~Chapter 60~

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~The next morning your point of view~

I opened my eyes slowly as the rays of sunlight shone right at them. " Good morning love," said arthur as i turned to look at him, He was smiling at me as i smiled back. "Good morning." i said We both got up and got dressed i had to put on his coat as i walked to my room to get properly dressed. I opened the door slowly to find charles sleeping still. I got dressed quickly and quietly, I walked over to his bed and smiled at his peaceful expression. "Charles it's morning." i said gently as i sat on the edge of the bed near him. He opened his eyes slowly and stretched, "Good morning big sister" he said as he stood up on the bed. "Good morning." i said, "Where were you big sister i couldn't find you last night." he said as he walked over to me, I walked over to his clothes and helped him get dressed, "Well i was sleeping somewhere else because the ocean told me it was better that way so it would stay calm and not make a storm." i said regretting it slightly because i was lying. "Really" he said as i fixed his hair and buttoned up his shirt,I nodded in approval and he smiled. "Let's go." i said as i extended my hand out to him to which he took. We opened the door and headed out to deck at the open sea and rays of sunlight which sparkled the entire sea. I looked up at the sy as i took in the fresh breeze, "Uncle Alfred!" shouted charles as alfred approached us. "Good morning little dude, Morning to you too (y/n)" he said grinning,HIs eyes sparkled just like the ocean, I smiled at him, "Morning Alfred." i said, "Uncle Matthew!" he shouted as Matthew looked to our direction, Alfred didn't turn around to look at his brother instead he excused himself and walked away, Matthew didn't even look at alfred they were avoiding each other at extreme levels. I decided to not get in to what was none of my business. Antonio was already high and awake watching the ocean in the watch nest, I looked up at him as his eyes widened, He jumped down and ran to Arthurs headquarters. I looked at the sea and spotted a small round figure but from what i saw it was a ship i could make out of, it was definitely another ship. I felt a tighter grip on my hand from charles, "Big sister are they coming for us?" he asked, I smiled and ruffled his hair, "If they do, they have no idea of what their dealing with." i said, "Don't worry i'll protect you from all bad i won't let them even touch a finger of yours." i said reassuring him He smiled and  nodded in agreement, That was the real problem whether they were coming for us or if they were just merchant ships sailing the seas. I brushed it off for now and we both headed down to make breakfast. After we all came down and ate we cleaned the table and headed up, The ship was definitely closer, My eyes widened in horror it had a chinese flag. I felt anger boil up through my veins, Arthur came out of his office and saw what i saw as well as everyone else here. "Big sister what's wrong?" asked charles as he looked at me, I touched my cheek gently as i felt the warm tears roll down them, "Nothing" i said as i wiped them, "WELL IF IT'S KIRKLAND AND (L/N)!" shouted Yao from his ship, I looked at Arthur who seemed bored, "I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD, TOO BAD HERE I WAS ABOUT TO TELL YOUR PEOPLE ABOUT THE NEWS" he said shouting back to Yao's ship. I held onto charles hand and was about to walk to our room and distract each other, "WAIT, (Y/N) I HAVE SOMETHING FOR YOU!" Shouted Yao as i stopped in the door knob, I glanced at the ship and took in the details. I turned to look at his small figure, Even from far i could sense his grin. I walked over the edge of the ship and he put out a plank connecting our ships. As i was about to climb someone grabbed my wrist, I turned to look and saw arthur. "I'm going with." he said, I nodded and walked across, Alexander and charles followed along, "Great seeing you again." he said smiling at me, I stared blankly at him. He walked over to me and handed me a paper neatly folded. He extended it out to me and i took it opening it gently to not ruin it. My eyes widened,

-{ Dear, (y/n)

I'm sure you're enjoying yourself wherever you are, I know your safe so i won't worry to much as to not stress myself, we've been under attack a few days ago but it's nothing serious just pirates nothing our kingdom can't handle i think. The leader of the pirate gang took us and our charles for who knows what when we asked him he just said that we were special to his plans. I hope he doesn't plan to use us for some evil thing or that he doesn't use us as bargaining for you. I know i never told you but you were always like a daughter to me, When i found out you were born i went to see you and you were the smallest thing i've seen. You had my sisters hair and your father's eyes. When you told me that you were going to come and live with me because you didn't like it at the castle, I didn't want you to see me as who i was back then, I ruthless and blookilling man. I was a pirate but i didn't want you to be scared of me so i told you you could and i locked my pirate self inside me to help you grow. Your brother was the smartest boy i've met and he is also strong but you were brave and your smile mad even the dark turn to light. I truly miss you but i'll wait for your arrival, so far they have just kept us in a dark cellar and lucy and charles are scared, i am too but i know you'll come for us and you'll save us because i cannot. If something were to happen to me take care of lucy and charles but if something happens to both of us. For me im begging you, take care of our charles and don't spend your time mourning if you do find us gone because it wasn't your fault. I love you my little pirate you've saved and helped, till we meet again. ~ Sincerely, Your uncle}-

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