{Chapter 4}

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I finished organizing the food and walked outside. The evening sky was as beautiful as always, I had finished with everything for the day. The gentle rustling of the trees made me want to sleep, the loss of sleep from last night was catching up to me now that I had nothing to do. I shook my head rubbing my eyes, I couldn't sleep now it would create a bad habit and I wouldn't be able to sleep at night. 

I stepped back inside, walking into my uncle's bedroom, carefully reaching under the bed for the sword he kept hidden. I would train to keep me up! I shut the door making my way back outside, From the moment I had arrived my uncle began training me. Day and night he made me swing a sword, dodge attacks, increase my speed, and increase my strength. 

He would claim that I was a fast learner but it wasn't that, The one thing my mother had done for my sake was make me train with the knights. She was strict when it came to my lessons, the knights would be stern as well claiming that it was for my safety should something or someone target me. It's thanks to them that my uncle's training didn't seem hard. 

I hated it before, but now it was the only thing that I could do right. The only thing I didn't like about my uncle's training was its freestyle, I had gotten used to it now but was trained to fight gracefully and skillfully. Both styles come in handy in situations like the one at the pub. I swung the sword stretching my arms as I inhaled. 

I exhaled, straightening my back as I got in position. The head knight's words echoed in my head as I began, 

"1, 2, 3, spin, 4, 5, 6, Stab!" I continued, changing hands as I began defending. 

It had come as easy as breathing, but it always reminded me of my mother. I moved faster, My mind reminding me of her voice yelling at me to fix my stance, to swing better, to use more force. I stopped, catching my breath. 

I was probably feeling this way because of my father, One thing the play got right was their love for each other. As strict as she may have been, she was always at ease with my father. The look in their eyes when staring at one another was full of love, when they were together it was only them two. 

"You'll finally be at her side again," I glanced down at the shoes, My father must have been thinking that. 

He would finally be reunited with my mother, and only then would he truly be at peace. Even if I hadn't seen him for so long, the fact that I would never get that chance again made a lump form in my throat.  I needed to go, to say goodbye at least. I would never see him again, but I didn't want to go back. It would only remind me of why I left, I stabbed the sword on the ground. Crouching down as I tried to stop my quivering lips, I would write a letter. 

That would be the last thing my father receives from me, who knows how long he has left? I took the sword making my way inside, I placed it back under my uncle's bed before beginning to write.  I assured him of my well-being, how much I missed him, and why I left. That was probably the main question he would have for me, I sealed the letter. Placing it in my wardrobe, I lay on my bed curling up. I had made my decision and that was it, before I could think about it anymore my eyes closed and everything was silent.  

"Hey, Wake up.." A familiar voice, I frowned turning over. 

"OI, it's morning." I fluttered my eyelids, glancing over at My uncle. 

Did I fall asleep for that long? I thought I would wake up before he got back. I stretched out before sitting up. I decided not to bring up the letter, and he didn't seem to want to talk about it either. We both sat in silence, listening as the birds sang their tune. I stood up, walking over to grab the letter. 

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