~Chapter 26~

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As I opened my eyes to a strange smell I looked around the room only to find emil sitting in a chair he had a blanket covering him. As I looked at his eyes he was asleep. How was he able to sleep comfortably in a chair and what was he doing here anyway? I asked myself. I got up and walked over to him. "Emil?" I whispered as I shook his shoulder gently to not hurt him. "(Y/n)" he mumbled as he stretched. I smiled and turned around to see kuro still asleep. "I'm going to make brrakfast." I said as I walked towards the door. "Can I help." Asked emil as he walked towards me. "Yes." I said as I turned the silver handle to open the door. We walked under deck to the kitchen. I decided to make porridge it was the only thing to keep us full at least until dinner. I decided to prepare medical stuff and to get extra food ready just in case. "Were close!" Shouted berwald from above. I gave everyone there food. I entered my room and started to get ready before waking up kuro. "Kuros wake up were almost there." I whispered in his ear. He started stretching and he put his coat on. I grabbed my belt which carried my sword and gun and put it on. As I got out of the room we saw land I started to feel excited. I haven't felt this in a while. "Okay men and (y/n) get ready." Said tino as he got his spear out. I saw smoke coming from some houses and boats. As I turned around to look for emil he wasn't anywhere to be found. "Hey where's emil." I asked. Isn't he going to fight? "We hid him beneath deck, he's still to injured to fight." Said Lukas. "We just have to make sure no enemy comes on the boat." Said Matthias. I nodded in agreement. "You ready kuro?" I asked. "More than ever." He said as he looked at the village. As we got to shore Mathias was the first to jump of to shore. Then followed the rest they told me to wait up there. I peeked my head a little to see what they were doing. Matthias rose his sword up everyone who was battling stopped and looked at him. I could tell which was the enemy by the way the soldiers on the right looked at Matthias compared to the people on the left. "Came to surrendered?" Said one of the soldiers as they all soon started laughing. There laughs sounded like pigs eating. "As if, we would never surrender to the liked of you." Said Tino, I could tell he was trying his best to show no fear. "I doubt it, you people aren't strong and don't know how to fight, you guys are outnumbered, just give up while your still breathing." Said one of the soldiers as he grinned. That grin showed his ugly yellow teeth. "Say the people who are even to scared to say the first female pirates name." Said berwald with the same emotionless expression. There grinnes turned to glares. I was starting to feel useless just stitting here watching them. "Tell that little female pirate she can go put a sock on it for all I care, she's just a girl." Said the soldier. I felt angry I was slowly losing my calm. I then saw kuro look at me, I guess he could tell I was going to burst after that comment. "I wouldn't say that if I was you i bet that if she was here at this moment you wouldn't be saying this." Said Lukas. I felt a little calm but not exactly. "Oh yeah and what would she do about it, shouldn't she be cleaning or cooking?" Said the soldier. I snapped, why do some men think that way of women. I stood up from my position and put my hat on. I jumped out of the ship and stood in front of Matthias. Some of the soldiers had their eyes opened wide, some were even shaking. The villages people also looked scared. "What were you saying?" I asked in my most womanly voice. The man's smirk became a shocked expression. The man who was all mouth but no bark suddenly started launching at me. Soon everyone was fitting. I was starting to feel a strange yet satisfying feeling. I was feeling blood-lust. I wanted to see them all beg for forgiveness I guess I might be going insane after not being able to fight for the last 2 months. I kept my cool and only killed those who came at me. "No please!" I heard a little boy scream out. As I turned to where I had heard it i saw a man grabbing a woman by the wrist there was also another man who had a little boy. They were being separated by the looks of it the boy was crying and so was the woman as they tried to reach each other. "Shut it brat!" Said the man holding the boy. "Please kill me but spare his life he's just a kid!" Yelled the woman. Then the man held a gun to her head. I ran towards them and the man holding the boy let go immediately and ran away while the other man pointed the gun at me. " step back of I'll shoot you." Threatened the man. "I'd like to see you try." I said while glaring at him. The woman ran to her kid and looked at me terrified I then ran toward the man and kicked him right where the sun don't shine as he shot a bullet. Luckily it missed me so I was okay but the man was sure not going to have kids after this, that is if he is still alive. I glared at him. "If you want to live get on your knees and beg for mercy, I would like to have someone spread the tale." I said. He was shaking " Please ma'am don't k-k-kill me!" He shouted. I could see by the corner of my eye a man was launching for me. I turned around and blocked his hit. I grabbed my gun and shot him in the head. I then turned around and looked at the man. "That wasn't enough." I said as I shot him In the head ending his pain. I felt heartless after doing that but for some reason I felt pleasure in it. I guess I really am Insane. I then started killing more counting each one. It went from 15 to 29, then to 35 and then it just kept increasing rapidly. After more and more of the enemy's army started dying. I could tell everyone felt confident after they saw we had a chance to win. But they didn't fight good, they would stab them to hard and then wouldn't be able to get their weapons out and they would be wide open. I then told Matthias to tell the villagers to only threaten that would help and they would surrender faster. After 7 hours of fighting I wasn't getting to tired I felt more excitement than ever before. A soldier came up to me and fell to his knees suddenly more and more started falling to their knees around me. "We surrender to you, please spare out lifes." Said the man from before who kept talking. I looked around and saw all the villagers tired. There was less villager than enemy soldiers. I looked down and felt displeased I wanted to kill more to fight more. I then stabbed my sword on the man's chest and then I started running around killing more and more of them. I could feel they're fear of being the one to be killed. I felt powerful. I suddenly felt hands around my waist. It was kuro "Please stop your going insane they have already surrendered there s no need to kill them." He said. I felt annoyed so I elbowed his chest hard enough to let me go. "I get to choose wether to let them live or die, and no one can stop me." I said as I grinned. 'What's going on with me, this isn't like me I would never do this, it's like someone else has taken over my mind and body I can't stop them' I thought but that didn't stop me I started killing them all one by one but fast. I then saw Tino hug me and then Matthias hugged me from behing they were wrapping me. "Let me go!" I shouted as I slammed my forehead against Tino making him fall down in pain letting me go. "Stop it (y/n) We already won" said Matthias as he held me tighter. "Fuck off will you." I said as I jerked my head back hitting Matthias in the face. I then walked up to one of them and gave him a cut in the cheek. "I'm going to let you live but make sure to tell everyone about this event and how I was able to stop and entire army by using their fear." I said as I was about to stab the other man. "If Arthur found out about this he would never forgive you." Shouted kuro. I turned around immediately. I dropped my sword and looked at the poor man who was shaking head to toe. "All of you leave now and don't come back." I said. They all stood up and ran to their ship. I then hear everyone cheering in happiness and relief. I saw the woman from before and her child " Thank you for saving us." She said as she gave me a hug. I smiled at them bit inside I felt like a monster I guess I now understand why people are so scared of me in starting to get scared of myself. "I'm sorry I went that far but it was the only way to stop you." Said kuro as he walked towards me. Everyone started praising me and thanking me and the Nordic pirates. I went back Into the ship. "Are you ready to go?" Said Matthias as he patted my back. "Not yet I want to meet your people." I lied it was the only way I didn't want to go back only to hear that tale I forced the man to tell. Not yet. I went to my room and fell asleep I felt tired and I had a few cuts to tend to. I'm glad I helped the villagers out.
~ 12 months later~
~ Arthur's note~
Hey guys it me daisy, I hope your enjoying my story I don't think it's ending soon ~ . I hope you guys are really enjoying my story I usually do have some school work but I finish it at school bow so I can just come home and start writing.
~sincerely ~ daisy dragneel~

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