~Chapter 39~

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I woke up better than ever. I jumped out of bed and started doing ecxersise just because I felt more alive. After an hour of health stuff I lifted my nightgown to look at the wound. It was still there but it didn't hurt when I touched it. All my small cuts dissapered. I ran out the room and ran towards the garden. After finally reaching my secret garden I fell on the grass  breathing in the fresh smell of flowers and letting the morning breeze hit my face. "Good morning." I said talking to myself. I looked around and something caught my eye. There was a single red rose standing out, all the roses where white except for this one. "Must feel nice being unique." I said gently touching it's petals. I stood up and walked back to the castle. I saw Zen, he looked depressed and unhappy. His smile wasn't there it felt like I was looking at a completely different person. I rushed over to him but he didn't seem to notice me. "If you don't bring your smile back I won't help you train anymore." I said. He turned around immediately and hugged me so tight I felt the air escape me. "I-i t-t-thought you were d-dead." He said stuttering. "Well as you see I'm not besides the day is beautiful I wouldn't want to miss it." I said. He smiled and I wiped away the tears that fell from his eyes. "Want to see something cool?" I asked. He nodded and I grabbed his hand and lead him to my secret forest. "I've never seen this place it's beautiful your good at gardening." He said looking at all the flowers. "Look." I said crouching and pointing at the single red rose. He crouched and gently touched it. "Its beautiful did you do this?" He asked. "No I just saw it this morning." I said. He smiled and we walked back to the entrance of the castle. "I'm glad your well and better than ever." He said. " thanks I'm glad your, your old self again." I said. I could see someone watching us from the window but I decided to brush it off. "I'll see you later okay take care!" I shouted While running inside. I walked through the hallways and saw Gilbert. "Good morning!" I shouted running towards. Him he ran towards me and picked me up spinning me around. "Are you already healed this quick?" He asked surprised. I nodded "I feel better than I have ever felt." I said. "You still have bags under zour eyez but with za few days of sleep zhey should be gone." He said ruffling my hair. "Big brother I want to travel to Japan we can chat with the emperor and get to know a new place we can even be their allies!" I said grabbing his hands and spinning him around. "I'll zink about it." He said. I nodded and stopped spinning. We went to the dinning room. It looked dead even the flowers were down. I went over and started talking to the flowers, it's said that flowers can hear you and are happy that you talk to them. I started telling them about the rose and and about the fresh day. My brother started getting breakfast ready. After a chat with the flowers they were up again. I started eating in the end I ate about 5 plates. I felt full and happy. "I don't know zhe emperor of Japan suddenly going zo zheir place seems strange." He said. "I know him very well actually so it wouldn't be strange at all, he said he wanted me to visit before he went back to his place." I said. "I'll get ze ship ready, we can leave today." He said getting up and leaving. "Thank you big brother your so awesome!" I shouted. "Of course I am!" He shouted back closing the door. I ran out and went to Eliza's room. I burst in and jumped on the bed. "Big sister wake up help me pack up so I can give you some things to take." I said Jumping up and down. "Good morning." She croaked stretching. I smiled and got off the bed, "Lets go." I said grabbing her hand and dragging her to my room. "Your well already?" She asked. "Yes." I said grabbing 2 suitcases. "The  one on the left is yours okay." I said grabbing clothing from my closet and putting it in. My brother burst in on the us "zorry zo interrupt zour chat but I need zo zalk zo my sister." He said. I walked out "What's wrong." I asked. "Since we're viziting a nothzer ruler you need zo dress appropriate, like a normal princess zhould." He said. "But I already know the emperor he knows how I am what's the point?" I asked protesting. "Zes I know but our kingdom has to zet a good impression I'm ze king and if other people zee you a princess dressed up like that out kingdom would be considered not appropriate and it might bring problemz." He said. I sighed "All right but I'm still bringing my weapons." I said. He smiled and nodded in approval. I went back inside "What happened?" Asked Eliza. "I have to wear princess attire, I'm still bringing my pirate attire though." I said shoving it in the luggage. After I finished packing everything I needed I opened the other closet. "Take what you want." I said to Eliza her eyes light up and she started picking out dresses. "Thank you." She said hugging me tightly. I patted her back "Your welcome." I said. I went to Arthur's room. I knocked "who is it?" He shouted from the other side. "Guess who!" I shouted. He opened the door and smiled. "Good morning." He said stepping aside letting me pass through. "Its neat and organized interesting if only your headquarters where like this." I said joking around. He chuckled and sat on the chair. "What did you want?" He asked. "Oh just wanted to talk, today I'm going to japan." I said sitting across from him. "Its a royal visit so my brothers coming." I said. "Your coming with us, Arthur just in case our ship sinks and you already know where Japan is." I said grabbing his hands. He sighed "Please." I said. He thought