~Chapter 43~

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"What's with that smirk?" I asked. She sat near me on my bed and closed her eyes. "He s in love with you." She said calmly. My eyes shot wide open. 'This can't be real can it?' I thought. "Anyway we might be getting to Japan in about a few hours so you better start writing your cards of speech to know what to say." I said changing the subject. She looked panicked and quickly started talking to the wind. I sighed and thought for a moment. ' He can't can he? But Why?'. My thoughts moved to arthur, if he found out. He was already jealous of Zen if he found out of  love he was going to turn mad. I started panicking and mentally hitting my head on an imaginary desk. "What's wrong with you?" Asked Eliza a little scared. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well I'm guessing your hitting your head on an invisible desk but why?" She said looking at me like I'm crazy.  "Your looking at me as if I'm crazy but your the one who's talking to air." I pouted. She rolled her eyes and continued. I got out to take fresh air in and relax a little. I was starting to feel unsure of my feelings about both of them. I always thought of Zen as a good friend almost like a brotherly figure but he is being kind and buying me objects. Arthur is nice and I did fall in love with him but what happened yesterday was him angry so if we ended up together what would happen? I started thinking while pacing around. "What's wrong love?" Asked that British voice I knew to well. I glanced at Arthur who was walking toward me. "Arthur Kirkland I need to talk to you." I said grabbing his hand and taking him below deck. "What's wrong whatever you think I did I didn't do it." He said. I smiled and finally reached the kitchen I closed the door behind us and locked it. "You know if you really wanted to do it we could have just gone to my room." He said taking his coat off. I rolled my eyes and put his coat back on. "Were not  here for that idiot we need to talk." I said sitting in the chair. He smiled and sat across from me. It stood quiet for a second while my eyes were closed. "How long till we reach japan?" I asked. He thought for a moment "about 3 hours left why?" He asked. "Just wondering." I said pausing. I thought about asking Zen about his feelings towards me. "Who gave you that?" Asked a rthur eyeing the choker suspiciously. "Oh Zen gave it to me." I said smiling and touching it gently. Arthur got up and kneeled in front of me leaning towards it to look at it closely. He glared at it and then smirked at me. "What's wrong?" I asked. He looked at me and grabbed my arms putting them to my sides. "What?" I asked as he stared at the choker. "I can give you more than he can love so please I'm begging you stay away from him." He said sorta coldly. "No." I said looking at him. "Look I don't want to argue so let's just leave it at that." He said kissing me. After that he hugged me and mumbled something my ears couldn't catch. "A-anyway we should um start heading up deck don't you think?" I asked a little flustered as he started picking me up. He sat me on his lap and rested his head on my chest. "I'm scared to loose you." He mumbled luckily I had my ears alerteaded and I heard. "What was that?" I asked teasing. He looked up and turned his head "n-nothing woman." He said. I chuckled and ruffled his hair. "Don't worry I'll make sure to be careful." I said standing up and heading to unlock the door. Someone slammed the door opened and hit me hard in the head. I fell to the ground and put my hands on my forehead. "I'm sorry I didn't know you were in here." Said a worried Zen as he rushed to my side. "I can see the light." I said as my vision started fading a little. "Princess I'm sorry I'll-" he was interupeted by Arthur who picked me up to quick causing a quick pain rush to my head. He glanced back at Zen giving him a glare. I closed my eyes while rubbing gently on my head. "Are you okay love?" Asked arthur as he kicked open the door to my room. "I'm fine my head just hurts." I said as he sat me on the bed. He smiled "Your dramatic." I said pinching his cheek softly. He chuckled "Just making sure your alright that was a pretty hard hit." He said. "Well there was no need to carry me you could have just gave me water." I said flicking his forehead with my free hand. He started pinching my cheeks and I pinched him back. This went on for a while until we were both becoming frustrated. This small game began to turn into a child fight. He got on top of me pulling my hair and pinching. I flinched a little in pain while also pulling his hair Eliza watched not knowing wether to help or to ignore. I tried kicking him but he kept blocking it with his thighs. I put my leg underneath in between and was about to hit him until he grabbed it with his hand and looked at me in disbelief. "That's cheating woman." He said a little panicked. I smirked "it's not called cheating it's called thinking outside the box." I said. He smirked and started tickling me to death. I was running out of breath but I didn't want to surrender. "All you have to say is I surrender and I'll let you free." He said. I kept laughing and my breath was running out "I-i." Was all that came out. Eliza started giggling and laughing her butt off while I was here about to die. "I'm gonna remember this side if you for a long while." Said Eliza laughing. Arthur stopped for a moment and I started breathing as fast as I could taking in the fresh air. Eliza went out to the eye watch nest to talk to the picture of her love. Leaving both of us in the room. I was finally able to breath normally. "Arthur I'm tired I'll take a quick nap please tell me when we get there so I can start preparing okay?" I said resting my head on the warm and comfortable pillow. "Kiss" was all he said. I looked up and he leaned in. I decided to give up knowing he wouldn't let me go. "Okay rest now love I'll wake you up when we arrive." He said playing with a string of my hair. I closed my eyes and rested.
~Arthur s point of view~
I watched (y/n) fall asleep and couldn't help but notice her long eyelashes. She really is beautiful, I'm jelouse of all the male attention she's getting all of them end up falling in love with her. She gets to comfortable with them and  ends up spending most of her day with them but she's too stobburn and won't understand. I don't want her falling in love with that Zen guy, he bought her things and is so nice to her I'm scared he might sweep her off her feet right before me. I can't loose her she's the only thing keeping me calm, if I loose her I'm going to be a cruel person again, I keep her calm when she's in her pirate stage. Were eachother medicine so it would only make sense to be together. I sighed and caressed her cheek gently to not wake her up. After what felt like minutes I walked out and saw land. "Were, have you been  we've been looking for you for hours captain arthur." Said one of the guards as I walked out of (y/n)'s room. "How long have I been missing for?" I asked. He thought "about 3 hours to be exact." He said. I was shocked but decided to brush it off for now. The king was looking nervous brushing his hair over a hundred times. "King the emperor isn't that cold he's more quiet and not to talkative unless he's comfortable with you he doesn't judge and is rather polite and respectful." I said trying to calm the poor man down before he starts pulling his hair out. He sighed and started walking. He looked so cool with his fancy king clothes that had a million medals and it looked hard to move in and the cape which had the diamond kingdom emblem. Eliza looked like she's seen a ghost as she saw us approaching Japan more and more. I went over to (y/n) without knocking. She looked confused as she sat there on the bed. "I don't know what to out on." She mumbled. I went over to her wardrobe and took out a dress that was long and it had a small cape on the sides with straps that went on the side. She looked at me and eyed the dress she gave up and pushed me out of the room and got dressed. I saw Zen and he glared at me while lining up. I looked away and was ready. (Y/n) looked stunning and breathtakingly beautiful. She had her hair down and a small tiara she stood near her brother and looked smiled brightly. I was calm and happy.

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