~Chapter 42~

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I stood up and stretched all that fighting really got to me. "Have you ever seen a memaid?" I asked looking down at the blue ocean. "Mermaids don't exist why would you ask me?" He said. "I'm not sure in all the books I read it's always pirates who see them you rule the seven seas surely you've seen something strange." I  said. He kept quiet for a long minute"Never." He said looking at the sky. I looked back down "lier" I thought. I grabbed the rope and tied it to my waist. "What are you doing?" He asked looking at me confused. "Just a little swimming when I pull on the rope lift me up okay or at least hold it so I can climb it." I said. I got on the plank and jumped. The cold waves hit my body as I went inside the water. I opened my eyes and it was full of fish and strange water plants. I started swimming, when I saw something strange. It was another girl I waved at her and she waved back. She came up to me but wasn't wearing a shirt or undergarments more like a small bandage covering her. "Your the queen of the oceans right?" She asked. I was shocked how was she talking underwater unless shes a mermaid but thats too strange we just finihsed talking about them. I looked at her confused. "Your the first female pirate right, where I come from your considered the queen of the ocean." She said. Her eyes were the color of the ocean and her hair was brown. "Your hair is beautiful no one here has hair like that." She said touching my braided hair which moved with the water. "Your a princess right I heard that." She said. I nodded still shocked. "Your so beautiful I'm glad I met you my queen." She said. She grabbed my hand and put something in it. I opened my hand and saw a bracelet that had an ocean blue sapphire. "With this you can control the water, and if you need assistance you can call us where I come from your also a queen you inspired all of us and we will always help you when you wish, your the queen of the oceans so it only makes sense for you to also be able to control  it right." She said smiling at me. I nodded and put the bracelet on. I gave her a smile and was running out of breath. She waved goodbye and left. She had a beautiful fish like tail it was green on the top and had beautiful shades of blue all the way to the end. I pulled the rope but nothing happened. I climbed the rope and finally reached the surface. I took deep breaths and continued climbing. When I reached the deck I saw Arthur and zen pointing each others swords. I quickly got up and I ran over to them but it was cold. I was a little tired. "What's going on here?" I asked. They both looked at me "princess I'm sorry but my duty is to protect you when I heard a guard talk about him hurting you I had to respond because the other guards were afraid to." He said. I untied the rope and separated them. "Its alright Zen I already handled the situation." I said. He nodded and put his sword to his side. "How did you get here?" I asked. "I swung across using a rope from the ship." He said. I nodded and looked at Arthur. "Arthur guess what!" I said exited. He looked at me and smiled "What is it love?" He asked. I showed him the bracelet. "Who gave you that?" He asked. "The mermaid." I said. He looked at me and laughed, I frowned and punched his arm. "Zen you believe me right?" I asked Looking at him. He smiled and took his coat off putting it on my cold trembling body . "Of course princess I know you never lie." He said. I smiled at him as he looked at the bracelet. "Its truly beautiful." He said. I put my hand on my hip and glanced at Arthur who looked serious. "I'm glad at least someone doesn't think I'm crazy." I said. He looked at me and rolled his eyes. I smirked and looked at Zen. "Princess you should really get rest tomorrow we might reach the destination." He said. I nodded and yawned. "I'll sleep her for today I don't feel like swinging or jumping to ships." I said. Zen looked a little upset and Arthur was smirking. "What's with that smirk?" I asked looking at Arthur. "Nothing love." He said glancing at a glaring Zen. I brushed it off. "I can't wait to see kuro I haven't seen him in forever." I said letting arthur lead me to a room. "Goodnight zen!" I shouted as I walked in to the room. "So this is where I'm going to sleep?" I asked laying on the bed. "Yes this is my room love." He said laying right next to me. "I'll sleep with you but you better not try anything sneaky." I said looking at him. He smirked "I would never I prefer you to remember it, besides I would never take advantage of a helpless (y/n)" he said pinching my cheek gently. I rolled my eyes and held on to zens coat. "It smells nice." I mumbled. Apparently I'm not good at mumbling because Arthur took it off of me and threw it on a chair. "Hey what was that for." I asked. "I don't like him he's planning something and I don't like it." He said putting the covers on me. "Jealous?" I asked smirking. "I wouldn't want to think it." He said. I smiled and closed my eyes "goodnight arthur." I said.♡ ○•~morning~•○♡
