~Chapter 58~

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 what your wearing is similar too the picture above except its red and the skirt is more shorter and you don't have that fabric covering your mouth and nose nor do you have the head band  so the picture is more like to give you an idea of what it looks like~sincerely-author 

~Arthurs point of view~

I was glad that she finally came out, she didn't smile the whole day but we don't want to rush her to just be happy all of a sudden. She went below deck to the dinning room where Lovino and feliciano were making her pasta and pizza, surprisingly she ate it all and she helped clean up. We were getting close to the small town, i haven't stolen much gold so i was running out of things and we needed to buy more supplies. "Were stealing the villages gold!?" shouted (y/n) in disbelief, "We need more things and without gold we cant buy those things to survive." i said, she thought for a moment "Only because we really need to but just so you know i never did this." she said giving in. i felt calm but now i had to think of a plan to get in without being suspicious and get out without being caught. Unless, but now i need (y/n) to agree and that's the real problem at hand. so i went to antonio for help on asking her she was capable of killing me after i tell her the plan but maybe she'll listen to antonio. After i told Antonio the plan he seemed to agree, "And about her part i need you to tell her that part because if i tell her she's going to kill me." i said looking at Antonio, "Wait what makes you think she won't kill me!" he said standing up in shock. "But if you tell her she might think about it and she won't kill you she'll probably shout but not kill." i said looking at him, "If you ask her ill get your title back as pirate and ill let you buy as much tomatoes as you want." i said. He thought for a moment and looked at me i smirked i already won him. He rolled his eyes at my smirk and turned around facing the door before taking a deep breath and leaving. Now we had to wait and see what happened.

~antonios point of view~

I can't believe i  gave in too quick, well there was no turning back now so i had to go and tell her the plan while also risking my life. I was in her room door and raised my hand up slowly ready to knock, i knocked 3 times and was a little nervous. she opened the door and moved aside to let me in, i walked in and sat in her bed as stiff as a stick. "What did you want?" she asked sitting in the woodend chair in front of her desk and turning it to look at me. i looked at her eyes, "Well me and arthur have come up with a perfect plan to get in the town unsuspiciously and to get out without being caught." i said, she nodded and i continued "Well, i have to take you to town as a prisoner i caught,, obviously as the first female pirate everyone's going to be shocked and were going to a dance bar where ill tell them that i want you to work their where of course your beautiful hair will attract people and being the first female pirate the most powerful caught by someone will shock a few more people sending them all to the bar to see for their own eyes, the king will probably want to see about the blue haired dancer and hell also go with probably a lot of guards, that means there won't be as many guards in the castle given arthur, alfred,matthew, Alexander and  lovino a chance to sneak in and get the gold and supplies  while feliciano works as a watch person, i'll be with you so no one tries anything funny because if you act too strong they'll wonder how someone like me caught you which will make suspicious so we have to go with the plan as their getting the gold out they'll send a fire rocket out which will cause enough noise for everyone to get out and see what happened and we'll take that chance to run and get back in the ship uncaught and well leave." i said, she looked at me seriously, "So your saying that i'm going to be showing everyone my body as a distraction?!" she asked confused, "Not exactly i'll be there too just in case things go to out of hand but since your a one of kind woman do to your pirate power and your hair that will alert the entire town so it will make the job easier." i said a little scared because she was looking at me in disbelief. She thought for a moment, "Think about it with this we will be able to buy enough supplies for food and everyone including charles will be happy with a full stomach and incase charles or anyone gets hurt we have the proper supplies to heal them." i said. She sighed and looked at me as if debating, "Only because i know you're right but you have to promise me you won't let creepy perverts touch me while im on fighting pause." she said. "Of course, but 'fighting pause'?" i asked, "Yeah because i won't be able to fight them myself or it will cause suspicions so its like im on a time out." she said. I understood and nodded agreeing. I left the room and when i was out i let out a breath i didn't know i was holding, i ran to Arthurs cabine and slammed the door open, "I survived amigo (friend) and si acepto (she agreed)" i  said proud. He smiled and praised me, "Now you have to use your title to cause fear in the people they already now you, this is the town you attacked many years ago before you allied with me." he said. I remember the time and nodded in understanding now to see if the plan actually works as planned.  it was approximately 30 minutes till we arrived to the town of San langlter .

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