~Chapter 66~

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~Your point of view, a few days later~
We finally arrived at Denmark, it did take some time, but we managed. The dress I had wouldn't come off it was literally stuck to my body, We anchored the ship and I got off only to see everyone rushing towards me to greet me, After all they became good friends to me and I helped hem during the war knowing I could've just left it. "I'm so glad you came!" Shouted someone, "(Y/N)!" Shouted another I started laughing a bit and backed up a little. "You've grown so much!" Shouted someone, I smiled and looked around. "The village is still the same as I can remember." I said smiling, I walked around and as I was walking I felt someone tackle me from behind causing me to trip, "(Y/N)! It's feels like I haven't seen you in forever!!" Shouted Matthias, I smiled and he helped me up looking me up and down confused, "Long story that I can't explain." I said smiling at him, he looked at me and seemed to understand, I felt someone pick me up and spin me around like they were spinning a new born, they stopped and I was dizzy it took a while to notice it was Tino who carried me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled, "It very nice to see you!" He said happily as he let me down, he may not look it but he's much more stronger than Matthias and berwald. I spotted Emil and ran to him just like he ran to me, "Emil!" I shouted happy, "(y/n), it's been so long how are you?!" He said although he didn't show it I could see the smile in his eyes. "I'm great and happy to see you guys again." I said smiling at them, Berwald picked me up raising me up as I put my hands on his shoulders to balance, "It's great to see you." He said, I smiled and hugged him, "Same too you!" I said, "Where's Lukas?" I asked, "Lukas come out (Y/N) is here!!" Shouted Matthias, we heard a door slam and I turned around to see Lukas walking up to me smiling, I smiled and hugged him. "Why are you wearing those clothes?" Asked Emil, "Yeah what's that crown and dress?" Asked tino, "I came here to see Lukas to ask him the same thing." I said looking at Lukas, "They won't come off for nothing!" I said, I tried pulling the dress down but it wouldn't, Emil looked flustered at first but then confused and shocked. Lukas looked as I tried to take everything off including the crown. "How did this happen?" Asked Lukas as he walked up to me and grabbed me by the wrist taking me somewhere. "Well theirs a kingdom underwater, I went and saw the throne and a crown when I arrived the crown moved and began glowing all by itself towards me and I couldn't move, when I showed everyone they took it off and nothing happened but when they gave it back it glowed and came back to my head and it wouldn't come off." I said as we entered a small house, he sat me down in a chair as he sat down on the other one, "It's the same with the dress." I said, "Where's Arthur, he has magic as well and it's much more capable of fixing this problem than me." He said confused, I looked around and noticed the look in his eyes of understanding, I'm so thankfully he's smart and understanding. "Well theirs someone I know who can help, he uses black magic I have more like healing and communication magic, Arthur has dark magic much more stronger than my magic and my friends." He said, "Where is this man?" I asked, he looked at me and sighed "He is prince of Romania." He said, I nodded and sighed. This meant a long trip, "I'll communicate with him and see if he can come to us, you're probably tired of sailing." Said Lukas as he smiled at me. I nodded and he began doing his thing, we saw a blurry image before we saw a man with light brown hair with a longer strand of hair on the side of his face, he had a red hat and red eyes. He smiled showing some fangs, a vampire. "Nice to see you Lukas!" Shouted the man, Lukas nodded in agreement, "I need your help, more like a special friend of mine needs your help." He said, the man tilted his head slightly before closing his eyes, The image disappeared and black smoke mixed with red filled the room, I covered my mouth and nose before feeling a little dizzy, I wasn't able to keep my eyes open and the last thing I heard was my body falling to the floor before everything turned black.
~Lukas point of view~
The smoke finally cleared and I saw,
Vladimir appear. He turned around and hugged me as I awkwardly stood there patting his back, I saw (Y/N) on the floor and quickly rushed to her. "Amazing, her hair is blue!" Said Vlad as he watched her curiously, "Is this your special friend she's really pretty, her hair is so unique!" He said smiling. I nodded in approval as I set her on the bed, "How strange, she has the crown of the ocean." He said, causing me to eye her curiously and confused. "What do you mean crown of the ocean?" I asked, he turned and looked at me before turning to look back at her. "Well it is said that once the queen of the ocean came to the dry world, she has light blue hair and is ruler of the ocean she is able to control it. When she came to the dry world she fell in love and marred a king, they had two boys before having a girl with darker extraordinarily blue hair, it I said that the queen had to deliver that girl to the ocean so the girl would be the queen of the ocean but the mother became greedy and forgot about her promise to the ocean. "He said pausing "The girl had not a normal heart but a golden heart it's called the heart of the ocean, and when the ocean finally gets it ruler she will have the crown of the ocean and be able to control it at will, of course since the ocean has never found its ruler it has caused many problems for travelers when the ocean has its queen she will be the one to stop
The oceans rage but if she fails." He said pausing at looking at me "The girl will be killed by the oceans rage of not finding its queen it will think the girls an imposter." He said, "In other words she will die if she isn't able to claim the ocean." I said, "Yes" he said. I looked at (Y/N) and at Vlad "She's has the golden heart, This special friend of yours is the queen of the ocean." He said, (Y/N) opened her eyes and looked around, "Hello I'm Vlad." He said introducing himself to her, she smiled and they began talking. "Have you faced a storm where you have to stop it yourself?" He asked her, "Yeah, that's when I got this dress." She said, his eyes widened and he sighed In Relief "Guess she's already done, your the queen of the ocean to remove the clothing and crown you have to command it off." He said to her, she looked confused and it took her some time to finally get the pieces together. "Thank you for helping me find the truth I'm not sure why I wasn't able to fit the pieces together." She said thanking Vlad, he smiled at her and nodded. "One more thing, Lukas told me you use black magic correct?" She asked causing Vlad to looked at her, I could tell he was afraid of what she was going to as of him. "Are you capable of bringing someone to life?" She asked, he looked at me and then back at her nodding in approval "But black magic always has a price bringing someone back to life is a dangerously price." He said to her, she thought for a moment before looking at him. "What's the price for bringing someone back to life?" She asked, I was shocked.

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