~Chapter 41~

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After a while Zen finally came out with the sword. I rushed to him and grabbed it,"I'm glad your safe." I mumbled while hugging the sword. "Thank you." I said smiling at Zen. He started taking his armor off  leaving him with his normal clothes on. I took my hat off and gently put it on the side. "Do you know how to dance?" I asked turning back to him. He nodded "okay were going to practice sword dancing so you will be able to move at ease and be able to have control over your sword." I said. He nodded and grabbed his sword. I put my left leg in front of my right leg not letting the heel touch the ground I kept a straight posture and put my free hand on my hip while pointing my sword at Zen. He smirked, I raised an eyebrow as I watched all his movements. He  held a straight posture and put his free hand on his waist but instead of putting a leg in front of the other he kept them close together while touching the tip of my sword with his sword. I smirked and we began sword fighting but a sword fight is a tad different you have to dance with your enemy while still trying to kill them and making sure you have your guard up. We dance while trying to block of each others hit. I twirled around him and he furrowed his eyebrows I stopped in front of him with my sword pointed at his neck. He spun to the left avoiding it while grabbing my waist. He was behind me still holding a tight grip on my waist while his sword was on my neck. I raised an eyebrow i was shocked. I could see Arthur from my angle. I looked at him and he was clenching his fist while his bangs covered his eyes. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around zens neck avoiding the sword. He looked surprised I took a deep breath in and held it in. I bend over pulling him with me he flipped over and was on the floor. The sword only cut a strand of my hair. I grabbed his sword and held it on his trhoaght. He smirked "that was a nice one." He said chuckling. I smiled and helped him up. Zen went to sleep after that and I stood on deck watching the stars. I was about to go to the other edge of the ship to see were we were at. I heard boots hit the floor if the ship hard, I turned around immediately and saw Arthur. He tackled me to the ground, I turned my head avoiding eye contact. "What's wrong why are you doing this to me?" He asked a little irritation can be heard in his voice. I kept quiet and pushed him off. I stood up and continued walking. "I told you not to get close to me did I not?" I said Looking at the map.  He  Wrapped his arm around my waist making me turn towards him. I turned my head again, "look at me would you." He said Annoyed. I pushed him again and this time I pointed my sword at his chest. "Get away from me this is the last time I'm warning you." I said glaring at his reflection on my blade. "What did I do, that was just a mistake (y/n) I didn't mean it why don't you understand." He said grabbing the sword. I looked down and dropped my sword. "I don't want to talk right now I'm tired." I said quietly. "You don't want anything with me but I bet if that Zen guy asked you, you would huh." He said grabbing my arms. I looked at his eyes. He s green eyes they looked angered, inside was a volcano that was about to explode. "Don't bring Zen in to this, this is between you and me not him." I said glaring at him. He pushed me to the ground making me land butt first. "Woman listen to me, I told you your mine so you'll listen to what I say." He said. I stood up and glared at him "I don't care, didn't I tell you I own myself." I said. He put his arm in my back pushing me towards him while cupping my chin lifting it towards him. "You listen to me I take what I want whenever I want and I claim it not caring if anyone else already owned it." He said. I moved his hand from my chin and pushed him back. "Go back to your ship if all your going to do is brag." I said annoyed. He groaned in annoyance and walked toward me pulling my hair down making me face him. "You brat you can say what you want but I already claimed you as mine so fight all you want but your already claimed, now I want you to know that you cannot talk to that man or any in the case except for the king and me" He said letting me go. This isn't the Arthur I meet, no it is but this Arthur is the pirate inside of him I didn't blame him. "I can talk to whoever I want, whenever I want, where ever I want okay Mr. Bushy eyebrows." I said crossing my arms and walking away. He pulled my braid making my head jerk back and he slammed his lips into mine. This kiss was dominant and rough. He then parted our lips "You damn pirate you don't stop do you" I said as he let my hair go. He smirked while pinning me to the wooden wall. "Feisty little girl are you I'm impressed all the time by everything you do but I know your keeping something from me." He paused. My eyes widened. "I saw it when we were in the room and you wouldn't let me, when your beautiful eyes widened and how you stuttered I brushed it off but I can't anymore ." He said annoyed. I stepped on his boot putting all my weight in it. He let me go and I ran around the boat making sure he didn't catch me but he was only a hand away. He tackled me again and pinned me to the wooden floor. "Look princess I'm starting to get pissed off and impatient either we do this the easy way." He paused. "Or my way which is the hard way." He said grinning at me. I was shocked and I know understand why people fear him. "Bring it." I said glaring at him. He's grin grew wider and he picked me up putting me on his shoulder again. I tried kicking and punching but this Arthur was insane. He whistled and I saw Antonio throw a rope. He grabbed it and leaned back on his heels. I held on to his  waist beacuse I didn't want to fall on to the cold water. He then swung across holding the rope tightly. I closed my eyes as the wind hit my face. He finally landed on deck in his ship and I let go. I held my breath and did a back flip kicking him in his face while I was at it. My hands touched the floor and I then landed on my feet