y-Yes, Sasuke-sama," gulped the boy apologetically, bowing deeply at the raven. "I-I spoke out of line."

Seeing the fearful look on the young boy's face, Sasuke grinned, causing even more chaos.

"That's fine," said the Uchiha softly, putting his hand on top of the boy's head as he walked behind him. "You weren't out of line."

The children walking in front of the pack all whispered furiously amongst themselves, now wondering whether Sasuke really did have the ability to show kindness towards others.


One of the older boys, Junpei, timidly raised his hand as he walked alongside [Name].

"Yes? Uhh... whatever your name is?"

"Junpei, sir."

"Yes, Junpei. Go ahead."

Taking a deep breath as he prepared to ask his question, Junpei blurted out, "My sister says you're a really harsh teacher. Is that true?"

"Hm. Who is your sister?"

Face going red as he realised he could've potentially just set his sister up for an even more rigorous training regimen from the Uchiha, Junpei began to stutter and choke on his words as he tried to think of a way to avoid exposing his sister without directly avoiding the nobleman's question.

This prompted Sasuke to sigh, and shake his head at the young student.

"Don't worry, I won't be angry at her," assured Sasuke, nodding at Junpei. "I'm just curious. My students barely speak to me when we have class."

"I'm not surprised," muttered [Name] under her breath, earning a glare from her husband.

"Oh... in that case... my older sister is Kanoko," said Junpei warily, hiding behind [Name] as he spoke. "She's going to have her final evaluation to become a proper kunoichi soon."

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