~Chapter 31~♡thank you♡

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As I finished playing i took a deep breath in and exhaled. I felt relieved and less worried. I looked over at Arthur who had a dreamy look on his face. "Arthur?" I said waving my arm in front of his face. He snapped out of the little dream he was having. "What were you day dreaming about?" I asked. He looked at me and his cheeks were a slight pink. I smiled at him "Arthur we need to talk." I said quietly but firmly at the same time. He sat up straight and crossed his legs "What's the matter is something bothering you?" He asked with a tone of concer "Arthur i nees you to go out and explore the seas like you did before you met me, i want you to be happy you belong in the ocean thats your throne you rule all off the seven seas you cant be here beacuse of me." I said. It hurt me but it was the right thing to do. I looked him in his eyes he looked at my eyes, I could tell he was waiting for me to tell him this was a joke or something. "I love you so much it hurts, I want you to be happy Arthur please understand that i know your not happy here and that your only staying for me but." I paused and put my arm to my beating heart. "I left you here and I was free and happy i want you to leave too to be free and happy." I said. He looked at me with a pained expression. "You want me to leave You here, (y/n) Your my life I'm happy wherever you are, besides with what just happened who knows what will happen to you I want to be here to protect you when you need it." He said in a serious tone. "I'm not giving you an option this is an order from your princess, I order you to leave and to be happy." I said. He looked at me I leaned in and kissed his lips he melted into the kissed and this felt like hours I was running out of breath but if it meant dying in the arms of the one I love I wouldn't care. He separated our lips and we both were panting for air. "Thank you for making me happy." I whispered. He smiled and kissed my forehead "Im not leaving you." He said. I got on my knees and looked up at him."Arthur Kirkland  prince of England king of the seven seas I (f/n) (l/n) princess of the diamond kingdom first female pirate want you to know that I love you, as much as I hate seeing my love away id rather see him  happy roaming the seas as if there was no tomorrow." I said. He looked at me "I'll only leave for a month if I come back and your not here I'll search all over the universe for you non stop." He said. I cupped his cheeks. "Please be careful, wait for me and make sure to not forget me." He said. I giggled "How will I ever forget my bushy eyebrows." I said. He rolled his eyes and connected our foreheads. "Your the only one that has the key to my heart so please don't break it." He said. I hugged him. I didn't want to let go I could feel my heart crying. "I love you Arthur nothing can change that if there's any better way to express my love I'll look for it even if it costs me my life." I said. After our little talk we walked out of the room. I kissed him one more time and then I walked to my room. I changed into my nightgown and covered my body with the warmth of the bed. "Goodnight my love. " I said as I fell into the world of dreams. •Next morning• as I woke up I stretched and let my hair loose. It felt nice and warm outside through my window. I walked out only to find Arthur walking toward me. He picked me up from my waist and spun me around he had his red pirate clothing. "I'll see you when I come back from my trip alright love, please take care poppet." He said. I smiled and gave him a kiss. "Make sure to take care of everyone, tell them I said goodbye." I said. He smiled and walked towards the exit. He looked back after opening the door. He gave me a faint smile and shut the door. Suddenly I felt a pair of familiar hands on my shoulder. "Good morning zizter." Said my brother Gilbert. "Your majesty I hope you had a beautiful morning." I said turning to look at him. He smirked and we both walked to the garden. I grabbed his arm and took him to my room. When we entered I closed the curtains locked every door including the closet door and put a sheet under the door to make sure no sound came out. I turned to look at my brothers look of confusion. "Big brother there's going to be horrible things happening." I said bluntly. I sat near him I covered his mouth. "Brother last night I got attacked by a stranger I'm pretty sure there not done they want something from me or me but If one day I dissaper please let my uncle and Lucy move into my room until I return who knows what will happen and they might want to harm them." I said. He looked at me. "Who iz zhis person, Whoever dares to hurt my little zizter I will not hezitate to kill zhem." He said. "Just make sure to also send Arthur a letter if I do dissaper that way he at least knows something and can help you look for me in case I really am in trouble and I need help of course." I said. "I doubt I will need help though." I said looking at the bandage in my hand. "Uncle has a boy his names Charles." I said. "Remember that woman Lucy the one I told you that I helped, yeah she's married to our uncle and is mother to his son." I said smiling. He smiled and sighed "I'm glad zhere happy but you have to be careful I'll make sure to use my power to protect you." He said scratching his head. I kissed his forehead. I got ready for today I was going to practice more hand to hand combat with Ludwig he was strong and would be able to fight someone off just in case I need that. I want going to be like the women in the movies ( even though movies weren't invented yet you just broke the 4th wall.) I was going to fight them with all I got. "Am I over thinking." I thought. ' What if they already knew they never stood a chance and they just leave me.' I looked at the golden laces on the red carpet. "Calm down and relaxe." I said to myself. I walked towards my brothers room. I slapped myself hard in the face. "He's already married." I forgot that will I was gone he married a foreign Italian princess. I felt upset. I turned back around. "Maybe if Arthur was here he could have practiced with me." I said. I walked towards the town but was immediately stopped by my brother. "Zizter zour not to leave zhis caztle without royal gaurdz." He said while panting for air. He came running all the way here just to tell me that. I took 2 royal guards with me. "Princess this may be rude of me but I have question." Said the royal guard on the left side of me. He was pleasing to the eye, he had violet eyes. "Don't worry the king isn't around I'm a relaxed person I want you to act normal." I said smiling at him while walking . He's cheeks got pink and he smiled back. "I was wondering if you can train me to fight hand to hand in only good at weapons." He said. I stopped walking. My heart was happy. I could actually help someone I relaxed my beating heart and acted cool. "Why me isn't your conductor good?" I asked glancing at him. He rubbed the back of his neck. "Well he is but I want to be friends with you your a cool person everyone respects you not just as a princess but also as a pirate, besides your specialty is fighting with both weapons and hands." He paused and looked at me. "Your my inspiration princess I admire you for being strong and helping people." He said. I felt my heart almost stop. ' someone actually admires me.' I was happy. I put my arm around his shoulder he was the same height as me, I'm guessing he's one of the short guards. "I could almost fall in love with you." I said jokingly while standing with pride. "Why would anyone want someone like me? Every woman i meet say I look like a woman's man and that I'll just leave them for another, not every man is like that." He said with a sad tone.  "I kmow how you feel, your handsome im sure a woman out there likes you and doesnt think your like the other men." I felt inspired He was just like me. He wants to everyone to be treated equally. I felt happy that someone thought like me and that I wasn't  alone. "Lets go I know where to practice." I said letting go and walking towards the destination. I whistled a note as loud as I could. Everyone in the small alley turned to look at me as if I was crazy. I waited for a minute and then i saw her. My beautiful eagle, she always sent letters for me faster and came back when she was finished. She sat on my shoulder. "Hey how have you been I need a favor." I said while stroking her head gently. "I'm going to write a letter and I need you to send it for me." Is said. She looked at me, the look in her face was definitely asking 'what's in it for me .' I rolled my eyes. "I'll give you free food, you won't even need to hunt." I said. Her eyes sparkled I smiled and walked with her on my shoulder. I asked the man at the vegetable store to give me paper and pen and I started writing.
[ Dear, Arthur
Today I met one of the royal guards who is just like me! He said I was his inspiration and that he admires me. I'm do happy. I hope you enjoying your adventure out at sea tell everyone I said hi.
Sincerely, (F/N) (L/N) ~♡]
I finished writing it and rolled it. I gave it to the eagle and stroked her hair. Arthur had given me his handkerchief so I let the eagle smell it. I went out side and she flew away.

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