~Chapter 34~ (violence)

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I opened the note and began reading it.
I'm glad you met a new friend. Everyone's happy and so am I. Thanks for helping me be happy. I truly miss you and want you here by my side but I know it's not possible. I'm glad to be back at sea. The moon is high and bright if you look at it then we will be looking at the same moon. I hope you write to me tomorrow about your day.
Sincerely with love, Arthur kirklan~♡]
I held the letter and I could feel my face heat up. I missed him already I wanted to go but I won't make him worry about me anymore. I reread the part were he said he missed me over and over. Every time it made my heart beat faster. I looked up at the moon and smiled. "Isn't it cold out here?" Asked Zen as he shut the door. "No not at all it feels relaxing when the breeze hits you gently." I said softly. "You seem awfully happy." He said sitting next to me. I smiled and looked up at the moon. "Yeap." I said. "Couldn't sleep?" He asked. I nodded. "What about you." I asked looking at him. "I couldn't sleep either." He said rubbing the back of his head. I saw something by the corner of my eye. I held on to Zen's hand, he blushed but I really didn't want to make it awkward. I Saw a figure near little Charles. Zen ran towards the door but it was locked. This figure wasn't my uncle's or lucy' s. I stepped back and ran towards the window breaking it. I stood up and grabbed my sword. Charles started screaming and kicking. The man/woman dropped him to the floor making him cry in pain. "If you come with me I won't hurt him." The voice said. It was a man. Zen came in from the broken window. I was about to move when the man picked up charles by his hair. Charles screamed in pain. I dropped my sword and glared at the man. He tossed Charles on the floor and walked over to me. His eyes were a piercing red. Zen pointed his sword at the man. "No step closer." He stated. I could see his sword shake a little. I grabbed his hand and put his sword down. My uncle and lucy rushed in. My uncle was about to attack the man but he grabbed me by the hair and pulled it. I didn't react. He then cupped my chin making me face him. "It is you okay, just making sure." He mumbled. "Just take care of Charles would you." I said to my uncle. He glared at the man. Charles screamed out my name and tried to get out of lucy s hands but She wouldn't let go. "I'm sorry." I said. Zen tried to stab the man but the man kicked him and didn't allow him to stand back up. I didn't attack if I hurt him he for sure probably had a gun somewhere and would shoot someone. He carried me bridal style. My uncle's eyes widened. He knew I wasn't going to attack. "What are you doing!" He shouted. I nodded my head no and gestured for him to stay. "You idiot fight back don't do this." He shouted rushing over to me. I could see the looked of horror in their eyes. The man jumped out the window still carrying me. I didn't hold on to him but I didn't fight him. He then started running into the forest. There was a carriage and he tossed me inside.
~uncle point of view~
I watched I couldn't move. They took her right infornt of me who knows what they'll do to her or if they'll even let her go. I ran out of the house to her castle. I ran past the guards and lucy followed along. Zen stayed with little Charles comforting him. I burst in thought the doors and ran through the hallways to the kings head quarters. I saw him Gilbert inside I was happy to see him grown but right now wasn't the moment. He looked at my horrified expression and the tears in my eyes and rushed towards me. "Whatz wrong unclez?" He asked a little panicked. "They kidnapped her! They took her and threatened to hurt us if she tried to fight back!" I shouted. His face turned into and angered expression. He stood up and grabbed me by the collar. "Why didn't zou try zo help her?!" He shouted. "Couldn't if any of us tried he would hurt her i didn't want to see them hurt her!" I said letting the tears stroll down my face. He ran out of the room and I looked out the window. 159 guards with horses ran out of the castle lead by the Gilbert.
~random citizen~
I was looking out at the moon after not being able to sleep. All of a sudden I see the king with and angered expression behind him there was 159 guards . A search party, they were all on horses and looked serious. They searched everywhere. I was curious to see what they were looking for. I walked out of my small house and went up to a guard. "Excuse me sir what are you all search for?" I asked. He glared at me and king rushed over to me. He looked angry, desperate, and worried. "The princess have zou zeen my litzel zizter?!" He asked sounding panicked. The princess had dissapered I started panicking. "No I'm sorry sir." I said. He let me go. "Search men all over ze town." Shouted the king. All the guards seperated into groups of three. I know how the king felt not knowing where his own sister is or wether they even decided to keep her alive. I went inside and sat down.
