~Chapter 40~

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She didn't even let me state my opinion in this. She stripped me off my clothes and changed me quick. " lets see your haur is beutiful down so.." she he mumbled. She came up to me and started brushing my hair. She grabbed my small tiara and put a blue pin flower near the end of the diamond in the middle. "Perfect." She said I turned to look at her. "My goodness, your really a beauty if I was a man I'd be head over heels for you." She said cupping her cheeks. I looked in the mirror. I didn't like it, "how am I supposed to fight like this." I pouted. "Not everything is going to involve strength besides your amazing I bet it'd  work out for you." She said putting her hands on my shoulder. "Besides you have that boy and your brother to protect you." She said pocking my cheek. I giggled and carried my luggage. "A princess like you shouldn't be carrying it." Said Eliza grabbing the luggage. I could see she was struggling to hold both of them. I took both of the luggages they weren't that heavy. She looked at me and was surprised. "You really are something." She mumbled. "Please let me carry it i know I may not be as Strong as you but I want to be able to take care of myself." She said. She gave me the puppy eyes,I sighed and let her carry it. "Actually we can ask a guard to help you since you won't let me." I said. I ran out of the room only to trip on my dress. I fell on the floor face first. "Are you okay." Asked Eliza rushing to my side. "It nothing I just have to walk now." I said a little annoyed. She laughed and helped me up. Surprisingly the tiara didn't fall down. I saw Zen looking out at the window with a tender smile. I slowly walked up to him. "Zen can you do me a favor?" I asked. He turned around and his eyes widened. He had a dark shade of red around his cheeks he looked shocked. I saw Eliza smirk. "Zen are you okay?" I asked. He snapped back and smiled. "I'm sorry I was just so stunned by your beauty." He said rubbing the back of his neck. I smiled and ruffled his auburn hair, it was surprisingly soft. "Thank you." I said. He s face went completely red as I kept ruffling his hair. I noticed it was getting wierd and apologized. "Can you carry out luggage please Eliza won't let me help her and it really does have a lot of things we need someone strong." I said. He smiled and carried it. "I'm at your service my princess." He said. I smiled and started walking, I wasn't used to walking in heels so I walked slowly and held a straight posture. "My goodness haz anyone zeen my zister!" Shouted Gilbert as he turned to the hall we were in. He stopped and looked like he's seen a unicorn. "My litzel zister, you look beautiful." He said walking over to me "thanks." I said hugging him. "Lets go." He said holding his arm out. I wrapped my arm around his arm and we started walking. There was a carriage going to take us. "Cant i just ride a horse no need to be all fancy."I mumbled. I didn't see Arthur anywhere  around so I brushed it off. I got inside, Eliza had to go in the other carriage. "Big brother thank you." I said not making eye contact. "No problem." He said. After a few minutes we finally reached the boats. There were 3 boats. "Why so many boats?" I asked. "Well juzt in caze zhere is a boat zhat zinks we will be able zo zave ze survivors, and if we get into trouble there iz guards to help fight in ze other boat." He said. I nodded and got out of the carriage first. I looked around and saw the woman I helped out with her son they looked so happy and in a better state. I walked over to them "I'm glad you and your son are in a better state." I said. She vowed and smiled at me "Thanks to you princess I'm glad you helped us I don't know what I'd do." She said. I waved goodbye as I walked back to the carriage. "Is Ludwig coming to substitute while we're gone?" I asked. "Yez he should be here with zis family." He said. I nodded and watched the guards get on the first boat which had our kingdom flag, The third one didn't have our flag. Being the curious person I am I picked up the end of the dress and rushed over to that boat. I walked the wooden plank laid out.  "Hello?" I shouted out while jumping on the boat. "(Y/n)? Is that really you?" Asked lovino as I turned around. "The hair gives it out." I said. He smiled and hugged me. "You look like a real raggazza  now bella." He said jokingly. I laughed a little and looked around. "Where's  everyone else?" I asked looking around. "There below deck talking and drinking You know celebrating." He said. "Even feli?" I asked. "Oh yea he's talking with them though not drinking." He said walking over to the plank and pushing it up. "Why aren't you joining them?" I asked helping him. "First of all you shouldn't be a helping me bella raggazza and second of all I don't want to end up crashing out boat because they let a drunk Antonio steer the wheel so I'm going to steer." He said. I nodded, "I'll go tell them to drink it up so we can leave already." I said walking to the stairs. "Be careful, your a girl and there all boys." He shouted. I rolled my eyes and continued walking down the stairs. I opened the kitchen door and it smelled like alcohol and beer. "My goodness is that really (y/n)?!" Asked Antonio as he walked up to me. "Yes it's really me." I said. He stumbled a bit while walking to me. He hugged me and I heard a glass drop. We immediately all looked at a half drunk Arthur who looked shocked. "Be careful." I said rushing over to pick up the broken glass. He grabbed my hand and I looked up at his eyes,they were glowing and his face was a little small shade of pink. "Your really beautiful with your hair down, that dress fights you so well love." He said. So much for thinking he was half drunk he was completely drunk. I turned back and started picking up the last remaining glass. "I'm going to throw this." I said standing up. Arthur followed along and when I finally threw the last remaining glass piece. He picked me up from his shoulder. I started hitting his back for him to let me go. "Let me go arthur your drunk were almost leaving to Japan." I shouted hitting harder. He rushed to the room. I desperately looked for lovino but he wasn't anywhere to be found. Arthur opened the door and tossed me on the bed he was much stronger when he is drunk. He got on top of me and pinned me to the bed, I panicked a little and headbutted Arthur. He let me go and held his head in pain. "You can't hold you liquor can you." I said jokingly. He got up and held my arms to my sides. He kissed me and slammed me to bed again. He got on too of me again and kissed me. I tried kicking him off but this dress wouldn't let me. Arthur slowly started leaving kissing trail all over my neck. "Arthur let me go." I said looking at him. He smirked "I already have you here love I wouldn't want to miss this opportunity." He said. I panicked and tried wiggling out. I could tell my hair was a mess again but it didn't matter, I didn't want Arthur to do this. He slowly pulled the top of the dress off. I was sweating and blushing. One of my hands were free, I took this chance and slapped him. I pushed him off and luckily the top wasn't revealing anything I adjusted it back and turned to look at Arthur. He s cheek was red and he looked at me Shocked. "Don't you dare get close to me." I said glaring at him. I opened the door and saw lovino and feli arguing again. The looked at me and I just ignored it "what's wrong Bella your hair is a mess." Said Feliciano rushing over to me. Lovino looked at the room where Arthur was and then at me. I was glad, he understood what was going on. I jumped off the boat and walked. "Why." I mumbled to myself. My brother rushed over to me. "What's wrong zister zour hair is a mezz." He said rushing to me. "There drunk so make sure to send a guard up there to make sure they don't do anything rash." I said walking past him. "Did zhey zo anyzhing zo zou?" Asked my brother. I looked back and my eyes widened I wanted to tell him about Arthur but if I told him he would just send and army after him. His eyes widened I started sweating.  "I stopped him before he could do it." I said quietly enough for my brother to hear. He looked mad. I grabbed his arm and pulled him towards our ship . "Lets go." I said. He followed along we climbed our ship. I looked in the mirror which was in my room. It did look a mess I brushed it. The bags in my eyes were still there but they didn't look as bad as when I first had them. I laid in the bed and covered my eyes. After a minute of thinking random I got up and looked at my luggage. I opened it and my clothes were scattered. I didn't have anything to do so I decided to fix it. While going throw it i didn't find my sword which I use to fight. I looked desperately that sword is passed down through pirate my uncle gave it to me. I ran to Eliza stumbling a bit. "Eliza have you seen it?" I asked. She looked confused and tilted her head. "The sword, the sword that had a sapphire in the middle." I asked. She thought for a moment "oh yeah Zen took care of it he said it must be very special and that he doesn't want it getting caught or for it to fall down because it was falling of." She said smiling.  