~Chapter 30~

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~Your pof view~
As you went inside  the room with your uncle you noticed that this was your old room. "Hey" was all that came out of your mouth. Your uncle looked at you but didn't even speak. "Look uncle I understand if you don't want me to come here anymore but let me explain this situation at least lend me an ear." I said sitting on the edge of the bed. My uncle grabbed the chair from my old desk and turned it facing me as he sat down. "About the thingy were we thought I was pregnant well I'm not so that's a relief." I said. He raised an eyebrow. I'm guessing that wasn't what he wanted to hear. "I'm sorry for making you misunderstand." I said. That still Didn't seem to solve this awkward aura. "Why didn't you tell me." He said in a deep tone. I looked down. "I thought it was the right thing to do i don't want anyone to know." I said. "Do you not trust me?" He asked. "Of course I trust you it's just that i was scared to see how you would react I'm ashamed I did what i did but what's done is done." I said. He sighed. "I guess I have something else to tell you." He said. I looked up at him. " Me and lucy." He said pausing "when you were gone for a year me and lucy don't know you were gone we got married and when we didn't see you there we knew you left somewhere." He said. I felt my jaw mentally drop. They were married, well I gess that made it alright for them to do what they did. " congrats uncle you guys make the perfect couple,You know the main reason I thought it was alright for me and Allistor to do it was because we were engaged." I said. He looked at me shocked. "You guys are engaged!" He shouted I quickly covered his mouth and looked at the door hoping no-one heard that. Soon lucy and Arthur came in. "What happened are you guys okay?" Asked lucy. Arthur looked at me and then at my uncle. I removed my hands from his mouth and smiled. "Where fine." I said. Arthur looked at me confused and then sighed. After they both left the room. I looked at my uncle. "Geez I said we were but my brother stopped the engagement and now he's married to another princess." I said. "A princess isn't supposed to do that you should be ashamed you slept with a prince and you guys aren't even fully married and he is now married to another woman." Said my uncle leaning back. I never thought of that but then again no one in the kingdom knew except for my uncle,and Gilbert. "We have a kid." Mumbled my uncle. I was shocked was he hoping for me not to hear that because I heard it loud and clear. I ran out of the room to the living room where lucy and Arthur where smiling as if they were remembering great times. I was curious but that wasn't important right now. "The kid show me!" I  shouted as I tackled Lucy. I was so excited my uncle had a kid. Arthur looked at me and I smiled at him. After a while Arthur separated me from lucy she looked like she was out of breath. I apologized  and sat down. As lucy went to a different room. My uncle waited sitting there. When he saw Arthur i could tell a side of him was still angry at Arthur for taking me. I held Arthur's hand and he held it back. I was getting a little nervous. As lucy came out there was a kid about 1 year old. He looked up at me and looked at my hair. His eyes were the same as lucy s and his smiled was the same as my uncle's. I smiled and held my hands out for him. He walked up over to me taking his time. When he got in my arms I got up and spun him around. "You have my uncle's smile and lucy s eyes." I said as I stopped spinning. He looked so cute as I showed Arthur the kid he smiled and picked him up. Surprisingly he was good with kids. "Arthur you'd be a great father." I said. Suddenly his face went dark red and my uncle looked at me shocked. I smiled and ruffled Arthur's blonde locks. His hair was soft. I stopped cause it seemed wired now. As the kid walked up to me I knelt down to his level. The kid grabbed one if my locks and smelled it. "Does it smell good." I asked looking at him. He smiled "i....it" he said pausing. "Smell." Was all he was able to say I clapped and cheered. He smiled and laughed. I felt happy to see my uncle start his own family. Arthur then intertwined his hand with mines. He looked into my eyes. I looked back and saw lucy smiling at us and my uncle was in the kitchen doing who knows what. I looked back into Arthur's emerald green eyes and smiled at him. "What's his name I asked lucy." She looked at the kid and gestured him to come which he obediently did. "We named him Charles." She said hugging Charles. I walked out to the garden. The evening sky looked beautiful the red and orange covered the entire sky. I felt someone looking at me but when I checked my surrodings there was no one. As I was about to walk In a sword came out of nowhere and flew right towards me.   I took my sword out as quick as I could and dodged the sword. I looked around trying to find the cause of this. As I was about to turn back and dismiss this event a man dressed in all black lunged at me. He started attacking first. He was pretty fast but luckily I was able to avoid getting cut. What's going on. I thought as I looked at him.
