{Chapter 5}

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"What is going on here?!" I flinched, startled at the voice. 

I turned around, My uncle came into view. His wide eyes and shocked expression made my stomach sink. He rushed over, holding my shoulders. 

"We have to leave now!" His demanding tone and strong grip made me feel even worse. 

He left me no room to protest or explain, his hand reached for mine and he pulled me along. Hurriedly walking home, not a word being spoken as we reached the door. He pulled the cloak off me, tossing it aside. His hands once again grasped my shoulders. 

"What have you done?" His tone was low, his eyes pierced me. 

I blinked rapidly glancing around as I recalled the events, What was I thinking? A normal beating would have been enough, I could have just run away. I couldn't find the right words to say, I wasn't sure what to even think. 

"T-They attacked me first, I was only defending myself!" I shouted, unsure if that was even true. 

He let out a sigh setting me down on a chair as he walked over dampening a cloth. I glanced down at my hand, which still bled yet never released the dagger. 

"I didn't kill them!" I reassured staring at him, He lifted my head. 

Wiping the blood that had dripped down my cheek, He didn't answer. I clenched my jaw, Was he mad at what I did? or Worried that I got hurt? I didn't know and that was making me very anxious. 

"Why won't you say anything?!" He took my hand removing the dagger and placing it on the table as he wiped the blood on my hand. He took a deep breath in before speaking.

"You did kill someone today, I found his body lying only a few feet from the pub. A cut on the back of his neck, another man barely made it to the doctor's office." I stared at him, still unsure of what emotions he was expressing was it disappointment? 

"They attacked me! I was only defending myself, I'm not sure what got into me but I really only meant to hit them a few times!" He stopped, letting out a deep sigh. 

"But you did more than that, I wasn't there and only got there after it had happened so I don't know how it started but I know very well how it ended." I frowned, Scoffing at his claim.

"I didn't mean to, I swear. Are you angry?!" He pressed on my cut, blood spilling out at the pressure. 

I groaned, pushing his hand away as I held my hand in pain. "What is wrong with you!" He kneeled in front of me stopping me from saying more.

The expression on his face was unreadable, He just stared at me. It was silent for minutes before he began speaking again, "I know I was the one that trained you to fight, but I guess even after those lessons I didn't want you to ever bear the burden of taking a life," He groaned, pondering his next words. 

"I know I have no right to judge you, after all, I've done worse. I'm disappointed at not being there, and not teaching you how to handle a proper fight." I diverted my gaze confused at what he meant had he not been training me for a proper fight this whole time? 

"But you won't always be there, I know what I did was wrong but it's done. There's no going back, I can't just act like I didn't have a fault and you know better than anyone that sometimes there's no other choice but it's done." It felt like I was the one lecturing him now. 

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