~Chapter 63~

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~Later that day- your point of view~
I began buying the food and drinks for everyone as quick as I could, I forgot to check the time while I was with Gilbert and Ludwig. I ran back to the ship and saw Charles sitting on the edge of the ship, "I'm back!" I shouted as I smiled, I looked over and saw Charles standing up and about to turn until he slipped. My eyes widened and I dropped the food and ran to the edge and jumped, I felt the cool water hit me as I swam extending my hand out for Charles to reach it. He extended his hand and I grabbed his wrist pulling him closer to me, I swam up and put him up first so he could get air, I looked around and saw a almost fictional looking underwater kingdom, I brushed it off and  climbed the rope ladder while holding Charles as he coughed up the remaining water, we finally reached deck and I sighed in relief as I laid down. "Can someone's get Charles new pair of clothing." I said as I closed my eyes, "You should get changed to dude you'll catch a cold if you don't." Said Alfred as he carried Charles, I sighed and nodded as they walked away, "I'm going back down their okay I'll be back." I said as I stood up and ran jumping off the ship, before hitting the shallow water I heard Antonio shout my name but It was too late for I was already underwater. I looked around and saw nothing, 'how strange I could have sworn I saw-' my thoughts were interrupted as I saw the kingdom. I swam towards it and found no one, I looked around the area as quick as I could and found the throne with a crown on the chair. I swam towards it and touched the crown gently, it was strange that the crown was now glowing and now that I notice it how could a crown get here anyway shouldn't it be floating across the ocean. I looked at the glowing crown as it Began to rise up, my heart was beating through my ears and I was running out of breath, the crown had a single sapphire in the middle and rubies on the left and right of the sapphire, it was getting closer to me which was scaring me now I swam backwards but I couldn't move, my eyes widened in panic as I tried desperately to move my body, the crown turned around and was placed in my head causing a vibration through my entire body. I panicked and the ocean began to shake almost like an earthquake, I swam up and saw the merchant ships and our ship shaking too, the entire ocean was shaking. I quickly climbed the ladder and coughed up the water that filled my lungs as I stood up stumbling from the ships violent shaking. I touched the crown on my head and tried tacking it off, it wouldn't come off, I tried pulling it but nothing it was like it was part of my body now. After minutes of violent rocking the ocean seemed to go back to its normal way and everything stopped shaking, I sighed that's one less thing to worry about. "Antonio!" I shouted as I saw everyone come out, "Help me, I saw an underwater kingdom and decided to look around, and I found an empty throne with this crown sitting on it I only touched it and it began glowing and moving by itself as the ocean began to shake I couldn't move and it put itself on my head but now it won't come off." I said trying to pull it, "Let me try." Said Alfred as he smirked, he pulled it completely off as soon as he touched the blue sapphire. "Put it on I wanna see something." I said as I looked at the crown confused, he shrugged and put it on nothing happened, he took it off easily and grinned giving it back to me. I touched it as it began glowing, everyone was watching it wide eyed and confused as it magically floated back to my head. Alfred hid behind Matthew as Antonio stepped closer, "let me try." He said touching the crown,  it didn't move. Even when he touched the Sapphire or the rubies it wouldn't come off, "Is this a good sign or a bad sign?" I asked nervously as I gentle touched it. "I think I now believe the stories Arthur used to tell me about magic." Said Alfred as he looked nervously at the crown. "Do we have a wizard or a magic wielded in our kingdom?" I mumbled trying to think. "What about that Viking, one time at the bar he told us he could use magic before he left." Said Matthew shyly, my eyes widened and I smiled at Matthew giving him a hug. "Your so smart!" I shouted as I headed for the wheel, "Wait does the pendant still work?" I asked taking it off from around my neck, I dipped it in water and said the words but nothing happened after waiting minutes I gave up. "Alright so that was just a one time thing." I mumbled heading back to the wheel. "Men were heading to Denmark!" I shouted pointing straight, "get the sails and take the anchor back in!" I shouted smirking, in the end I had to say on deck as Antonio was the one who was steering since he knew how to read maps while I spent the day thinking about the crown and why it only glows and sticks to me. "Maybe Lukas also knows a way to bring Arthur back." I said thinking. I sighed and looked up at the sunny sky. "Hey Arthur, I wonder if you would now how to fix this." I said softly looking back down. "What am I thinking he isn't even going to respond." I said laughing dryly as is stood up. "(Y/N), their is so much you still have left to learn about yourself, Lukas knows, when you reach him ask him why the crown sticks to you and that's when you'll learn the truth." Said Arthur's voice in my head, my eyes widened. "Arthur?" I asked shocked. "H-How w-where are you?" I asked looking around. "I'm in your head for now love." He said I could hear his chuckle, "H-How is this possible, Am I going insane?" I asked putting my hands to my head, "With the magic I still have in the after life I am able to communicate to you through your head, and you're not going in sane love." He said, how I missed hearing his voice his laughs looking at his smile. "I can't believe this." I said smiling as I put my hand to my heart. "You don't know how much I miss you Arthur." I said closing my eyes, "I know, because I miss seeing you as well love I miss it so much that it hurts," He said, I felt a tear of joy roll down my cheek as I smiled, "Do you still have the ring?" He asked, I opened my eyes slowly and looked at ring, "Of course why would I take it off?" I said touching it gently, "I'm sorry I wasn't able to do it properly I was nervous and scared for your answer." He said, "Why would you be scared your the love of my life of course I would say yes." I said laughing, "I wasted so much time on thinking about rejection." He said, "When you come back, use you're time because it won't last forever." I said, "I want to hold you and kiss your sweet lips till it's just us in the world." He said, my cheeks turned slightly red and I smiled, "Soon I promise I'll do everything in my power to do that." I said determined. "Just wait." I said looking at the waves, "For you love I'll wait an eternity." He said chuckling lightly. I smiled, "I have to go love, take care I'll talk to you again I promise." He said, "I know." I said smiling as I walked to the room, I felt a little tired so I decided to take a nap with the mysterious crown still on my head.

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