{Chapter 12}

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I couldn't even pretend to sleep his lips felt like they were still kissing me. It must have been the beer this was why I don't like drinking! I stared at the small window It wasn't the beer. I knew that very well but how could I even think about having feelings for someone like him, I should have pushed him away. I got up, it was still very dark outside. I stepped out quietly making my way up to the deck, peering through the slight crack in the door to ensure no one was out there. 

It was empty, thankfully. I shut the door behind me quietly walking over to the rails, leaning over them slightly to stare down at the ocean that rocked the ship. Nothing but the light of the moon and the lights of the city were visible, I could leave right now. No one was awake it was also too dark for me to be noticed if I went through the forest leading to the capital and went back to my uncle, but what then? 

How would he tell them I was found? Wouldn't they just take me in now that they knew my uncle was the one who kept me hidden? Would my uncle even be there, what if they arrested him for hiding me? Even if Gilbert knew he couldn't do anything with our father still being king, he would have to go through a trial. It was all too complicated to think about, I had to first figure out if my uncle had been taking in. 

I groaned turning to make my way back to my room, 

"Don't make a sound," The cold touch of the blade that threatened to pierce my neck made me freeze. 

I stared at the man before me, baffled at how he could have snuck up on me without even making a noise. I hadn't even sensed him, I stepped back unable to move further away from the blade as my back pressed against the rails. All I could make out were his gleaming dark indigo eyes, He placed his hand on my mouth glancing up. A bird? It was too dark to make out what color it was as it flew past us. Was it sending out a message, I glared at the man. 

His pale-blonde hair seemed to frame down to his jaw with a strange cross clip on the other side pulling his hair back, I slowly reached for my dagger. Making sure to keep his eyes on me as I pulled it out, I grabbed his wrist quickly swinging the dagger up. He pulled back before the blade could even fully connect, but I had managed to cut the string that held his arm bracer. 

He watched the leather slide off his arm, his eyebrows raising. Before I could even strike again, a large axe came flying towards me. I wouldn't be able to dodge it, it was coming too quickly, I held my dagger with both hands parrying the hit and managing to divert it but the blow was too strong and made me stumble to the side. 

I turned quickly watching as the other attacker caught himself from falling back with the axe. The man grinned his bright blue eyes firing up as he swung his axe over his shoulder, Their attire seemed much too wintery for the current fall weather. 

"Who are you?" I kept my dagger close to my arm, and my legs wide for dodging or lunging. 

The tall man brushed his wild blonde hair back glancing over at the slightly shorter indigo eyed man. Their eyes glanced over, but it wasn't to me. I turned around my eyes widening at the man who jumped over the rails, his feet twisting and landing quietly. Did he come from the sea? He wasn't wet, so did he climb around to attack me from behind? Regardless of how he did it, I was at a disadvantage. I lowered my body crouching down to kick at his legs as he finished landing, his body jumping up to avoid the hit and instead kick the dagger out of my hand. 

I watched it go flying, landing by the foot of the wild-haired man, He bent down picking it up. His eyes widened in interest as he inspected the blade, 

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