~Chapter 46~

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I tilted my head sightly confused. "What did it say?" I asked. He looked at me and furrowed his eyebrows, I could tell he was debating on wether to tell me or not. I reached out and grabbed his hands "Piraten suchen dich und Arthur, sie entführen Charles und greifen unser Königreich an, sie hören nicht auf, bis sie beide von dir haben (Pirates seek you and Arthur, they abduct Charles and attack our kingdom, they do not stop until they have both of you)" he said. I instantly got worried, they have Charles and their attacking innocents just to get to us. I was confused and mad. This was probably some type of karma. I ran out of the room and swung across to Arthur's boat I ignore  everyone and kicked his door open
He fell down on the chair he was leaning on. I slammed the door shut. "What's wrong love?" He asked quickly getting up from the floor. I stood quiet I was still shocked, I looked at my hand and remembered what the mermaid told me. Maybe I could use the ocean to move us faster. I decided to try it, I ran out with Arthur quickly following behind. My brother was still on the edge of his boat looking at me. I got on top of the edge and balanced. "What are you doing?" Asked arthur looking at me and my brother. My brothers eyes widened, I took a long breath and jumped. Arthur shouted out my name and so did my brother. As I hit the water i could feel goosebumbs from the cold waves hitting me. I looked at my wrist at the bracelet, they wanted Kirkland i hope not me. I was already debating wether to stop being a pirate, I just cause problems and they hurt my loved ones. Arthur is perfect he already experienced these things there just child's play for him. I do want to have power but I don't want to become the monster my mother almost became. I didn't know how it works, do I just ask it or..? i decided to put my hands together and ask. I felt dumb for doing this what if it doesn't even work. I could feel someone else's presence, I opened my eyes and found the same mermaid from last time.  She came up to me and grabbed my hands, she began chanting something and after a long minute she stopped. "The bracelet hasn't been awoken, no one ever uses it your the first." She said. I was running out of breath but I wasn't coming out until at least Arthur and my brother made it to save our people and Charles. She looked at me very seriously, I'm guessing she knew I was running out of breath. She leaned in and kissed me, my eyes opened wide. When she separated I had another another tank of oxygen left. I thanked her a little flustered of the sudden move, "okay you have to force the ocean to be at your command, you have to show your worthy of truly being the queen of the ocean." She said. I nodded but didn't know how to do that. Suddenly sea nymphs began surrounding us, almost like watching a play. I closed my eyes and asked in my head "help me save the life of innocents, it's not their fault they shouldn't be going through this, as queen of the ocean I order you to move at my command." I thought embarrassed. Nothing happened and I was running out of breath again. I began swimming up, I was too deep I wouldn't make it. The ocean began shaking immediately, I panicked and looked up.
~Arthur point of view~
(Y/n) was down there too long for an average human. I was beginning to worry  she wasn't coming up. After another long wait the ocean started shaking. Everyone was running out and in preparing for a storm. I was a little afraid to find a monster here, maybe that ate her. As we watched the ocean it suddenly began separating in the middle. Now there was a path to walk in the middle there was completely no water falling out. It was ground King Gilbert jumped out and ran through the open path, I did the same. We couldn't find her, I looked and there was nothing anywhere. She suddenly fell out of the water walls. She was coughing and was soaking wet. Gilbert ran to her and so did I, she was fine thankfully. "Zhid jou do zhis?" Asked the king, as he helped her up. She just nodded, she looked up at me smirking. "Now who's crazy." She said lifting up the glowing bracelet. That bracelet gave her command of the ocean. I did have something like this for the seven seas I rule, but I threw it back since I didn't believe in those silly tales. We helped her up to the boat and she ran instantly to the wheel. The water closed the space and started moving fast. The waves hit the boat more faster and harder.  Antonio was steering our ship and following her ship. She looked frustrated, "What's h happend love, why are you so stressed." I asked slowly walking up to her trying not to fall of from the extreme speed. She turned around and looked desperate "pirates are looking for you and me, they have attacked the kingdom and have little Charles, they won't stop till they have us." She said. I began to understand her worry. The ship went faster by the second.
~time skip with Arthur still~
After an hour of the ocean takings us at extreme limits we saw the kingdom. There was smoke coming out of some buildings and there were screams being heard. The king jumped of his boat and walked casually, but I could tell he was more than calm. With his golden armor ,purple cape,and the crown he looked awesome.  (Y/n) had her eyes opened wide in horror. I grabbed her hand but she didn't make eye contact. "I don't want to be a pirate anymore." She mumbled something but I was unable to catch it. I was used to seeing towns like this, I used to do it for there gold. If I never known (y/n), pirate me would just laugh at all the people running and I'd just watched. But this time they were looking for the queen of the ocean  and the ruler of the seven seas. I jumped off the ship and ordered the crew to help the town people get somewhere safe. The kings guards also did the same. A man I thought I would never see again was walking towards the king. 'Bermuda' that's what they called him. He was the first pirate alive to have ever crossed the Bermuda triangle and survive, he is also the Chinese emperor. He has long hair tied into a low pony tail, his brownish reddish eyes have seen things, and he is short but that doesn't mean he's not powerful and feared. This was bad.

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