{Chapter 7}

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"Are you done yet?" Arthur asked as I gasped for air, curling on the deck of the ship as I groaned out in pain. 

They had locked me up in a room on the bottom of the ship keeping me tied up until the ship began moving. I had fought with Arthur since then, each time only managing to cause a cut. My body was only taking up more damage and it was becoming harder to keep up, that must have been why he was captain. He was quick and skilled and his sword moved as though it was an extension of his body. 

He was also strong, but he seemed just as tired as me. He ruffled his hair, leaning on a barrel nearby. I was too tired to get up, there was nothing I could do now. I had been taken from my uncle, My sole priority now was to get back to him. They were smart not to let me out till we were miles from the port or I would have swam back, I sat up wiping the sweat from my brow. 

"As much as I enjoy sparring with you my time is up, You might as well get along with the men. Seeing as you won't be getting out anytime soon," I didn't even spare him a glance as he spoke, I was filled with frustration. 

If he weren't so strong I would have killed him about an hour ago, I placed my dagger back in its sheath hanging my head. My cloak was also taken from me, I was so used to wearing it that not having it now felt strange. I held myself up on all fours my eyes tracing the lines of the wooden deck, The only thing I could do now was wait till we reached a city and escape from there. Who knows how long that would take it could be weeks or months! 

Arthur groaned, his cold and cruel attitude from before now changed to an arrogant and frustrated attitude which wasn't any better. The only reason he didn't kill me yet was because of his interest in my potential and of course my hair but that didn't make me feel any better. 

"You put up a very good fight senorita!" I looked up, my eyes meeting with a cup handed to me by Antonio. 

I narrowed my eyes cautiously, He crouched down motioning me to take it. "You're acting like I didn't almost kill you earlier," I uttered as I sat up. 

My hand reached for the cup, I stared at the water in it. I did almost kill him, as far as I knew he could have poisoned it to get back at me. He stared at me, His wide grin and peering gaze made me uncomfortable. I lifted the cup placing it on my lips before taking a small sip, It was salty but my thirst made it bearable. I drank it all in one gulp, gasping as I pulled the cup back. 

"Do you enjoy watching people drink or something?" I asked, handing the cup back to him as I wiped my mouth. 

He took the cup, His head shaking as his eyes moved to the side. "It seems someone else has taken an interest in you," I raised an eyebrow at his comment. 

My eyes moved to where he looked, A small figure behind a barrel came into view. A Boy no older than 12 peeked from behind the barrel, His bright blue eyes wide in excitement. His gold blonde hair and illuminating grin seemed to be the complete opposite of the rest of the ship. His eyebrows raised as he realized he had been caught and his gasp and quick turn were far from discreet. 

"What is a child doing out here with you lot? It's far too dangerous isn't it?" I turned back to Antonio. 

"That boy is someone special to the Capitan that's why he's here, His name is Alfred. He's been with us for a while and that cheery grin of his is very deceitful trust me, He's as wicked as the captain and a very strange kid." He warned as he tilted his head. 

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