I slowly opened my eyes and sat up. I stretched and looked around and saw Arthur sitting his back facing me. I decided to stay quiet and not make any noise he seemed lost in thought or at least thinking really hard. My hair was out of its braid it was loose. I looked at my wrist and the bracelet was still there. "Good morning." I said getting up. He turned around and smiled at me. "Good morning love ." He said. I looked at the chair and zens coat was still there. I walked over there and picked it up putting it over my shoulders. I could see Arthur's glare at the jacket. "Calm down artgur before those pretty eyes of yours shoot real daggers." I said jokingly. He chuckled and grabbed the coat from me. "I was gonna go leave it to him." I said snatching it back. "Then just grab it normally and don't put it on." He said. I looked at Arthur eyes with a serious look. I grabbed it and smelled it one more time. It smelled like lavender flowers in a fresh garden. Arthur looked mad, I smiled nervously and walked towards him I leaned onto his neck and smelled. He was blushing tremendously but he didn't move. He smelled like ocean water with a little hint of men perfume. I leaned back and he turned his face, I chuckled at this new face i just discovered. "You smell good." I said while walking to the door. I glanced back on more time before closing the door. I took in the fresh morning breeze and the noise of the ocean hitting the boats sides. I looked at the boat where my brother was in and he looked highly concentrated on the ocean. I took the rope and swung across to the ship. I made it and vowed at my imaginary crowd. "Good morning Gilbert." I said as I walked past him to my room. He only waved making me a little confused and worried. I entered the room and saw Eliza sitting on the edge of the bed. She looked worried and happy at the same time. "What's wrong with everyone in this ship did you wake up on the wrong side if the bed?" I asked sitting on my bed facing her. She looked up and hugged me tightly tackling me to the bed. "I'm scared (y/n) I don't know how to act or what to talk about, or if he even remembers me, what if he's married or doesn't love me anymore " she said. I could feel her heart beating really fast. I patted her head. "If you both truly loved each other than he should be waiting and wishing to hold you." I said awkwardly. She looked up at me with glossy eyes "the last time we saw each other was when we were teens he worked outside of the cell farming for Leon and he said he loved me and would wait." She said pausing. "But it's been so long who knows, what if he gave up and forgot me." She said. I could see the tears in the corner of her eyes. "He loved you so if he really meant it that means he is still waiting and not losing hope and if he's with another one and doesn't remember you ,I'll teach him a lesson for making false promises and I'll invite the emperor of Japan if he wishes to do what he wants." I said determined. She giggled and wiped the tears. I smiled as she got of me and stood up. I started changing as she turned around and started talking about him. He sounded nice and smart from the way she described him. I put on another dress but this one reached  below my knees, I put the corset on top and it had loose sleeves. I out my boots on and my hat on which still had my tiara gently placed on top. Me and Eliza walked out and my brother looked stressed out and worried. I rushed over to his side as Eliza followed closely behind me. "What's wrong gilbert?" I asked. He glared at me and then quickly smiled apologetically. "I'm zorry." He said. "Did someone do something to you or did something happen?" I asked softly. He patted my head "Ludwig zent me a lezzer which zaid zhat zis wife iz having a child and zhat ze will not be arriving zo zhe kingdom." He said a little worried. "Well as long as no one knows that you can send letters to the royal council and tell them what to do while your gone don't you think?" I asked looking at the sky. He hugged me and kissed my forehead "I won't have zo worry about zo becoming queen of ze kingdom zour zour zmart." He said. I rolled my eyes a little offended but the thought of being queen of a great kingdom never came across my mind. I looked at Eliza. She looked happy. I smiled at her and we sat in the watch eagles nest all the way on top. "Look." She said showing me a picture of a man. He looked handsome I guess, his eyes were honey brown, his skin was pale almost like Kuros, his hair was messy but decent and it was hazel brown. He's smile was something you couldn't miss even if you were in a crowd full of smiles his would stand out. "You've got quite a man there." I Said raising and eyebrow and poking her. She smiled and looked at the picture with those dreamy eyes and a tender smile. I looked down and saw Arthur and gilbert taking about map and correlations. "Don't worry I'll do anything in my hands to find that man and I'll bring him to you." I said standing up determined. "Thank you I hope we do find him." She said. I was about to jump off but it if I did that i was probably gonna flash people so I took the stairs. "Princess I was looking for you." Said Zen ad he rushed to me. I jumped off the last step and looked at him. "What is it?" I asked. He rubbed the back of his neck. "I've been meaning to give this to you for a while but I couldn't find a way to do it so I'm just gonna give it to you close your eyes." He said. I was confused and I close my eyes. I felt something light yet sorta cold wrap around my neck. "Okay open them." He said. I looked at my neck the best I could, Eliza came to my aid and let me borrow her pocket mirror. I looked in it and saw a choker. It was black but had a single blue diamond in the middle with gold around it. I looked at him and smiled widely. "Thank you but why?" I asked touching the diamond gently. He had a dark shade of pink in his face "Well because I saw a merchant selling it for a well price and it made me think of you how it stood out from the rest so I bought." He said. I gave him a small hug and ran to my room. I got the coat he let me borrow and handed it to him. "Thanks." I said giving him one last smile as I headed to my room. Eliza came in shortly after me and smirked.

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