~Chapter 27~

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~1 year later~
After the war i decided to stay in their village so I could learn about these people. That was most of it I also wanted to stay so I could stop having these feelings for Arthur. If they kept up soon everyone would know and they'd use it against me, my weakness. I sent my brother many letters, every time I woke up i would send him a letter. Thanks to the eagle I saved in the forest it sends my letters faster than a boat can. Today we sail back to the diamond kingdom. I can't wait. I want to see how my brother being king has changed our kingdom. I waved goodbye to everyone in the village as they dissapered in the distance. "That was a nice vacation." Said kuro as he sat on the bed of our room. "Yes it really is." I said as I laid on the bed. "I wonder if there still on the diamond kingdom or if they just left." He said as he brushed his short bangs back. "I'm not sure I think they already left." I said letting out a tired sigh. "What are you going to do?" I asked as I turned my head to look at him." Well I am still the emperor of Japan I'm sending my brother letters of what to do, He is there leader until my return. With my royalty you guys can send me to Japan I'm ready to rule my empire." He said as he laid back. "I wish you luck ,from my brothers letters it isn't easy to lead." I said. He smiled and closed his eyes. "I hope I can be a good leader." He said. I then closed my eyes "I'm sure your going to be a great and wise leader kuro no doubt about it." I said as I drifted of to sleep. After my nap I woke up to Emil waking me up. Me and him became good friends this entire year we've been together. "Wake up were here." He said. I stood up fast and confused how did we get here so fast. "How long have I been asleep for." I asked as I rubbed my eyes to make my vision better. "For about 7 hours i think." He said as he looked at me. '7 hours was a long time was i that tired.' Well I guess so the night before I wasn't able to sleep because of how excited I was to go back to my kingdom. As I got up to deck I saw the town. It felt strange to be back to this town,I was so used to the village. I took a deep breath in, the fresh air hit my (s/c) skin. I jumped off and put my hat on. As I started walking down town to my uncle's house I saw people getting away from me. They were afraid of me weren't they. I guess that man did tell the tale, I didn't care. I knocked and at first I heard someone lean on the door. "Who is it?" Said my uncle. He sounded tough and confident. "Since when do you ask who's at your door?"
I said jokingly, because he would usually just open the door immediately. He then slammed the door open and hugged me so tight I felt my last breath would come out. He then let me go he was crying "I thought you were kidnapped nobody knew where you were and your brother wouldn't say anything about it." He said as he looked me up and down. "Where were you lady!" He shouted still crying. "I was at war in denmark." I said as I hugged him back. He then let me go and looked at me in disbelief. "WHAT! You were at war In denmark." I could tell he had a bunch of questions. I wont getting out of this one. "You're not injured are you?" Asked lucy as she came towards me hugging me also. I smiled and went inside the house. "I did get cut a few times in the arms and legs but nothing to serious." I said as I sat on the couch. I then heard a child crying I stood up immediately. Was I still tired? Am I still going insane?! I was so confused. Lucy then looked worried and scared. My uncle looked scared. "Sit down my lady we have a lot of explaining to do " he said as lucy left to were the child was crying. "You do know how kids are made right?" He asked. " No one has ever told me." I said sounding embarrassed for not knowing. He then bursted out in laughter I could have sworn my face was red. He then explained it to me my face was redder than before as I started remembering what me and Allistor did as my uncle explained. "Wait!" I shouted as I stood up and wrapped my arms around my stomach. 'Does that mean I'm pregnant too?' I started panicking in my head so my uncle wouldn't find anything suspicious. As I looked up at him he looked angry, 'crap was i not good at panicking in my head, could he read minds?'