~3rd person point of view.~
Everyone inside the house heard metal being banged together and decided to investigate. As they opened the door to  the garden they saw (y/n) fighting with a stranger dressed in all black the only visible thing were his  piercing eyes. Arthur was about to help (y/n) fight this guy off but was stopped by (y/n) telling him not to interfere. He stayed back and watched. (Y/n)'s Uncle watched with confusion. Who was this guy and what did he have with (y/n). As everyone looked. Little Charles was becoming a little scared. He watched her fight, he was scared of her getting hurt. He watched (y/n) fight and block all the hits the man was throwing at her. "I guess the rumours are true." Said the stranger as he kept trying to hit (y/n). She looked at him staright in the eyes not losing contact "What have you heard?" She asked not really caring. He looked at her and was becoming tired. (Y/n) felt the blood in her veins boil up with excitement.  It was happening again she enjoyed fighting. She was a blood lusting fighter. As this went on the stranger cut her cheek leaving a small cut blood fell out but it wasn't too serious. (Y/n) smirked. And wiped the blood off. Little Charles saw the cut and the blood that flowed down her cheek as she kept fighting. He started running out for (y/n) As lucy and (y/n)'s Uncle tried to catch him he kept running faster. Arthur tried to catch the little fast Charles but ended up falling on his back. The stranger saw an opportunity to distract (y/n) and then attack her like that. He looked at Charles small body run towards (y/n)'s aid. The stranger  ran to Charles ready  to stab him. Lucy screamed out Charles name as she covered her eyes in horror. (Y/n)'s Uncle shouted Charles name. Arthur watched knowing that he was going to teach him in time. As they expected the worst to happen they uncovered their eyes to see what had just happened. Their eyes opened horrified of what their eyes were seeing. (Y/n)'s hand grabbing the sword of the stranger stopping it. The sword was exactly 1 inch away from. Charles. "Hey Charles." Said (y/n) trying her best from hiding her pain so Charles wouldn't get scared. "How about you go to mommy that would help me a lot." She said. Charles nodded and ran back to his mother's safe arms. She cried in relief. (Y/n) looked at the stranger. "That's cheating." She said kicking him in the nose. He stepped back letting go of the sword and holding his nose in pain. (Y/n) tackled him to the ground and was now on top of the stranger while pointing her sword at his throaght. He glared at her. "What were your orders and who gave you them?" Asked (y/n) glaring back. She could see the goosebumps on his skin which made her satisfied she wanted to see him more scared, terrified begging on his knees for her to give him mercy. "I was ordered to get you." He said. She looked at him and touched his throaght with the  sword. A little blood came out as she pierced his skin. "Spill it if you want to live to tell the story." She said grinning. "Your insane I heard your story's you make even the most powerful fall to their knees." Said the stranger with a little hint of fear. (Y/n)'s Uncle came up to her. "(Y/n) Lets just leave him like this there's no need for violence." He said getting an inch closer to her. She pointed the sword at her uncle and glared at him.  "This is my problem I get to solve it however I wish." She said moving the sword back to her victim. He looked at her in disbelief. Soon Arthur came up to (y/n). "Don't make this mistake again, your going to regret it." He said. She glared at him. "What word of this is my problem did you not understand." She said. Arthur didn't know what to do. (Y/n) got up and moved to the side. "Get on you knees and tell me who sent you." She said glaring at the stranger. He touched the spot where (y/n) pierced him and got on his knees. "I was sent here on a job I'm not sure who this person is." He said. (Y/n) looked up at the sky it was now night. "If you want to get out of here alive beg for you life and if satisfied I'll let you free." She said coldly looking down at the poor man. Arthur looked at her in disbelief this wasn't the (y/n) he fell in love with, this was a different blood lusting, merciless person. The stranger begged and begged while (y/n) laughed at the poor man. "What's going on this isn't (y/n) We know." Said (y/n)'s Uncle. "Of course you guys don't want to believe that I