~Chapter 56~

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~your point of view ~
A few weeks later-
Every time I brought up the kingdom or my uncles Arthur began to act strange and would change the subject even Charles doesn't want to talk about it. Now I was really getting suspicious, Arthur walked out of his room and I came out of mine in a rush. I grabbed his wrist and ran back to my room I threw him inside and locked the door after I was in. "What is happening" he asked looking at me confused. "Arthur are you hiding something from me?" I asked as I leaned on the door behind me. He thought for a Moment and avoided eye contact, "of course not love what makes your think that?" He asked getting up and walking towards me. "I'm not sure it's just every time I talk about my uncle you start acting strange and you change the subject." I said pausing, "Did something happen with them that you don't want to tell me." I asked cupping his cheeks making him look right at me. He just locked eyes but didn't even speak, "Arthur?" I asked softly. He grabbed my hands and sat on the bed leaving space for me to sit near him. He hugged me and I was confused, "love promises me you won't leave me." He said hugging me tighter. "I promise." I said. He took a deep breath in and began speaking. "When we saved Charles from Yao." He said pausing "after he ran towards you I peeked in the room and..." He stopped. "And?" I asked starting to get a little more nervous I could hear him crying in my shoulder. "H-hey Arthur what's wrong your sorta scaring me." I said nervously while patting his back. "I-inside t-the room I-i-i saw" he said stopping again. I pushed Him a bit back to make him face me, he had tears on his eyes and some were rolling down his cheeks. I wipe them off with my thumb and connected out foreheads "Lucy and your uncle were- they were" he said nervously "Dead they looked like they were starved." He said. My eyes widened in horror, this had to be a bad dream. I stepped back and let him go, he looked up at me. "No this can't be happening." I mumbled trying to figure out what just happened. "Arthur is this some type of joke or something?" I said trying not to stutter. He looked down avoiding eye contact and shook his head. My heart was beating faster and I began breathing deeply, I was shaking and my words wouldn't come out. My eyes Began to water and Arthur's eyes went wide, I'm guessing he wasn't expecting to see me cry since I barely cry but this time I couldn't stop myself. I stood up and blacked out, the last thing I remember was seeing Arthur rush to my side.
~Arthur's point of view~
I rushed to her side and grabbed her right in time before she hit the floor. I didn't expect her to pass out, I carried her to her bed and laid her down. I felt horrible and helpless, why did this happen how I sighed a little in relief because at least Charles was still alive. I waited for her to wake up thinking of ways she would wake up and I was prepare myself for the worst. ~Time skip for an hour later~  she woke up and looked around,she seemed confused. She finally looked me straight in the eyes, "Are you alright love?" I asked worried. "I had a strange dream where you told me that my uncle and aunt were dead from starvation." She said nervously looking at her hands. "I'm sorry love but it's not a dream." I said regretfully. She began taking deep breaths again and looked at me horrified, I wasn't ready for the reaction, she began covering her mouth and her eyes were filled with tears it felt strange to see her crying. she finally Gave in and began letting the tears roll down her face, she was crying like she's never cried before while saying how unfair everything was and that it was all her fault for not arriving on time. Every tear that fell from her glossy eyes felt like a stab to the heart, I wrapped my arms around her for comfort but she wouldn't let me and pushed me away, "Why didn't you tell me before, I could have gotten revenge on Yao for them!" She shouted out of anger through her tears. "Because I knew you were going to break down like this I didn't want to see you like this." I said holding back the tears. She turned her head while still crying, her body was trembling and she pointed a finger to the door. "G-get out." She said stuttering. I understood that she needed to be alone so I left not saying anything. I glanced one more time and saw her gripping the covers. I sighed and shut the door, I leaned towards it closing my eyes as I was about to walk I heard her shouting and throwing things while still crying, I felt horrible and decided to leave her for now. I walked to my office and shut the door, Antonio was in the room and he looked confused "What happened?" He asked looking at my eyes with concern. "Nothing I'm just tired." I mumbled walking to sit in my chair. Antonio accepted the excuse but he still gave me suspicious looks, after getting a few books he left leaving me alone in the room. I laid my head down and close my eyes letting the tears escape my eyelashes and roll down to the desk. "Dammit was this my fault for not telling her earlier?" I asked myself. I sighed and went to sleep to see if that would calm me down.
~~~~~~~~time skip to a week later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
After that day (y/n) hasn't come out her room and only speaks to Charles. She barely eats, and refuses to talk to anyone who isn't Charles. I felt horrible and understood her situation but I wanted to see her and tell her everything was alright. I sighed and headed or the wheel, as I was stirring I reached into my coat pocket and took out a small blue diamond ring. I bought it for (y/n) while we were out looking for her a couple of weeks back. I was ready to change the future for both of us and finally make her mine by claiming her with my last name, but I'm still not sure when to give it to her and how things are going I'm not sure she'll say yes. That thought was making me lose my courage, I put the ring safely back into my pocket and looked out at clear blue sky. "Capitan ahi (captain their is) land up ahead it looks like a pueblo (town)." Shouted Antonio. I nodded and headed towards the small figure ahead of us.

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