. "W-would you look at t-that time" I said as I walked slowly to the door. He then grabbed me by the collar which surprised me of how quick he moved. "You've done that before?!" He shouted with anger in his voice. I've seen him angry but never to this level. "I-I-i have to go." I said as I looked down. The grip on my collar got tighter. "With who? Was that why you reacted the way you did when you accidently saw me and lucy do it?" He shouted. I felt guilty, as he talked about this more and more of the memories with Allistor came to my mind. "Prince Allistor, i-i-i didn't k-know." I said I tried to stop quivering my lips it made the situation worse. "How the hell did you not know, you idiot did you not feel that something was wrong when he did what he did." Shouted my uncle. Soon I saw kuro come in. My eyes widened I didn't want anyone else to know. "Lets stop talking about this please, m-maybe some other time." I said as I stared at kuro who looked confused. He then let me go understanding but I could tell he was disappointed and angry at me. I took my stuff and left. I grabbed kuro by the hand and we walked away from his house. I felt upset. I should have never asked. I kept regretting. "What happened." Asked kuro as he stopped walking. I let go of his hand and rubbed my temples I was starting to get a headache. "Nothing bad." I said as I turned around and walked forward. As I got near the gates the guards stopped me. "Who are you and state your reason for coming in." I didn't feel like taking my hat of, the sun would get in my eyes so I just lifted my hands and showed them the ring. They nodded at eachother and then bowed to me and let me in. Kuro followed along. As i went inside I went straight to my room kuro followed, I forgot, so I guess he was confused as he closed the door to my room he looked around as I dropped my hat and coat on the chair in the middle of the room. I then laid in bed. "Are you alright." Asked kuro I immediately stood up "You've been following me?" I sounded surprised I forgot to show him to the guest room. He also looked confused i laughed and walked him to the guest room. Luckily no one saw me. I then walked back to my room, took a nice warm bath and fell asleep for awhile. I woke up the next morning and felt better than ever. I walked down to my brother Gilbert's room and saw him still asleep. I jumped on the bed but that would be a mistake. I accidently jumped on where the sun don't shine which made him jump up and yell in pain as I fell of the bed. I hid under it scared of what would happen to me. After 10 minutes of him shouting curses and sounding like a little girl I got out of from under the bed. "Hey big brother! I'm back!" I said as I hugged him. He hugged me back but I could tell he was going to be mad at me after this. As I let go of the hug he smiled at me, I smiled back "I'm glad zour back, but next zime come in like a normal perzone." He said as he let out a sigh. I smiled and nodded in agreement. We then walked out of the room and went to the dining room for breakfast. As I came in the room I stopped half way through the hallways. I looked at my brother I could tell be knew what I was thinking about. "He's still zere, I offered zhem all a place zo sleep zere." He said as he ruffled my hair. I felt relieved somehow. As I opened the door I saw Antonio tackle me to the ground. I Saw him smiling and he was hugging me tight as if he was planning on never letting go. I smiled and hugged back.
~Arthur's point of view~
As someone opened the door I saw Antonio jump out of his seat and run immediately tackling whoever was there he was hugging that person tight which made me curious to see who this person was. All I could see was the king I vowed , Antonio was blocking the way so I couldn't see who it was. I then saw the king smirk as he looked at me. I felt something strange I could tell something big was about to happen. As Antonio helped the person off from the floor I caught a glimpse of those eyes. I couldn't believe it my heart was beating faster than the speed of light. Those eyes were the same eyes i fell for. As Antonio moved out of the way to the side. I felt tears fall from my cheeks. It was (f/n) she smiled at Antonio. I stood from my chair attracting attention to me. I walked towards them I wanted to run but my body wouldn't let me. As I looked at (f/n) she smiled at Antonio and then looked at me, her eyes widened in shock and we stared at each other for what felt like hours. "Lets eat zhall we?" Said the king as Antonio went back. She then smiled and hugged me so tight I hugged her also I wish this could last forever I didn't want to let her go, I didn't want her leaving me. We stood there and then we were interrupted by the king separating us. It was a little awkward because I wouldn't let them take her and she wouldn't let me go either, Antonio had to separate me from her while the king separated her from me. She sat all the way near the king as the king was looking at me I felt like he was throwing daggers at me. I can't believe it, I think we can finally be together this entire year withought her has been hell, I couldn't stop thinking about her. I wonder if she still loves me? I hope she hasn't fallen in love with some one else while she was gone. Just thinking about that made my heart stop. As I looked up from my plate to look at her she was smiling at her brother the king then turned to me and smiled, that smile was what brought life to me I pcouldn't stop looking at her, her hair,her eyes, those soft lips,her soft skin they all drove me madly in love this is the first time I've felt this deeply for someone. She then started talking with kuro. He was a little more closer to her. They seemed to have gotten closer that made feel a little uneasy. What