facing the other edge if the ship. I turned and looked at Antonio. I hid behind him hugging his waist. "Antonio help me this Arthur is insane he's going to kill me he pulled my hair and kept pinning me." I said hugging him tighter. " I don't like him" I said. He stopped Arthur from lunging an stranggling me. "Capitan (captain) calm down and think rashionally." Said Antonio holding his shoulder. Arthur glared at him "oh man he's going to kill us both don't worry Antonio if I'm the one that survives I'll tell my kingdom about your bravery." I said hugging him tighter. He chuckled and Arthur's glare became even more intense. Matthew came out rubbing his eyes. I let go of Antonio and ran towards Matthew I hid behind him and hugged his waist. "I need a hero to save me!" I shouted knowing Alfred would come to my aid. He rushed out of his room with bed hair and picked me up bridal style "Don't worry dear citizen I Alfred the hero shall protect my damsel in distress." He said. I hugged his neck as Arthur came towards us. Matthew intervened and stopped Arthur. "Arthur whats wrong why are you so upset!" Said matthew. I could tell he was scared. "Oh my hero this old bushy brow pulled my hair and is trying to kill me I need help." I said dramatically I was enjoying this little scene. He looked at Arthur who was glaring swords at us. It sent shivers down my spine as he walked towards us matthew cowered in fear as Antonio also gave up. "Thanks guys for saving me!" I shouted at them while wrapping my legs on Alfreds waist. "Alfred your my last hope I'm actually scared please help me." I whispered. He hugged me and tried to help me clam down. "Dude calm down." Said Alfred stepping back. I held him tighter "This is not nice Arthur this is pirate arthur." I whispered. Alfred put me down on  The ground and went with Matthew and Antonio in there little corner. "Dude the hero is not able to beat this enemy if you survive I'll tell my grandchildren about the great hero (y/n)." He said. I looked at Arthur who looked pissed. "Arthur." I said leaning back as He kept coming closer. I thought for a while as I looked at Arthur showing no fear. I took another step back only to hit the wall. My eyes widened, I looked at Arthur who was right in front of me. "Now you gave me no choice darling were doing it the hard way." He said. I looked at him and I felt goosebumps in my hands. He leaned in and grabbed me by the collar. "Tell me what the little secret is and I'll let you go unharmed keep fighting back and I'll be the first person to have the pirate queen begging on her knees". The blood in me started heating up with exitment. I started laughing. The pirate in me came out, I let my guard down. "Look just so you know no one will have me below them in fact you'll and your entire crew will be my little Watch dogs while I sit on the throne feeding you treats for behaving well." I said. I kept trying to push the pirate queen in me back but she was much stronger. We began pulling each others hairs and punching, then it went to kicking. Antonio wrapped his arms around my waist and tried to stop me. I grabbed him by his collar and flipped him making his back hit the floor in front of me. I glared at him and walked past him. "Why are you doing this?" Asked Matthew I snapped back into my senses and helped Antonio up. "I'm sorry." I mumbled. Arthur took this chance and pulled my hair. I closed one of my eyes from the sudden pain. He s grip was tight on my hair. He moved my collar and bite me in the neck like a vampire would. My eyes widened It hurt. "Arthur your hurting me" I said grabbing his hand. He used his other free hand and put my arms to my side and then he wrapped his arm around my waist. I was unable to move. Alfred Matthew and Antonio tried to get Arthur off me but it only resulted in them being hurt. He bite my neck again this time harder. "S-stop." I said trying to wiggle free from his grasp. He bit harder. "Okay okay I'll tell you just please stop." I said giving up. He stopped bitting but didn't let me go. "Lets hear it." He said. I looked at Alfred and I mouth the word 'private conversation' he nodded and took Antonio and Matthew to their room and him back. I sighed and closed my eyes. "Arthur,promise me something before I say it" i asked. "What's is it love?" He asked. "You have to decided wether you want to or not rationally okay." I said. "What?" He asked. "Wether you want to stay with me." I said. His grip got soft and weak. "Love there nothing in this world that can separate us we can fight like today and end up acting like it never happened." He said letting me go. I turned around and faced him. I gave him a kiss not sure wether it would be my last. "Arthur when Allistor was still here we were engaged right and one morning I bumped into him." I said pausing. I looked into those emerald eyes. "We ended up doing adult stuff but I did it because we were engaged so it would be alright I didn't know I would end up getting s eperated from him, I truly felt mad at myself for doing this to you and I wanted to tell you so much but deep inside me it told me not to because you were just going to leave me I didn't want that and I didn't want to do anything like that with you cause it made me feel guilty for not telling you." I said stopping. His eyes were wide opened. He sighed it wasn't annoyed or disappointed more like relieved. I looked up at the stars which were like small diamonds. "Love I would never be upset for something like that probably jealous but that doesn't mean I would separate us i would  still love you because I know you were doing what you thought was right." He said softly. I mentally slapped myself for not telling him before I was worried for nothing. I could feel my eyes water I quickly blinked them away. He kissed me but this one was warm and gently. I felt happy for finally telling him. I touched the spot were he bit me. "Why did you bite me?" I asked. He smirked "I'm putting my mark on you, that marks tells anyone who touches you that you belong to me." He said. I rolled my eyes and giggled.

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