~Chapter 50~

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~Yao's point of view~

{1} oh who is he?

A mystic memorie, A haunting face, Is he a lost embrace?

am i love with just a theme Or is a vriska just a dream?

A mystery, oh who is he

She had as beautiful voice for a pirate most of us sing horribly, I wonder who she was singing to i'm guessing it's arthur i heard rumors that they were lovers. I closed my eyes the voice was calm and helped me relax. After a while she stopped singing, I peeked and found her peacefully asleep. I stood up and carried her to the room, "Thank you for helping me see the truth but i won't let you stop me from my goal when i have it right in my hands." i whispered as i covered her. I walked toward the door and took one last glance, I shut the door quietly and went to my room now i was sleepy. I laid in bed covering myself, closed my eyes and joined the dream world

~Your point of view~ 

I woke up by force Yao, was shaking me up and making strange roaring noise. "It's time for breakfast." he said. Now that i noticed it he has not even made eye contact with me, which didn't bother me but it did seem strange. I ate up and was forced to help clean up the table with the cleaning crew. One of them clearly couldn't carry the heavy bucket of water to mop the floors, he looked young probably in his teens. He was carrying it to the next floor which was in the room i was cleaning and as he was walking by i moved but instead he tripped and the bucket of water flew towards me. The bucket was now empty on the floor and i was now soaking wet, The man looked at me horrified and quickly stood up, "Im so sorry." he said, i brushed it off and was about to help him pick up the bucket but he flinched and ran away. i was so confused about what i did, The rest of the day everyone avoided me like i was some type of sickness which made me feel more isolated than i already was. This was going to be a long trip, great just what i wanted.

~Arthurs point of view~

After that i spent a   long walk around town and helping people i was tired. The kid didn't talk to anyone and his smile was gone he still followed me but never made eye contact with a single soul. "I'm going to tell my cousin he will at least help me find big sister!" he shouted about to run away. I grabbed him and picked him up, "You tell anyone about this and i will personally send you to be eaten by sharks." i said threatening him. His eyes were open wide and he had tears in his eyes, I didn't like kids because i never got along with them at all they were so annoying and they cried for everything, when i raised the north american twins (Alfred, and matthew) they weren't that much trouble alfred rarely cried although he was an annoying 12 year old he was a good kid. Matthew i didn't know much about they were seperated after that frog helped me out by taking care of him. I glared at the kid as he sat in the only standing bricks around here. The one person i didn't want to see was coming right towards us . "Where's (y/n)?" he asked looking directly at me. I decided that i might as well risk it because if i kept up a lie it would be harder for me. I took in a deep breath and looked at him directly in the eyes, "Your highness, (y/n) was poisoned that bastard planned it, the only way for her to survive was if he took her with him he had the antidote i couldn't just let your sister die!" i said shouting the last part from the feeling of pain and guilt. His eyes widened and he didn't even look at us he walked away immediately and sent guards out for a search party. I went to their old house with the kid leading the way, Surprisingly their house was still standing, it did look a little messed up but not like the other houses around here. I went inside the house did look a little messed up inside but pretty decent Charles ran into a certain room and i followed along. It was a girls room, "papa said that big sister lived inside here, her stuff is still here." he said quietly. I looked around and saw a picture of her and her uncle sitting in a field of tall grass she looked happy and her uncle was carrying her on his shoulder. They were wearing matching clothes, she wore a blue dress and a white bow and her uncle was wearing a blue suit with a white bow on his suit. It stabbed me in the chest just imagining her broken and depressed. I put the painting face down and continued looking around. Under the bed i found weapons and in her closet i found clothing and a box. I took the box out and sat on the bed, charles sat near me and i opened the box gently. Inside was a book that was looked like it hasn't been opened in years, i wanted to save it for last so i put it aside. Inside there were more pictures of her and her brother, There was one picture that caught my eye, It was a woman with lighter blue hair in a wedding gown holding (y/n)'s fathers hand. She did look a little like (y/n) and her brother. Her brother has the woman's eyes and (y/n) has the blue hair from her, i'm guessing that was her mother. I missed (Y/n) already and i could feel myself get more and more insane and worried Charles was upset and didn't want to look at those ones. After looking at the pictures i put them back and put the box down gently. I grabbed the book and opened to a random page to see what i found, The page i opened up to was what i read out loud to Charles it was probably the 8th to last page, it was a letter from (y/n) when she was young, i'm guessing this was her diary or maybe just letters that were never sent either way i began to read it

{ Dear mother,

Mother why are you acting strange lately, You've only been talking about attacking the neighboring country because their being a threat? That doesn't make sense all they've been doing is making their army stronger but that's because their enemies have threatened them. You keep making lies and false accusations just to start a war with them. It's because you want more power but why what's so good about having people fear you? everytime i ask you , you just tell me that i'll understand when i'm older which doesn't answer any questions. You never spend time with me or big brother you call me a strange child because i act more like a boy, but that's not what i do i just want to have fun i don't have anyone but gilbert and ludwig to play with you never let me out because you say that you don't want me to get dirty or learn bad habits from the peasants. Papa lets me play outside with the royal houses kids and i'm happy i even met a new friend, i love you mother but i want to help you see that power isn't such an important thing family and friends are but you don't come and see us anymore your always talking business with that royal house you never come out from there i hope your right and that i will understand when im grown.

                  Sincerely, your daughter } 

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