if he felt in love with her! What if she fell in love with him? This is making me feel stressed. I started eating faster and when I finally finished eating I started a chat with Antonio since he was right next to me, so I could wait until she was done eating. After what felt like an eternity of waiting she finally excused herself. I also excused my self but was stopped by the king calling me over. She was right in my grasp yet I can't get her."zit down." He said as he pointed to the chair. "What is zour relationship for my zister" He said as took a sip from his drink. This took me a while to think about, I don't know whether to say lovers because I'm not sure she still loves me, "Were just good friends." I said confident so it wouldn't sound confused. "Zhen why iz it zhat you love her?" He said as he looked at me. How did he know? Did some one tell him? Wait no one knows but her. I was too shocked to even open my mouth. He suddenly smirked and looked at the window. The sun was bright and the sky was clear. "I can read zou like a book." He said as he turned his head to look back at me. Was I that easy to read. "I don't understand it either, out of all the women I've seen she's the one that caught my eye." I said in a sorta whispering tone. I could feel a smile appear on my face. "She made my heart beat faster when she smiled, At first when we first met back then she always made me smile and happy i felt wanted, when I met her again I got butterflies in my stomach when I looked into her eyes." I said ask I looked down. "Zou do know that I would only allow her zo be married zo royalty." He said. I immediately looked up. "Your highness I'm still prince of England last heir to the throne." I said. He then looked at me with his red violet piercing eyes which ran shivers down my spine. As he looked at me I could see he wanted to tell me something this was making me curious. "Until zhe tells me zhes ready for marriage and her responsibilitys as princess zhe can't be with zou." He said as sympathy grew in his eyes, I could tell there was another reason behind that, He wanted to tell me something. As I excused myself I looked all around the castle for her. After trying to look for her I found her standing there looking at a painting in the art room. I ran up to her and hugged her. She wrapped her arms around my waist, we stood there until she let me go and put her hands on my cheeks. I smiled at her, I was happy to see her again after a year of being separated. Soon the door opened and Lovino was there about to walk in. (Y/n) ran towards lovino they also hugged. I was glad to see her happy. "I missed you guys so much." She said as she looked at both of us. After that little reunion Me and (y/n) went to her garden. She sat on the chair that let you see a view of all the flowers. I sat in the other chair next to her. "Where did you go, nobody knew where you where and your brother didn't tell." I asked leaning a little closer to her. She looked at the daisies that were on the left side of her. "I went to denmark." She said. "What did you do in Denmark? And why didn't you tell me." I said grabbing her hand. She turned and looked at me with her (e/c) eyes. "I didn't tell you because I knew you wouldn't let me go, I was helping the people in Denmark they were at war." She said as she leaned her head on her hand. "You didn't get hurt did you." I asked. I guess she was right if she had told me I wouldn't let her go, I wouldn't want her to risk her life. She looked down and nodded. "Did you hear the story everyone in town knows it." She said with a small smiled. I did hear them but I never did believe them, she wouldn't be that heartless and cold, would She? "There true I dont know what happened, it's like a blood lusting version of me took over." She said as she looked up at the clear blue sky. We stood quiet for a few minutes. "Your brother wanted to tell me something about you but I'm not sure what it was." I said grabbing her by her chin to face me. She looked curious "I'm not sure what it would be but I can ask." She said. I then smiled at her. She really is beautiful. As I was about to lean in to kiss her she grabbed my collar and took it off. I was surprised, were we going to do it? Did she want to do it in a garden outside. As I was letting my thoughts run wild she grabbed the pendant which she gave me before she left and opened it. "I'm glad you still have it." She said as she smiled. I started blushing for thinking wrong, I also felt a little disappointment. She then put my collar back up and closed the pendant. She stood up and turned to look at me. "I'll see you this afternoon I'm going to ask my brother what he wanted to tell you because I'm dying to know." She said as she started speed walking to the castle entrance. I felt strange maybe upset, "maybe she really has lost interest in me". I could feel a sharp pain in my heart saying that. I stood up and walked to my room. I'm also dying to know If she still loves me. I hope she does.

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