~Chapter 54~

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~Your point of view~

I went downstairs stairs knowing my first mate might have put them all downstairs. I opened the door and they huddled up like children waiting for a story to be told to them. "So captain did you kill them all in one blow?" asked one of them. "Did you kill the brat that shamed you in front of your enemy?" asked another. Suddenly they all started talking stories and telling things about what i probably did. Can't believe i'm seen like this from all the killing i've done, I do regret it but there's still something in me that's craving more. I wondered if this was the new side of me thanks to the spell Yao gave me or if this was still the little side of the spell that was still in my head. I looked at them seriously and raised my hand gesturing them to stop talking. The room went silent and they all looked at me waiting for an order or something. "We have new allies I will still be captain but the one giving actual orders will be Captain arthur kirkland, we will join them in there adventures." i said. they all looked at me in disbelief, "Hahaha your so funny captain." said one of them, i looked at the man seriously indicating that i wasn't . they all suddenly started talking all together and were complaining, "I think our captain has gotten to soft lately, we need a strong and fearless captain like me." said one of the men, he was a show off and always bragged about how strong he is and the people he killed. They all looked at him and then at me , " I think so too." one said, soon it was everyone, the only one keeping quiet was my first mate he watched nervously and not knowing what to do. "Let's kill her, we can keep her head as a trophy." said the show off man. They all lunged at me, i didn't want to kill them but something in me was excited and wanted to. I began fighting with them, the place was too crowded now. I ran up the stairs and knocked the door down sending it flying across deck.

~Arthurs point of view~

We were all waiting for her so we can start a celebration, There was something off about her still. While we were waiting we washed and put our weapons back in the downstairs room. After a while we heard everyone roaring, i looked at their ship and saw the door fly across deck. We all leaned against our boat to try and figure out what was happening. Maybe they convinced her to not join and maybe they were going to attack again. I saw some men also flying out, (y/n) came out she was smirking and you could see the excitement in her eyes. Then her men came out all in once and began attacking her. She was blocking and dodging everyone, Charles started running and was about to climb the board to her ship but she pushed the board down making it fall into the water. How was she going to come here now? We couldn't help her now cause theirs no way to get to her. She wasn't killing them but she did cause enough damage, here smirk was gone and she looked bored as she fighted with everyone. Her first mate was tired and was barely keeping up with them. He fell down after being pushed and was about to be stabbed until (y/n) grabbed the blade with her gloved hand. She looked up at the man and everyone froze even i couldn't move. Antonio was still trying to untie the rope for us to go and help but wasn't even able to untie it even the crew were trying to untie it with him. We all watched as (y/n) glared at the man who was about to stab her first mate. "Oh oh you struck a nerve there darling." she said smirking at the man. Her eyes seemed to glow with mischief as she threw the man's sword into the open ocean. Everyone  seemed confused and scared to see what would happen. "You either follow my rules or you won't live to tell the tale." she said, something about those words spoke the truth.  Everyone looked at each other not knowing whether to speak or give up. "Were not scared of a small little woman who is too soft to kill her own enemies giving them a chance to kill her!" shouted a man they suddenly all roawered in agreement. While they were at it (y/n) helped her first mate up and untied a rope while her men that are betraying her are giving speeches of why to eliminate their own captain. She helped her first mate swing across to our ship, when he landed on deck he swung the rope back to her. She grabbed the rope and stopped it. Suddenly one of the men tackled her to the ground, "You know i haven't had fun with a woman for a very long time." He said looking at (y/n) hungrily. The rest of the men began going wild in agreement. I clenched my fist (y/n) was still underneath the man just staring at him blankly, i hope she was thinking of a plan to beat them.  They all began forming a circle around her as she laid there on the hard wooden floor of the ship. This was bad, charles was panicking and crying while matthew tried to calm him down. I looked around desperately for anything so i could get on that ship. Soon i heard shouts and the sound of swords hitting each other i looked over and saw (y/n) her shirt was only a bit open only revealing her collarbone, and her coat was off, she stabbed the one that started this. She looked mad and stabbed the sword deep in the man making the end of the blade come out from his back. Everyone backed up a bit and watched as the man's body fell to the ground, she took the sword out making him fall in front of her. She looked at everyone and glared at them intensely, They all launched at her one by one all ending on the floor making the clean wooden floor stained with red. After what felt like ages of watching here as her rage killed everyone of them she was covered in blood. Her blouse was covered in red, her leather polished boots were red now. Her gloves were also read along with her sword, she sighed and buttoned up her shirt, a little bit of cuts were in her shoulders and legs but it was nothing really serious. She had a few bruises but she was still able to stand up, Her first mate was about to jump across but didn't make it all the way and fell to the ocean, i really didn't want to save him, i just met him he wasn't important to me. (y/n)'s eyes widened and she jumped in with him, I panicked and leaned to the edge about to jump in but Antonio stopped me he was also panicked, "Let's wait un poco (a little)." he said. charles began shouting her name while trying to escape Matthews arms. After a minute i was beginning to panic even more, I put a ladder out just in case and for me to be able to climb back up when i was ready to jump in and save her. As i was about to climb down i saw a hand reach the first ladder, it was (y/n) she was climbing the ladders with the boy, they were both tied up with a rope around their waist but it was (y/n) dragging him up, his eyes were closed and they were both soaking wet (y/n) looked like she was in pain as she carried the boys weight. She finally reached deck and i helped her up, she untied the rope and leaned on the boys chest cheking for his heartbeat. She put both her hands on his chest and began giving him CPR, after a while it wasn't working to well. She leaned in and gave him mouth to mouth contact giving him air, i clenched my fist i didn't like this it was like she was giving him a kiss. After five attempts he finally shot up coughing and spitting out the water he had in his lungs. He looked at (y/n) confused and flustered, "Thanks, captain." he said. She gave him a small smile and stood up, Matthew let charles go and he instantly ran up to her hugging her leg tightly. She looked pained but i could tell she was holding it in. She crouched down up to his level, "Charles you grew so much, I missed you." she said ruffling his hair. He smiled letting the last remaining tears roll down his pink cheeks. "I missed you too big sister!" he said. I felt relieved and was about to hug her but lovino beat me to her, why is it always him. She stood up and lovino hugged her tightly, "Idiota ragazza i thought i would never see you again-a stop doing this all the time-a!" he said as she giggled and hugged him back. "Thanks lovino i missed you too." she said, feliciano also hugged her soon it was the entire crew. It's moments like this that make me change from cruel to soft. "Let's have a fiesta para celebrar el regreso de la reina del océano! (Party to celebrate the return of the queen of the ocean)" shouted Antonio. They all headed downstairs and brought drinks and the table. Lovino and feliciano hit the kitchen preparing the food.  I Walked up to (y/n), "Come with me." i said turning around, she followed me and i lead her to my head quarters. I gave her a chair to sit in, i grabbed the med kit and tended her arm wounds. I was going to heal her shoulder wound but the sleeve wouldn't go up anymore. I looked at her and she looked flustered while nodding indicating 'yes'. I unbuttoned her shirt, She had blue undergarments but then i mentally slapped myself for looking and rushed to get her shoulder ready. After that awkward silence she buttoned up her shirt and cleared her throat. I was still a bit upset about her going in contact with her lips with the other man but if i told her that she was going to think im childish. "(y/n) i have a serious question to ask you, you have to answer honestly." i said looking at her in those (e/c) orbs. she looked at me and smiled, "What is it? is something bothering you?" she asked. I sat down in my desk ready to ask her the question that would either break me or make me the happiest man in the world. 

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