~Chapter 19~

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~• Arthur's point of view•~
"Do you ever miss the sea?" She asked as she looked up at me. I looked at her beautiful (e/c) eyes which shined brighter than any diamond I have ever owned. " i do sometimes but I can't leave yet." I said as I looked up at the sun. She then hugged me tighter "Arthur i found out today that I'm engaged to Allistor I forgot we got engaged when I was young." She said as he she buried her face in my chest. I felt like my heart was stabbed, this hurt. I felt a terrible pain in my heart. I hugged her tighter i didn't like the idea of seeing her married of to my brother. " I." She paused and looked up at me. She was blushing her face was redder than the roses. " Arthur i think I'm in love with you." She said as she slammed her head in my chest. My eyes opened wide in shock. What was going on was I dreaming I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. She loves me! Wait should I tell her I've loved her for a while? No wait, wait I should tell her I won't have to be scared of being rejected. As I was panicking of what to say I froze in fear. Allistor is going to murder me if he found out she loved me wait even worse I'll never see the end of it if he finds out I love her too. " Arthur are you okay." She asked as she slowly rose her head up. " your shaking whats wrong?" She asked as she held my hand tight. I blushed and smiled nervously. " Y...yea." I said trying to sound calm but clearly it didn't sound like I was fine. She stood up and and held her hand out to me as she smiled. " come on princess Arthur stand up." She said jokingly. I smiled and took her hand. She suddenly pushed me into a bush and I was confused at first. " my darling it's good I found you everyone is looking for you." Said a voice that I knew very well which sent shivers down my spine and made me tremble. Allistor. I looked through the Bush and saw her face red like Antonio's tomatoes but why was she blushingly so much like that? I had so many questions but I guess I'd have to wait. " oh okay I'll go tell them I'm fine." She said. As she was about to walk I saw Allistor kiss her. She didn't stop him which made me furious but if I came out of the bush I'd never see day again. She turned her head and looked down. Allistor smirked and wrapped his arms in her waist. "Allistor I have to go tell everyone im fine." She said as she tried to push him. Why wasn't she hitting him like she always does to defend herself I thought as I watched them."this morning was fun I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as I did." He said whispering in her ear. She was tremendously blushing. What did they do this morning there was only one thing that came to mind but I didnt want to believe it. He held her by the waist with one arm and the other he used to light up a cigar. I was mad but there was nothing I could do especially if it had Allistor in it he was much stronger than me. As I saw them disappear I got out of the Bush and clenched my fist. I swear if they did what i thought  they did I was going to kill Allistor even if it cost me my life. I walked towards the castle entrance. I'm atleast glad she loves me. I'm going to tell her one day. One day~
~ your point of view~
As I was walking toward the entrance of the castle I saw Ludwig there staring at me not losing track of me. I was confused why did he come and look for me was he scared of me running away? As I stopped in front of Ludwig he glared at me. What did I do to make him angry at me. I was confused yet scared at the same time of what he was going to do to me. He  gripped my wrist and walked inside the castle. He was hurting me but that wasn't my biggest worry at the moment. " Let me go what did I do?" I asked while trying to stop him. He stopped walking and turned his head towards me. " zou made Brother Gilbert cry and he iz refouzing zo eat or even get out of hiz zroom zo zour gonna fix zhis problem." He said as he stabbed daggers at me with his glare. I was scared this was the first time my brother has ever been this mad at me. Hate. It felt like he hated me for this. Was Gilbert that hurt at what I did and said. I felt like screaming but I kept it inside and didn't talk. We stopped in front of his door I just stood there I didn't even knock or open the door I just stared at the door. " open zhe door and apologyze right now!" He shouted at me i felt like hitting him but I didn't. I turned around and ran as fast as I could I knew that if he caught me i' d never see the light of day ever again so I ran like my life depended on it which it did. He was catching up. I turned to look at the window. We were in the second floor so if I jumped I was going to break my legs,but if I  ran fast enough and then jump I was going to land in the Bush and possibly  get scars but that was my only hope and better than breaking my legs. " don'z even zhink about jumping ouz zhe window." He shouted how did he now can he read minds now?! I was shocked but If I wanted to keep my life this was my only option left. I ran faster. I turned immediately and jumped. My hands were covering my head. As I looked down Arthur was there walking by ,his eyes were open wide in shock. I landed on the Bush. I looked at my arms they had cuts from glass and my dress was ripped thanks to the branches. I stood up and took deep breaths. As I turned my head My brother Ludwig was in the open window glaring at me and shouting curses and threats which hurt more than the cuts I received. I saw Arthur frozen looking back at me and at  Ludwig. He then looked at me i could tell he wanted to know what was going on. " I was saving my self from being murdered in the arms of my brother." I said as his face turned to a look of understanding. I  saw my brother Ludwig gone from the windows I knew he was going down the stairs so I ran out of the castle. As I was running about 25 guard were chasing me. I ran all through town tripping but getting up immediately and running again. The entire town watched the wild goose chase as more guards tried to run after me. I was running out of breath and I was at the dead end. I turned around and saw them getting closer. I only had 2 options. 1. To let them catch me and face the punishment from my brother Ludwig was planning on giving me or 2. Jump in the ocean and hope to not drown. Wait why don't I wanna apologyze to my brother. I know im right that's why  he should be the one apologizing to me for not letting me hit prince Allistor if he let me hit him none of this would have happened. I then looked down at the ocean and turned around to face the guards that were looking at me. I stepped back and winked at them as I fell backwards to the ocean. As I was falling the guard were shouting in panic and worry.  I then opened my eyes to try to swim up. I swam to the shore near a forest. As I got out i saw  kuro who looked at me surprised. "what happened?" He asked as he helped me. " nothing serious i was just running away from 35 guards." He stared at me surprised that i was able to outrun that many guards all by myself. He covered me with his jacket. " well I'm glad your  safe." He said with a smile. I smiled back. What am I gonna do next I can't go back to the castle and I didn't know where we were so I couldn't go to my uncle's house. I just got myself in more trouble. I should have thought this through.
~{Re wrote chapter }~

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