~Chapter 67~

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~Your point of view~
They both looked at me shocked, Vlad looked at Lukas, He put his hand on my shoulder and took a deep breath. "There's two possible things that could happen if you bring someone back to life." He said pausing, "The first option would be You losing every memory of that person your bringing back." He said, I thought for a moment. I didn't want to pay that price at all, "The second option would be insanity the dark magic will consume you turning you completely mad." He said, I thought for a moment, before I could speak Lukas held my shoulders looking at me with worry. "It's not as easy as it sounds, we can probably bring a little bit of your memories back of the person, but going insane and being consumed by the dark magic isn't possible to remove." Said Lukas. I thought for a moment, "I'd prefer to be insane than to only have a few memories of Arthur, besides we've been through so much together the least I want to do is lose all of it only to have a very small portion of the memories." I said, his eyes widened. "I'm truly sorry, I know this isn't the best idea but it's just that he wanted to do something for me and I want him to at least finish that." I said, he looked at Vladimir who looked worried as well, Lukas gave me a tight hug and i returned the embrace. Vladimir looked at me as I nodded giving him the permission to begin, he took my wrist and started writing something that turned into symbols, it burned in my skin as Vladimir began talking a strange language. It all finished and he let go of me, "Everything's done, Arthur should be able to be brought back you just have to sail back." He said, they looked at me concerned, "What's wrong?" I asked, "When you meet him, the dark magic will begin consuming you slowly, when it starts there will be no way to help you, unless you're able to stay sane while the magic takes you it will disappear and you will be normal but just know it isn't easy at all," he said, i nodded and headed out we all said our goodbyes and we sailed back to the diamond kingdom.
~~Time skip, Arthur's point of view~~
I opened my eyes and felt extremely thirsty, I felt warm and saw blue hair. My eyes widened and I embraced her tightly, I couldn't believe it I was finally able to touch her be with her I was alive. She looked at me and smiled, "I'm so glad to be with you." She said kissing my forehead, we headed to the ship where I got properly dressed and ate and drank celebrating my re-birth. I looked at (Y/N) as she smiled at me, something seemed off I could sense it. I was a little curious as to what she did to bring me back but I decided to save it for later, everyone kept talking and drinking enjoying the moment I was glad to be back. I had a small scar from the stab but it didn't hurt, night finally approached and we all went our way to sleep, (Y/N) put Charles to bed and made sure everyone was calm do to them being so drunk to the point they started fights with objects. She opened the door and closed it leaning on it, she sighed in exhausting and clenched her fist as if she was in pain. "Are you alright love?" I asked walking towards her, she took a deep breath before hugging me. "I'm so glad I can touch you and see you." I said kissing her cheek, she kissed me in the lips passionately and I couldn't stop myself I wanted more of her. I wanted to know this just wasn't a dream but reality I was scared this was all a dream, I took her clothes off carrying her to bed as we continued, I felt something strange about her but I decided that maybe it was jus my magic regenerating.
~In the morning~~~~~~~~~~~~
I woke up to (Y/N) on my side, I kissed her cheek and got dressed before waking her up, she opened her eyes smiling at the sight of me. "Good morning love." I said smiling, "Good morning." She said, I walked out as she got dressed to see the king walking up, "Good morning Arzhur." He said vowing his head, I did the same and cleared my throat. "Is there something you need?" I asked, "Where Charles?" He asked a painful expression in his red violet eyes. "Is there something wrong?" I asked. "An acquaintance of mine told me about whaz my zizter zid for jou, and I dontz want Charles zo get hurt." He said, this must be really bad if he had to take Charles and was even warned, just what was the price to bring me back to life? I nodded and they took Charles after I showed them where he was, I walked to the room and saw (Y/N) Holding her head and what seemed to be trying not to laugh. "(y/n) are you alright love?" I asked putting my hand on her shoulder, her eyes widened before she realized who I was. "Oh I'm fine." She said, she smiled but I could tell she wasn't fine. "Love, what did you do to bring me back to life?" I asked, she sighed and glanced the other direction lifts her sleeve and showing symbols of madness going all over her right arms veins. My eyes widened, this was bad really bad "Love try to fight it don't let it consume you, I don't want to loose you." I said cupping her cheeks, I could see her eyes weren't as bright as usual they did sill had that sparkle but it seemed as if it was fading. "I'll try." She said smiling. I sighed and we headed out and she stared at the people, "I'd be fun to have a fight wouldn't it?" She asked not making eyes contact, "Is their blood red or black?" She mumbled luckily I was able to hear, this is worse than I thought.

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