~Your point of view~•
I sat down and looked outside. I didn't make eye contact with the man at all. The carriage was running fast. My heart started racing. 'If I attacked then now, no I can't what if they have some spy out there and if I touch them they'll tell the spy and hell probably hurt my uncle'. I sighed a little in relief that my brother wouldn't get hurt at least. "So what do want from me?" I asked still not making eye contact. "Your powerful,every pirate fears you even the Vikings are scared after what you did in the war over in denmark." He said pausing. "We want your power so our enemy's can fear our leader." He said. "So in total you want me to team up with you guys so your leader can be feared cause he has me as his secret weapon?" I asked. "You're a smart one." He said. It went silent. We stopped at a place that looked like a mansion but was surrounded by a brick fence. The man got out first and then let me out holding me by my wrist. "I'm surprised you haven't tried anything sneaky." He said. "What the point you have spys everywhere if I touch a strand of hair you'll go out and hurt innocent." I said looking at my surroundings. "Smart you are in glad you understand." He said. He opened the main door and walked through the hallways. He tossed me in a room what looked like a turtore chamber. "Great way to make new friends wow I feel so welcomed to be a part of your gang." I said sarcastically. The man openes the door and an old lady came in she looked strict about mid 40's. "Your the prettiest woman I've seen." Said a man who walked in behind her. He had a suit with a red bow his hair was good he had sorta long bangs but they were curled more to to the side. His eyes were a honey brown and he had a straight face. "You're (f/n)?" He asked. I nodded but didn't make eye contact. "The princess of the diamond kingdom and first female pirate." He mumbled but I could clearly hear him. The woman grabbed a wip. I looked at her with a straight face. The man came up to me and cupped my chin lifting my head up. He then leaned in and kissed me. I shut my eyes but decided not to give in. He leaned back a little and looked at my (e/c) eyes. I kept my calm and sticked with the same blank expression. He licked his lips and stood up. He left the room leaving me and the woman alone. I stood up straight and didn't make eye contact. The woman grabbed my collar and glared at me. "What are you trying to scare me or something." I asked. Little did I know that the mirror in the room was actually a room where they were watching me. She smirked and pushed me to the ground. She then kicked me. I held my stomach in pain but kept myself from screaming or yelping in pain. She smirked and hit me with the wip. It hurt but I covered my mouth. She stopped and I stood up. I felt angered and annoyed "You old lady." I mumbled. She quickly turned around and was about to hit me again with the wip I quickly grabbed it and snatched it out if her grip. I then threw it and grabbed the silver stick that was hanging from the wall. She looked at me shocked. I smiled and the kicked her. She clutched her stomach but I didn't stop. After a minute I got bored quicking her. My blood was boiling with exitment I was losing control but I let myself this time. I grabbed her by her hair and pulled. I then tossed her around like a puppet. "Pleade.." She groaned . I sat on the chair and hit her with the silver stick. She screamed in pain. I felt powerful and strong. She got up after a minute and I stopped hitting her. She looked messed up with bruises and small cuts. The man from before came in and smiled at me. "No one has ever overpowered melody." He said. I snapped back into my senses and saw her she was crying but I didn't feel like asking for forgiveness she hurt me and laughed and didn't even bother along for forgiveness . The man took my hand and took me to a separate room leaving melody there. He put me in a room that looked like a dungeon there were about 4 girls there. They looked dirty and their hairs were a mess. They all looked at me and came towards me. "What happened?" I asked looking at the bruises they had. "When melody gets mad she hits us." Said a girl in the corner. They looked at my hair as if it were gold. I got up and looked at myself i had cuts over my body. One of the girls sat me down and started unbotting my shirt. I grabbed her wrist stopping her. " What are you doing?" I asked. She looked at me her eyes were lifeless. "I'm going to tend to your wounds were all girls so it's alright." She said. I turned the chair and sat there and she went in front of me again. "I don't want any of the men coming in and seeing." I said softly. She nodded and continued. She cleaned up the blood and but bandages on my wounds. "Thank you." I said. She nodded "Your hair is beautiful I've never seen hair this color before." She said. I looked at my hair "You can play with it if you want to." I said to all of them. They all came up to my hair and I could see a little life in their eyes. They played with my hair while I thought of what to do next and how to help.