for a moment "Only if you give me something in return." He said smirking. "Name the price." I said. I looked into his eyes I never wanted to look away it felt I was going deeper into them. "I want a kiss from a special someone." He whispered. "Who's is this special someone who you wish yo receive a kiss from." I asked  confidently. He leaned in closer to me and cupped my chin gently. "The first female pirate." He said. I smirked, "I'm not sure if she'd let you that easily." I said crossing my arms and leaning back. "Why is that?" He asked. "I'm not sure." I said standing up. I started smirking "you'll have to catch her first!" I shouted running out of the room. He ran after me only an arm away I turned a sharp turn to the right and he surprisingly made it. I was laughing the entire time while trying to get far from him. He kept running more and more faster. I saw lucy and hugged her "Good morning" I said quick before hiding behind her. She smiled "Good morning lucy." Said Arthur. "Have you seen a certain blue haired female, a little clumsy but the most beautiful woman I've laid eyes on." He said. My heart started pounding and my i was blushing a little bit. "Well she must be lucky to have a handsome man look for her." Said lucy poking me in the stomach. I covered my mouth so I wouldn't laugh. I saw an opening and took it running past Arthur I turned and laughed. Suddenly I hit something hard and fell. I looked down and saw guard uniform. I looked up and saw Zen. "Oh hi Zen sorry about that." I said. He blushed and smiled "it's alright." He said. I got up and helped him up. "Are you okay?" He asked. I smiled and nodded, I suddenly felt arms wrap around my waist. "Caught you love." Said Arthur with a smirk. I smiled and sighed in defeat. "Well I'll see you later take care." Said Zen with a serious expression. I waved and felt Arthur's arms wrap around me tighter. "Who's that guy?" He asked. "Oh he's the man in the letter I sent you the one who looks up to me." I said. "I help him train and stuff so we became friends." I said. He didn't respond I looked up and he had a serious expression. "What's wrong ruler of the seven seas." I asked cupping his cheeks. "Nothing." He said. His bangs covered his eyes. He let me go and then looked at the window. "You know the female pirate said she can reconsider giving you that kiss." I said getting closer to him. He turned around and smirked also leaning towards me. "Would you want it still or have you given up?" I said confidently. He smirked "this is something I cannot deny." He said. We closed the space between our lips. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I around his neck. After a while we parted. I smiled at him and he smiled. "This is our little secret okay." I said. He nodded and hugged me. "I'm glad I met you ever since we were little I dreamt for this day but never really had hopes." He whispered. I smiled I never expected to fall for him when I was little I had a crush on him but it was nothing more. "Arthur go pack up so we can leave." I said. He didn't let go, in less than a second he picked me up and carried me to his room. He sat me on the bed "You know you belong to me correct?" He asked. "I wouldn't know last time I checked I belonged to myself." I said pinching his cheek. He looked into my eyes and I felt like I was getting lost. It was quiet but a comfortable quiet. "You belong to me know every little bit of you is mine. " he whispers leaning in for another kiss. We intertwined hands and crashed our lips passionately. He pushed me gently to the bed and was on top of me. I felt happy to be with him but a part of me kept feeling guilty. I never told him what I've done I was too afraid to tell him, the words wouldn't come out so I decided to brush it off. He slowly started kissing my cheek leaving trails of kissed down to my neck. "Arthur we can't." I said softly looking away. "Why not love?" He asked. I got on my elbows and looked into his eyes. I wanted to tell him but my mouth wouldn't find the right word. "Because remember were leaving to.....am Japan and I am well my brother is going to be looking for me and if he comes in and sees us he will am kill us both." I said. I mentally slapped myself for sounding how I did. He sat besides me and I stood up about to leave until he grabbed my wrist. "Are you hiding something from me, you know you can trust me." He said. My eyes widened, "i-i-i have to go t-to ch-check on e-e-eliza." I said nervously moving my hand out of his grasp and speed walking to my room. When I got there I closed the door and covered my face with my hands while sliding down slowly. "What's wrong?" Asked Eliza. "I can't tell him, I'm scared to tell him." I said. "About what?" She asked moving my hands away from my face. "About what I've done with his brother he has to know the truth, I don't want to make a mistake only to end up separated when I tell him, i want him to know and choose wether he wasn't to stay with me or leave me." I said brushing my hair back. "If he truly loves and cares for you he should understand." She said. I nodded and stood up. "I finished packing." She said. "I need to get dressed but I haven't worn dresses in years I don't remember how to put them on." I said panicking. "I'll help you don't worry." Said Eliza determined. "Well let's see your body is perfect so we don't need to put a corset on." Said Eliza mumbling. "Lets see what dress to out on." She said looking at the dresses that were still on the closet. She looked at me and then at a dress. "This one is going to do the job." She said taking out a dress. (What it looks like)

 (What it looks like)

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