~ Chapter 23~

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~ your point of view~
We went all over town and enjoyed every  everyone's company and their small shows they put in for the me. I looked at everyone and felt happy. Then after what seemed like a happy evening a priest carried a golden casket. Everyone vowed as the horses pulled the wagon with the royal casket. I forgot what happened to my father. I started shaking again. I felt like a fire was burning inside of me It hurt. Guilt I was feeling guilt. 'Please forgive me dad' I said to myself. I looked back up at the Casket. They opened and revealed my father's peacefully looking face. I couldn't help it anymore. I jumped over the gates. "What are you doing" asked Arthur as he held on to my hand. I didn't turn around I didn't feel like making myself feel better from this. I snatched my hand out of his grip and ran to the wagon. Everyone looked at me I can see their expression of sympathy and understanding but that wasn't making me feel better. I got on the wagon and looked at my father's peaceful expression he looked relaxed. I wanted to scream and cry. All the tears that I held on to for the past years where threatening to fall out. I leaned over to my father's forehead and kissed it. "I'm sorry dad, I hope your happy and relaxed you were the best father a girl could ever ask for and the greatest king our kingdom has had, I'm sorry for making you worry over something like me I'm not worthy of being happy after I caused you to die and killed." I then walked over to Arthur and kissed him I didn't care who anymore.he kissed back and I then whispered in his ear "I can't have you you make me happy and I don't deserve to be happy I love you, I'm sorry that I'm doing this but it's the only way to pay of my debts I owe life." I said his expression became shocked and in disbelief. I then kissed him one more time. "I hope you find someone who will be better than I was." I said as I ran away. As I entered the castle I saw Gilbert looking out at the window and then at me he smiled. I ran over to him and hugged him tight. I then grabbed his arm and pulled him to my room. I shut the door without speaking and the locked it. He looked at me confused "whatz wrong?" He said.  I then fell to my knees still looking at him. He looked terrified as I started crying. He then came over to me. "Stop crying zis isn't like zou it's hurting me to zee you cry it wasn't zour fault." He said I could see the look of fear in his eyes. I took deep breaths and started screaming. He looked at me even more terrified as he sat there not knowing what to do he let his tears fall down. I covered my eyes and continued crying like a newborn. I couldn't stop ,the tears wouldn't stop coming out and my screams wouldn't stop. Every emotion I held on to was coming out of me not stopping. I then heard banging in the door. I could hear many voices but I couldn't make out what they were saying due to my screams and crying. Finally I could hear the door unlock and I saw Ludwig, Allistor, lovino, and Feliciano standing there looking at me screaming and crying. There expressions were shocked and guilt. I could tell they didn't know what to do. I then stopped screaming my voice stopped working. I stood up and hugged Gilbert. "I don't deserve to be happy I've done terrible things." I said with my voice quivering. "I killed two men and I was the cause of my father's death I made you all worry." I said as I said with a voice of fear. Then Gilbert looked at me shocked to hear that but he them  hugged me tighter. After and hour I stopped crying my eyes were red. I don't want to be happy anymore I'm sorry.
°the next day°
It was my brothers coronation day. I was excited but I didn't show any emotion I couldn't. I had a blue dress it was long and strapless. My brother Gilbert had a Blue vest and a red long royal cape. He had black pants and a gray collar shirt. He looked like a full grown man. Ludwig wore a blue vest and blue pants to match and a black collar shirt. I didn't talk to Arthur which hurt. I didn't talk to anyone but my brothers and Allistor. "You shouldn't do this to yourself" said Allistor as he held my hand I looked into his diamond green eyes. "Its the only way to repay my debts." I said. Luckily the hickeys on my neck were gone so nothing looked out of place. Allistor then kissed me I broke it and whispered in his ear "We can't do this in public it's not appropriate," I said as I smiled at him. He then looked annoyed and looked at everyone. He let out a sigh and sat up straight. I didn't look at anyone I looked at my drink. I then took a sip as I looked up I saw Arthur sitting in the table underneath he looked depressed. I felt bad. He glared at every girl that tried to flirt with him wich made he feel a little relieved. He then looked up at me and I looked back. He smiled at me. I smiled back. We were just making word out with our lips across the room. I saw Gilbert looking at us from the corner of my eye I turned to look at him. He winked at me and made out word with his lips. 'I'll help you out i know you like him' he said with his lips. I blushed and turned to look at Arthur who also looked flustered. My brother than stood up and grabbed my hand he walked us out to the hallway. " zou like him zon't you" he asked with a smirk. I felt hot and looked away. " if zou want zo i can help ze is a prince right maybe I could get you guys engaged." He said with and evil smirk now. I looked at him i felt like i was going to burst out in happiness like a dog but I kept my cool. "You already known in engaged to allistor." He then patted my head. "I'm ze king now I can zhange zhe marriage contract." He said. I never knew a king can do that. "My littze zizter dezervez zo be happy onze in a while papa would wantz zou zo be happy." He said with a smile smile. I smiled and hugged him. "I'm leaving tonight." I said with a sad tone. He broke the hug Immediatly. "For how long?!" He asked di could see the worry and fear in his eyes. "Maybe 6 months or a year but before you sa..." I was interrupted. "Zour leaving me again what for aren't zou happy zere!" He shouted. I covered his mouth. "I'm leaving on a mission Im going to write to you don't worry, the Nordic pirates need my help the asked me for help and I'm going to help them they've taught me so much the least I can do is help them." I said. I then uncovered his mouth. "When zid zhey summon zou?" He asked. "Last night while I was walking towards the ocean in town they asked for help in the blue stone." I said. He then hugged me. " pleaze be zafe make zure zo come back." He said I smiled and kissed his forehead. " You can't tell anyone about this okay." I said. He nodded in agreement and we went back to the dining room. Everyone knew about my leaving but Arthur,allistor,Ludwig, and my uncle. As the day went by I felt happy to be back in the ocean. I hugged my brother Ludwig seemed confused but didn't question. I gave Allistor a hug even if he did things that I didn't like he was still my dear friend. I then came up to Arthur. He looked at me. We stood in awkward silence for what felt like centuries. I then wrapped my arms tightly around his waist. He hugged me back a little confused. I looked up at his green emerald eyes. " please wait for me." I said. He nodded a little confused. I then turned to look at Gilbert. He was making kissing noises while hugging himself I blushed while I laughed at him. Arthur also chuckled and blushed. I then  went to my room and got my gun and sword. I put on my pirate clothing. In a bag i had my night gown and 15 bags of coins that Gilbert gave me in case we needed supply and ran out of money. I also took my ring wish had my families emblem and was made of gold just in case I needed my royal power for access to something. I then walked to the ocean. I took a deep breath.

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