~Chapter 45~

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We started walking to Kuros emperor house. It was a comfortable quiet all the way there, I kept admiring the ring. "When we get married I'll get you a better one." Said Arthur smirking. My cheeks turned red and I looked at the floor as we continued walking. After what felt like miles of walking we finally made it to his emperor house. I walked in and vowed at kuro and my brother. "I hope you don't mind me asking but I'm curious of what you need those clothes for?" Asked kuro. I sat down a a little tired "Well Eliza is the girl who has fallen in love with the man i showed you Chao, I helped her look for him by pretending to work in the rice fields thankfully i found him and there, having there moment somewhere." I said. He smiled and my brother looked understanding. "Your such a kind spirit princess." Said kuro bowing his head at me. I thanked him and my brother grabbed my wrist. "Shall we go to that tour?" I asked taking my wrist slowly out of his grasp. Kuro nodded while tilting his head in confusion. I got dressed and put my blue hair into a neat bun. We walked out and decided to walk since I refused to let the men carry me. Their town was extremely large compared to ours. I liked it there were many people giving the emperor and us small gifts. After that we headed back and Eliza was there with Chao they were kissing. My brother covered my eyes and kuro coughed nervously. I giggled and moved my brothers hand from my eyes. Eliza looked flustered her face was red, antonio could have probably confused her for a tomato. Chao looked flustered as well but not as much as Eliza he looked rather calmed but he still bowed at the emporer. We all went to the personal hot springs kuro had. Me and Eliza went to a separate one. Arthur and his crew joined kuro and my brother, included Chao was invited. "I feel relaxed." I said as I sank lower letting the hot steamy water over my mouth. Eliza looked happy and her smile looked truthful. "What did you do afterwards?" She asked. I thought "Well I saw Arthur walking around so I went with him." I said. "He gave me a ring." I said while lifting my hand out for her to see. Her eyes widened and she screamed out. I covered my ears, the door of our hot spring opened up revealing the panicked men including kuro they all had towels covering their waist. All their body's were well built if I say so. "What happend?" Asked a flustered kuro. I tilted my head in confusion. I stood up everyone covered their eyes and my brother covered Arthur's eyes since he didn't cover them. I unlike Eliza wore a towel covering my body, she went in completely nude. My brother let Arthur go and the men looked. "Nothing really I just showed Eliza my ring and she screamed out, besides if something was wrong I'm here so I would be able to protect us." I said putting my hand on my waist. Kuro still looked flustered "A princess shouldn't show that much skin until after marriege." He said looking away. "Join us guys there s no need to be-" I was interupeted by Eliza kicking me behind my legs making me fall backwards in the hot water. "Thank you but were fine." She said looking directly at Chao while covering her chest and sinking into the water. I stepped out of the water and Arthur had this strange smirk on his face, I grabbed a towel and gave it to Eliza. I then pushed my brother in the water. Alfred joined in followed by Matthew, antonio looked flustered but still joined in. Feliciano jumped in removing his towel. Lovino was shocked and jumped in kicking  his poor twin brother. "Idiota fratello there is also raggazzas in here!" He kept shouting. Arthur pushed kuro but he didn't mind everyone was having fun and relaxing Eliza and Chao looked flustered but still kept talking. Eliza looked at me and I smirked while wiggling my eyebrows i saw her staring at his well built body while he was chatting. She blushed and turned her head to avoid looking at me. Arthur grabbed me by the wrist and ran. I followed behind him slightly confused. He went through an already opened door which led to the hot spring in which the boys were in before. He walked in and held his hand out to me. I took it and he helped me in. "Now were all alone." He said looking up at the night sky. "What about the rest what if they find out were not there?" I asked. He looked at me and shrugged his shoulders "as long as it's not your brother I think it would be fine." He said. I nodded in agreement, we both looked at eachother for a while. "Did you like what you saw?" He asked. I was confused "What are you talking about?" I asked. " Your telling me you didn't look at my well built body." He said. I smirked "I was too busy looking at everyone else's well built body to notice yours." Is said jokingly. He rolled his eyes and turned his head while mumbling some words . "I'm just kidding." I said. I sighed "Well I like what I saw love." He said seductively coming closer to me. I was confused until I noticed he meant about my toweled body. I rolled my eyes and smiled. We both looked up at the night sky, it was truly a beautiful and relaxing sight to see the bright small dots covering the sky. "This is truly relaxing love." He said closing his eyes. I nodded in approval and closed my eyes. The door slammed open and it was my brother "what's wrong?" I asked. He looked surprised and then laughed. "I'm zorry I zhought zou too were zoing zomething innapropiaze." He said rubbing the back of his neck. I rolled my eyes "Just because were alone doesn't mean were going to go at it." I said. He smiled and Arthur got up. I also got up and began getting out. "I'm going to get ready for bed." I said. They nodded and I left the hot spring to the room that kuro had given us. I got dressed in my night gown and began laying in the bed that was laid down. My brother knocked to which I let him in, he was in his pajamas and he looked happy. "Were sleeping in one bed together?" I asked. He didn't seem to care usually he would say something about being king or appropriate or inappropriate. I just brushed it off and sleeped in the right side, he layed down and sleeped in the left side. I closed my eyes "Its been a while zince we have zleeped zogether zike zhis." He said. I hummed in approval "goodnight." He said. I nodded and joined the world of dreams.
~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~•
We were finally leaving after being here for so long. My brother and I were handing kuro our gift that we have brought him and we all said our goodbyes. I got on the ship, surprisingly I was gonna miss that place, although we did come across much trouble it was a nice place to relaxe. The anchors were off and the ship began to move slowly towards the open sea. Chao and Eliza wanted to start their own family in the diamond kingdom where they met. I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of the waves crashing against the sides of the ship, and the sound of the seagulls flapping there wings heading to the sun while letting the warm breeze hit my skin. I started walking slowly to my room for a few moments before I heard my brother call my name in German. My heart almost skipped a beat, when he spoke German that means he is totally pissed. It made me scared because he wasn't easily angered like that he would always calm down before doing anything. I stood there frozen, scared to look into his red piercing eyes. "Y/n!" He shouted from a far as he walked closer to me. I glanced at him and he didn't look mad, I was confused but maybe it was a trap, when I let my guard down that's when he's going to tell and shout at me. I turned my head slowly every second felt like hours as he walked closer and closer. I looked down and closed my eyes. The last time he was ever mad like this it was when I was younger and I never ever made the same mistake it still gives me nightmares. When I opened my eyes i saw his boots, he was here in less than a millisecond. "Ich muss mit Ihnen reden ( I have to talk to you.)" He said firmly. I shook my head and he walked past me to his headquarters to which I followed. "What ever you think I did I didn't do." I said as I closed the door behind me. He looked up at me confused "I zust wanzed zo zalk." He said tilting his head slightly. I sighed and smiled in relief. "Why did you talk in German the last time you spoke that It wasn't pretty." I said. He smiled and looked away avoiding eye contact "I zind' t want anyone zo be interrupting us zo I zpoke German zo warn everybodzy zhat it's a zerious mazzer." He said. I nodded in understanding a little relieved that I wasn't in trouble. "So what is it that you wanted to talk about?" I asked grabbing the globe on his desk and spinning it. He looked at me and took it away from my grasp while having a serious expression. "(Y/n) lizten." He said. I nodded and avoided eye contact I was starting to feel q little nervous. "I have zust rezeived a lezter from zhe kingzom itz from zhe royal court."

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