I looked around the ship desperately for Zen. "Big brother this is an emergencyhave you seen zen?" I asked grabbing his arm. He looked worried and pointed at the other boat. I let go and rushed to the edge of the boat. "You'll have to wait zill we get zhere." He said grabbing me shoulders. "Zen!" I shouted. Zen leaned on the edge of his boat. "Do you have my sword!" I shouted. It took a minute for him to finally understand he smiled and nodded. I sighed "zou brought za sword?" Asked my brother. I stopped moving and breathing for a while. ' what am I going to tell him ' I thought. I started breathing and turned my head slowly towards him smiling. "Its just in case." I said rubbing the back of my head. "Zou have ze awesome king zo protect zou. " he said. I nodded and he left. I looked back and saw Zen looking at the sky. "Thank you!" I shouted. Arthur s boat was infrotn leaving the tail of the ship in between both of our ships. I saw feli waving at me, I waved back. "Who is that." Shouted Zen. "That's my friend Feliciano he's Italian, also a pirate!" I shouted. He nodded and Feliciano waved at him. We started chatting about ourselves. After a long shouting conversation the sky was red and orange mixed together. "Its beautiful." Shouted Zen looking up. I nodded by the corner of my eye I saw Arthur come out of his head quarters. I glanced and looked down. Zen caught me and looked at me. "Did you guys get into an argument or something." He asked shouting. I felt my face get flustered, Arthur could have heard that. "(Y/n)!" Shouted Arthur. I turned my head towards his direction. Zen glanced back and forth between us. "I'm sorry for what happened earlier!" He shouted. I wanted to tell him I forgive him but when I saw his cheek was still a little shade of pink from the slap I gave him I turned my head and walked towards my room. I fell on the bed and hugged the pillow. "Why do bad things always happen to me." I mumbled remembering everything I've gone through the tears people shed for me. I took the dress of and put my pirate attire on. It felt so comfortable and I felt relaxed. I put on the hat and on too I gently placed the tiara. "Better." I said to myself. I put my (l/s) hair into a braid and tied it up with a navy blue ribbon. I walked out and let the night breeze hit my face. "It would have been nice to have seen you in action!" Shouted Zen. Artgur was also out on deck looling at the stars i decided not to look at him. I leaned on the edge of the boat and smiled. "It isn't as pretty to look at." I shouted back. He smiled and looked up. "We haven't trained." He shouted. "Do you want to train?" I asked. He looked down and chuckled "It would have been nice to so I can start moving from the basics." He said. I thought for a while. I saw my brother lean on the edge to. "I'm going to risk it." I mumbled. Apparently it wasn't quiet because my brothers eyes widened. "You have my sword with you right?" I shouted to Zen. He nodded a little confused. I walked all the way across the ship to the other edge. I took a deep breath and relaxed. "What are zou going zo do." Asked my brother a little worried. "The guards are asleep now and I don't want to wake them up for something so little." I said. I took one last breath. I ran towards the edge of the boat, I climbed it relaxing and jumped. I made it to the tail of Arthur's boat. He looked at me eyes widened I stood up and glanced at him. I snapped out of it and walked a little back. I then took another jump and finally reached zens ship landing on the edge of zens ship and rolled for a safe landing. I got up and finally started breathing. "Are zou crazy zou could have fell zo zhe water!" Shouted my brother out in anger Arthur also looked shocked, I glance at him but looked back at my brother. "I'm okay brother please don't worry." I shouted running the back of my head. He sighed and headed to his room. I glanced at Zen who looked like he wasn't even here anymore. "Lets practice." I said snapping him out of his state of shock. "Your quite unexpected no one would be able to read what's on your mind and your able to shock anyone with everything you do." Said Zen. I smiled "I'll be back in going to get your sword." Said Zen rushing to what I'm guessing us his room. I saw Arthur looking at me with a tender look in his smile. I clenched my fist and started walking to the middle of the ship to avoid his eyes.

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