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"[Name], I'm not letting you-"


"I don't care! Don't try to tell me-"

Already emotional as it was, [Name] clasped her hand over Sasuke's mouth and pulled him towards her, putting him in a headlock as she tried to explain herself while tears began to fall from her eyes.

"It'll be okay!" she said in a falsely reassuring voice, subduing Sasuke as his wriggling ceased. "It'll be okay."

Once the Uchiha had shown signs of surrender, [Name] gingerly released him from her grip, furiously wiping away at her tears as they came down in torrents. At seeing his wife so distraught at the thought of being unfairly carted away to join Madara for the rest of her life, Sasuke's heart softened. Yes, he was angry. Yes, he wanted to kill Madara. But at the end of the day, [Name]'s well-being was far more important than the resentment he felt towards his uncle.

"Come here."

Sasuke pulled [Name] towards him in a tight embrace, cradling her body close to his as she cried profusely into his chest. His little scuffle with Madara was clearly evident on his face- from his tousled hair, to his bruised face, to his cut lip, [Name] could tell that Sasuke really hadn't held back when it came to giving Madara a piece of his mind.

"I'm sorry, Sasuke," whispered [Name] as she clutched onto the front of his clothes, ashamed at surrendering while Sasuke was still willing to fight on for her. "I'm so sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry about," murmured the Uchiha comfortingly, stroking the weeping woman's hair as he did so. "None of this is your fault."

"Honestly, Sasuke... I really want to be with you, I really do... but for how long would we keep fighting if we continued to resist? How many others would suffer in the process, because of our rebellion?"

"Knowing Madara, my entire family. At least, until he gets his hands on you."

"That's exactly my point, Sasuke. So why should we cause that suffering if we can just avoid it all now?"

Understanding that there was nothing but truth in [Name]'s words, Sasuke sighed and rested his head on her shoulder.

"You really are too kind for your own good."

[Name] chuckled at Sasuke's words, sniffling as she found solace in the warmth of his body.

"Let's look on the bright side," she said, trying to think of positives. "At least- at least I'm not moving to an entirely different family this time! I'll just be- just be down the road! From you, Sakura, and Sarada! I can still come and see you! We can still see each other- yes. Yes. We can."

Grinning at [Name]'s persistent positivity, Sasuke began swaying side to side with his lover in his arms, finding a way to add to her theories.

"Sakura won't mind if we have a little alone time together," he said teasingly, straightening up and lifting up [Name]'s chin so that she was looking him in the eye. "All we have to do is make sure that no one else knows where you are."

[Name] laughed at the thought of her and Sasuke sneaking around behind Madara's back, finding it highly entertaining and enthralling at the same time. In some ways, it echoed how her relationship with Naruto had been in the past. One of secrecy, one filled with thrill, and the risk of being caught.

"There won't be any way to hide it," scoffed the Kouhage, rolling her eyes. "Seeing as everyone already knows that our marriage is one of love, the whole clan will know I'm being an unfaithful little whore in my new marriage. They'll probably call for Madara to divorce me and have me executed, or something like that."

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