am really this way you guys wouldn't accept me for my real colors would you." She said glaring at Arthur. He looked down this didn't seem right. Suddenly an idea popped out. He ran towards (y/n) and tackled her to the ground she kicked him off. Soon both of them were having a hand to hand combat. Arthur managed to pin her down on the soft grass. (Y/n)'s Uncle didn't like where this was going but he knew this would be the only way. As they were at it the man managed to escape. As he stared into her eyes all he could see were cold ruthless eyes. He watched (y/n) try to push him off If he didn't hurry up with his plan he was going to be the next one begging, he could never hurt (y/n) even if she was acting this way. He leaned in and kissed her. The kiss was Arthur's feelings trying to find (y/n) beneath those cold strong eyes. She finally melted into the kiss. He didn't want to stop knowing that she was now relaxed. After a few more kissing (y/n)'s Uncle separated them. "I'm sorry guys I was just got this strange feeling of wanting him to be more afraid, I felt satisfied seeing him scared of me, power." She said. She looked at her hand. "Lets go inside to bandage it up." Said (y/n)'s Uncle as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder leading her inside. Arthur scratched the back of head and followed but was instantly stopped by lucy. "You love her don't you." She said calmly looking him seriously in the eye. He nodded and looked up. "She's a treasure, if your not fast enough she'll be swept off by another." Said lucy as she and Charles went inside. "That will never happen." Said Arthur confidently as he walked inside.
~back to your view~♡
"Thank you." I said quietly as i looked at my now bandaged hand. Your uncle gave you a hug and so did lucy. "Thank you for saving our son, I don't know what we would have done without you." Said lucy. I smiled. "You ended up getting hurt just to save our son how can we ever repay you?" She asked looking into my eyes. I thought for a moment. That stranger was surely going to tell their boss and there going to come for revenge. I looked at my uncle and then moved to sit on the wooden chair. I gestured for them to sit and they did. "If people, it doesn't matter who they are or their reason." I said firmly. "If someone asks you guys who I am too you guys it down at matter who they are, pretend you don't know me." I said. "There probably going to come for revenge and if they capture you guys there's no way of me getting out alive or even being seen again they'll threaten me using you guys and it will be the end." I said. My uncle looked at me understanding. Arthur looked at me worried, Lucy's hazel eyes had fear in them. "If you guys want to help me please stay out of trouble I can't let the outside world know my weaknesses." I said sighing I was a little tired now. I looked out to the window the moon was high and glowing with pride. The moon and din were my inspiration, how they stood up in the sky with no fear. I looked at Charles smiling at me. "Charles make sure not to talk to strangers." I said smiling at him. I stood up and told everyone my goodbyes. Deep inside I knew this would probably be the last time I ever saw them. As me Arthur walked back to the castle we started talking. "Hey Arthur what were you and lucy talking about you guys seemed so happy. " I said. He looked at me and smiled  were talking about you." He said.  I was surprised was talking about me a happy topic. He stopped walking all of a sudden. I looked up at his emerald green eyes which made my heart beat faster.  He leaned in and separated the space between our lips. I felt the headache and worry dissaper, I felt warm and relaxed. As we parted our lips I smiled at him. " Lets get back before they think we eascaped." I said grabbing his hand and walking. That wasn't the real reason why I stopped, if we continued and the guy already knew my love for Arthur they would use him to get information on me, they might even torture him and I can't live with myself seeing Arthur in pain because of me. When we got in the castle I went to the music room with Arthur behind me. I started playing the piano like my old music teacher Mr.Roderich taught me. It's just like he said music helps you relax and get your emotions out. I let my emotions eascape through the notes I played. "Thank you." I mumbled. I could feel Arthur's warm smile.

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