~Arthur's point of view~
I was in my headquarters when Antonio came bursting in. We were half way to our destination. "Capitan (captain)!" He shouted. I sat down straight and raised an eyebrow. "Its the king he sent a red note and I'm guessing it must be very importante (important)" he said handing me the red note. It had the diamond kingdom emblem. I opened it up.
[ Dear Arthur
This is an emergency. (Y/n) has been kidnapped we looked all over town and haven't found her. She protected our uncle and they took her. We don't know where she's at or if she's okay. Please I'm begging you to help us find her before anything bad happened to her.
Sincerely, The king of the diamond kingdom]
My mind went white I was in a state of shock. "Capitan (captain)!" Shouted Antonio waking me up. I rushed out if the room and steered the wheel to turn the ship back. "What's wrong?!" Asked everyone as they looked at me. I was angered, Whoever took (y/n) was surely going to pay. "Get the sail ready!" I shouted. They didn't question and quickly got ready. My heart was beating fast I was panicking what if we didn't make it in time. At the distance I see a ship it looked weak but it came at quick speeds. They stopped on the left side of our ship. "Get your weapons we don't know what they'll want!" I shouted. Everyone quickly put their gaurd up while getting weapons to fight with. A wooden plank came across. 5 men walked on it and stopped in front of our ship. I went down and stood in front if them. Another person who was a tad shorter came inform of me. The hat was covering their face so I couldn't make out who they were. They must be the captain of that ship. They lifted their head up and revealed a woman she had heavy make up on which made her look older. "I'm Emily the second female pirate." She said annoyed. I stepped back and looked down at her. "What do you want woman." I asked irritated I didn't have time to deal with this. She smiled and cupped my chin making me look at her eyes. "Your Kirkland the most feared male pirate, ruler if the seven seas?" She asked grinning. I moved her hand. "Don't waste my time and cut to the chase." I said. She glared at me not even causing me to feel surprised. "I heard you now of the first female pirate." She said pausing. I was looking patience. "She's the most feared of all the pirates, she's cold blooded and shows no mercy, fearless, no one has ever seen her shed a tear. she has killed many even the Vikings up north are scared of her." She said annoyed. "I've never heard of you Emily." I said annoyed. She looked hurt and glared at me. "Tell me about her i heard you and her are acquaintances I want to show her that I'm the one who is boss I'm going to kill her and then I'll get the throne of first female pirate." She said. I got mad and snapped. I picked her up by the collar "You won't even last a minute she'll be the one who will show you mercy you should feel honored to be forgiven by her." I said. She glared at me and I tossed her. "Get out now im not going to tell you anything so stop wasting my time." I said. She got up and lunged at me, I moved to the side avoiding her hit. She looked mad and kept trying to hit me while I kept blocking them. I was getting tired and kicked her in the stomach sending her flying. She clenched her stomach in pain and looked up she had tears in her eyes. "You cry over something like that when the fist female pirate would not react and would have seen that coming. She is able to hold in pain that not even I would be able to, she can block any hit you bring at her, just make her mad and she'll destroy the world to get you and will bring unimaginable pain to you that you'll be the one begging in your knees for your life to be spared, she'll make you tell the tale." I said glaring at her. She got up and left back to her ship along with her men. We then quickly sailed back to the diamond kingdom I wasted precious time. We sailed as quick and I prayed that the sea would help us move quicker. "You okay why are we in such a rush bro?" Asked Alfred while he patted my back. "Its (y/n) She's been kidnapped and the king hasn't found her yet." I said putting my head on my palm. I was gaining a headache. Alfred looked panicked and his smiled dissapered. He looked depressed. I was getting worried.

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